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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

you are jealous about our power and living standards i guess? admit it. :D it drives you crazy,

i have very much morality for my own people.
but you can try to start a functional system.

I'm a moron? why use personal insult now? :) because im right.

We rule europe simply because we are the best. we got our empire now. nobods can do what germany can and i'm proud for that.
Oh now you googled the word Moron?
Right , nobody can do what Deustchland can "Seig Heil" :omghaha:"Heil Hitler":cuckoo:
Meh you rule what?Just say you are best and you got an empire now, and see how your EU crumbles around you.
Be proud of it ?since i guess its the upbringing.
Whatever Since you are young, you will see in future Asian nations bully you in future, do what you can! ;)
you are jealous about our power and living standards i guess? admit it. :D it drives you crazy,

i have very much morality for my own people.
That statement does not make any sense....What you meant was "I have a bias towards my own people".....and we all do.....The Indians do too.....so what's the point of complaining about them making the drug in the first place??

Oh now you googled the word Moron?
Right , nobody can do what Deustchland can "Seig Heil" :omghaha:"Heil Hitler":cuckoo:
Meh you rule what?Just say you are best and you got an empire now, and see how your EU crumbles around you.
Be proud of it ?since i guess its the upbringing.
Whatever Since you are young, you will see in future Asian nations bully you in future, do what you can! ;)
Europeans have killed more Europeans than anybody else have!This is the same attitude that first got their neighbors killed at their hands and later they were killed by Americans and Russians!
Oh now you googled the word Moron?
Right , nobody can do what Deustchland can "Seig Heil" :omghaha:"Heil Hitler":cuckoo:
Meh you rule what?Just say you are best and you got an empire now, and see how your EU crumbles around you.
Be proud of it ?since i guess its the upbringing.
Whatever Since you are young, you will see in future Asian nations bully you in future, do what you can! ;)

asian nations have no potential to bully anyone than themself. Some may reach a status similar to ours, like Japan did, but asians in general lack the willpower to rule and power. In technological therms you are 50 years behind us and you will never catch up. Thats a simple fact. Yes i'm young and i see my destiny in shaping the future of mankind. I'm proud for my job and i hope i can do my best for my people, advance, technology and progress
Completely agreed . Plus the number of years a company can keep the patent . Imagine how many million lives would have been lost if Edward Jenner would have patented smallpox cure or many much things after him . Their need to be balance in Profit and cost . You cannot drive the cost so much that people should die or be buried in debt to get by .


Before the introduction of a vaccine, the mortality of the severe form of smallpox—variola major—was very high, up to 35% in some outbreaks.[4] Historical records show a method of inducing immunity was already known. A process called inoculation, also known asinsufflation or "variolation" was practiced in India as early as 1000 BC.[5] This interpretation is disputed, however; other investigators contend the ancient Sanskritmedical texts of India do not describe these techniques.[6]
The words might be in urdu but it was invented here in India! Please know your own country's history!
asian nations have no potential to bully anyone than themself. Some may reach a status similar to ours, like Japan did, but asians in general lack the willpower to rule and power. In technological therms you are 50 years behind us and you will never catch up. Thats a simple fact. Yes i'm young and i see my destiny in shaping the future of mankind. I'm proud for my job and i hope i can do my best for my people, advance, technology and progress
Yeah just like you did bully everyone in europe in World war 1 and 2?:toast_sign: Keep your stupid laughs to yourself..
Yeah we are 50 years behind you if that makes you happy?:yahoo::woot:.
Since you are young I would like to smoke that grass you are smoking :P
That's true and they conduct stage 3 clinical trials in developing countries since no takers for clinical trials in west and europe, but will sell it high priced when the drug is proven effective.
Why is novartis and other companies investing big in India? and clinical research?
Because every is cheap in India, researchers, workforce, facility, even volunteers for clinical trials..

They get sufficient money to cover the cost of everything they did 3 times over if they sold normally, but these drugs are priced 30-40 times over. Now tell me is it profit or outright looting a person afflicted with disease ?

Please your horses go through my post of Drug development cycle.... on page 33. You will get good idea.... You are talking baseless and without substantial knowledge..

BTW your functional healthcare system is a mess, We give free ARV therapy for HIV patients and free and cheap anti-cancer chemotherapy for patients, i do know how many people die because they cannot afford anti-cancer drug therapy.
ARV are distributed extensively free of cost and effect can be seen in recent years...

Putting profit over human right is not medical ethics, the west taught or the Hippocrates oath taught the Medical folk.They only stand for profit and they talk ethics only on some occasion which suits them.

No pharma industry is in top 40 industries of world... But research is expensive business... Hippocrates doesn't told to spend everything with you and find yourself on street.. Its our profession like any other... Don't be biased towards us... Pharmaceuticals saved as many lives that you can not count... Life expectancy increased around the world majorly due to Medicines.. off course other factors are also contributing.. But Pharma has its own importance in betterment of humankind.. Don't treat it as your right.. Treat it with respect... What you would do if any doctor refused to treat you???
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People in olden times discovered medicine without such funding so please dont tell me no new medicine is developed in future.

The development cost has been increased remarkably. The reason is increasing potency with low dose and reduction of toxicity... Clinical trials and quality has set up very high standards...
One example, is the cost of XYZ brand car few decades before and today are same?? Is the quality of car same?? You will get the answer...

Watch that movie and tell me who pays the R&D. As i said before the profit for research and development are already recovered, please understand stage 3 are human clinical trials(where the drugs get FDA and other boards approved) and stage 4 are life long observations of the effects on long run some drugs were banned because of stage 4 studies.
"What is good for you right now,might not be good on long term" So tell me Where and When does the Research and Development of a drug stop? Stage 3 where they sell it at high price?
Or stage 4 where they say OOPSS! we did a mistake in our research we are banning this drug.:rofl:

Development indeed stops after stage three clinical trial... But it the stage where most probable candidate gets rejected... And all stage 1, 2, 3 are human clinical trials...
You are right about stage 4... But very few drugs get banned in that stage... Example, Nimesulide...

Meh how was Penicillin discovered? (ACCIDENTALLY):o: How were Vaccines Developed:o:?If you know the history of medicine, then please comment if not Shhhhh..........:sleep:
Accidental discoveries don't happen often... Now a days a goal of new gen medicine is targeted therapy...
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The people researching it joined it because they liked it, if it was all about Money they shouldn't have joined the medical stream.
The how do we support our needs, needs of our children, our aging parents, education if children.. You know what school fees is near to Rs 100000 per annum.. Every thing is expensive, how do support it.. Have you ever asked education mafia to reduce the fees???
Yeah just like you did bully everyone in europe in World war 1 and 2?:toast_sign: Keep your stupid laughs to yourself..
Yeah we are 50 years behind you if that makes you happy?:yahoo::woot:.
Since you are young I would like to smoke that grass you are smoking :P

Come back at me, when india reached our technological level. You wont reach it with stealing though.

And i dont smoke, im an athlete.
This guy is funny.. what is your mental age.. seems logic and humanity is alpha beta omega for you

You only produce generika, you have no own R&D. You dont push frontiers forward with producing fake meds. Thats alpha, beta, omega.

Beside that, our president is in india at the moment. He meets with women rights activists and opossition. Will be interesting to get a view behind the nationalistic curtain.
i know.. german president is here... welcome ...
let see which stand he takes. does he raise CL-WTO and IPR issue,,
let see german govt stand on CL by indian govt..
whether its theft or legal as per international treaty.
i know.. german president is here... welcome ...
let see which stand he takes. does he raise CL-WTO and IPR issue,,
let see german govt stand on CL by indian govt..
whether its theft or legal as per international treaty.
He critiszed that there is no freedom, that women are treated like animals and that there is a gigantic division between rich and poor. He said to students in a speech to fight the backwarded elements of their society, participate in their future.

You can read the article on the Spiegel magazine
He critiszed that there is no freedom, that women are treated like animals and that there is a gigantic division between rich and poor. He said to students in a speech to fight the backwarded elements of their society, participate in their future.

You can read the article on the Spiegel magazine
words without link is like flying in black hole...
link please

He critiszed that there is no freedom, that women are treated like animals and that there is a gigantic division between rich and poor. He said to students in a speech to fight the backwarded elements of their society, participate in their future.

You can read the article on the Spiegel magazine

we can discuses all the issue my concern is link for CL -WTO....
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