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Destruction of our education system and distortion of ideology of Pakistan and Muslim league

Our liberals needs to get one thing straight yes our forefathers having been living in this area for thousands of years, but thing is for Muslims Islam is only thing which matters. Sahaba were in state of kufr before they converted to Islam but they never bragged about their life in state of kufr. So liberals please stop wasting your time Pakistan is always will be a proud nation of Islam. And those who have issue with are free to leave and live in west.

@Ahmad Sajjad Paracha

Our liberals needs to get one thing straight yes our forefathers having been living in this area for thousands of years, but thing is for Muslims Islam is only thing which matters. Sahaba were in state of kufr before they converted to Islam but they never bragged about their life in state of kufr. So liberals please stop wasting your time Pakistan is always will be a proud nation of Islam. And those who have issue with are free to leave and live in west.

@Ahmad Sajjad Paracha

First of all stop viewing everything with the lense of liberal/conservative thing and be a realist. Sahabas(R.A) did convert to Islam but they were still arabs,continued their lives as a same tribe member and carried out the same profession e.g trading changing religion and entire culture are dufferent things. If you are proud of being muslim or islam that's good but lead an exemplary life as a muslim if you are really proud. Plus there's no way i am gonna go anywhere since it's not me who's denying what was ours.
Pakistan needs an education system that produces human beings. Look at what is going on in the country. Right from lack of social discipline, we have also lost moral values. Corruption, relationship without marriage, drugs, sex is becoming an acceptable behavior.

We were taught some history about Pakistan and Islam too. But to my surprise all those things we were taught are not being taught to our children. As result, they come out of most expensive schools without knowing anything about our values. They know about Spiderman, Batman and Superman more than our ideology and its leader. They know more about Bollywood than our values or Islam.

So its important our children are taught Quran, Pakistan history and social studies in our school system. So that we can produce better human resource in future. We cant be a nation without a syllabus that is uniform and teaches our values and focuses on tarbiyat.
Pakistan needs an education system in which there is access and option/variery of subjects. Students should be encouraged to critically think and work creatively. Apart from that teachers should be given professional training of their feild. Respect should be given to teachers as they are the one who make our nation we have this culture where teachers are not respected much consequently,this respectable profession gets discredited. Nd yeah you are right children should be taught on how to lead their social life in a mannered way
united as Muslims of subcontinent
Boss if it is about Muslims then why are you limiting it to sub-continent? Are you asking us to throw "Dar al Islam" into the garbage bin? Please don't turn Islam and Muslims into a geography limited to sub-continent. Islam is universal and global. Don't castrate a religion like Islam by reducing it to parochial.

Why is our real and true history not taught to us in Pakistan Studies?
Fabulous piece of writing. Well done!
Boss if it is about Muslims then why are you limiting it to sub-continent? Are you asking us to throw "Dar al Islam" into the garbage bin? Please don't turn Islam and Muslims into a geography limited to sub-continent. Islam is universal and global. Don't castrate a religion like Islam by reducing it to parochial.

Fabulous piece of writing. Well done!
I thought we r talking about pakistan and its unity. Where did i talked about muslims of whole world?

Dont try to put ur word in my mouth

Pakistan is the rightful inheritor of IVC which ,which is one of oldest civilsations. All other countries take pride in their history even china once said to america that we are 4000 years old civilisation not a new discovery like but look at denying our beautiful and colourful heritage. When it comes to tribal system, even now we have strong tribal/caste system in our society. Races nd nations had been basically collection of tribes like turks/turkey or U.K. IVC was known for it's agriculture and even now same is the case so there's no major difference. U can keep on denying everything but history will not change.
Kindly tell me historical refernce of israeli citizens whose historical lineage is from all races of the world...

What about USA? Why dont they take pround in red indian hiatory ?

Turks have turkish language. China have chinese. Whats the language of IVC which all areas of Pakistani can relate too?

What a pushtoon or balooch have in common with IVC ?

Only a person interested in dividing us can tell that pakistan is product of IVC as more than half of **** dont have any link with IVC and other half dont acknowledge it coz it ended some 5000 years back
I thought we r talking about pakistan and its unity. Where did i talked about muslims of whole world?

Dont try to put ur word in my mouth

Kindly tell me historical refernce of israeli citizens whose historical lineage is from all races of the world...

What about USA? Why dont they take pround in red indian hiatory ?

Turks have turkish language. China have chinese. Whats the language of IVC which all areas of Pakistani can relate too?

What a pushtoon or balooch have in common with IVC ?

Only a person interested in dividing us can tell that pakistan is product of IVC as more than half of **** dont have any link with IVC and other half dont acknowledge it coz it ended some 5000 years back
Israel is for jews who are descendents of banu israel actually, u may know that jews don't preach their religion since they believe from always that no one outside their religion/banu israel can be pure jew only those who are born jews are pure jews whereas muslims have preached islam since always so this comparison can not be made. If americans are not proud of red indian culture then maybe there's nothing to take pride anyways that's not our matter. Languages are means of communication we have seen some foreign rulers/colonialism apart from that we have been always very diverse so we have different languages and many people speaking different languages in pakistan are from same origin/ethnic group. Today our country has huge english speaking population and is much better than other non-english speakers(developed countries) is it because we are some how connected with british or america by origin? No but because we were colony of britain.
Balochistan was very pertinent part of IVC look for mehgarh site. People of these area would do agriculture,grazing,trading. IVC was hub of trade to persia and chinese areas many of excavations found out that solid proofs of trade with persia. Like today Pakistan has key imporatance and lot of capacity for trade at that time too it did enourmous trade and agriculture. Similarly, gandhara civ.(present kpk) has vast history and was a civ. developed on indus river. (Plus sorry for late reply busy with firm work now a days)
Israel is for jews who are descendents of banu israel actually, u may know that jews don't preach their religion since they believe from always that no one outside their religion/banu israel can be pure jew only those who are born jews are pure jews whereas muslims have preached islam since always so this comparison can not be made.
Thats incorrect as original bani Israel were Arabs and they never went to Europe whereas majority of Israeli jews are European Jews who has nothing to do with Bani Israel also known as Ashkenazi Jews.

If americans are not proud of red indian culture then maybe there's nothing to take pride anyways that's not our matter.
Why not it prove that its not necessary to take proud in past.

Languages are means of communication we have seen some foreign rulers/colonialism apart from that we have been always very diverse so we have different languages and many people speaking different languages in pakistan are from same origin/ethnic group. Today our country has huge english speaking population and is much better than other non-english speakers(developed countries) is it because we are some how connected with british or america by origin? No but because we were colony of britain.
Languages are not just way of communication but part of culture. Different language means different history different culture. This is accepted fact which proves that punjab and sindh were different regions. If u try to use pre islamic history to unite Pakistan it means its needs to be divided in more countries.

Balochistan was very pertinent part of IVC look for mehgarh site. People of these area would do agriculture,grazing,trading. IVC was hub of trade to persia and chinese areas many of excavations found out that solid proofs of trade with persia. Like today Pakistan has key imporatance and lot of capacity for trade at that time too it did enourmous trade and agriculture.
Does trading with Persia can unite us as a nation? seems irrelevant here.

Similarly, gandhara civ.(present kpk) has vast history and was a civ. developed on indus river.
Different civilization, different culture different language. Based on history and culture KPK also needs to be separated from rest of Pakistan.
First of all stop viewing everything with the lense of liberal/conservative thing and be a realist. Sahabas(R.A) did convert to Islam but they were still arabs,continued their lives as a same tribe member and carried out the same profession e.g trading changing religion and entire culture are dufferent things. If you are proud of being muslim or islam that's good but lead an exemplary life as a muslim if you are really proud. Plus there's no way i am gonna go anywhere since it's not me who's denying what was ours.

Pre-Islamic Arabs were in a state of Jahaliya, in all its forms, from worshipping idols, to burying alive girls (Hazrat Umar R.A. did that once too before Islam) and more...

You fail to remember, more likely not told about this, that the backwater Arabs pre-Islam were just that...backwater Arabs in a part of Arabia no one really cared about.

After Islam, conquests started, trade flourished and every civilization Islam touched was given a new life.

Thats incorrect as original bani Israel were Arabs and they never went to Europe whereas majority of Israeli jews are European Jews who has nothing to do with Bani Israel also known as Ashkenazi Jews.

You're right in all except for calling the original Bani Israel Arabs.....both Arabs and Bani Israel are semitic people, cousins really from the two sons of Ibrahim A.S.

Jews residing in Israel today are mostly Ashkenazi Jews, brought in from Europe, North America and other parts of the world.

Israel is for jews who are descendents of banu israel actually

What about the Palestinians?? You seem to forget the millions of Arabs (Muslims & Christians) who have been living in the Levant area from the last 2,000 years, if not more.

Watch this for a brief history of Israel (explanation of all the characters in the comments):

Pakistan is the rightful inheritor of IVC which ,which is one of oldest civilsations. All other countries take pride in their history even china once said to america that we are 4000 years old civilisation not a new discovery like but look at denying our beautiful and colourful heritage. When it comes to tribal system, even now we have strong tribal/caste system in our society. Races nd nations had been basically collection of tribes like turks/turkey or U.K. IVC was known for it's agriculture and even now same is the case so there's no major difference. U can keep on denying everything but history will not change.

Yea, we're the inheritors of the IVC but nothing beyond that.

China of today is very different from China of 100 years ago. It has undergone Communism, then Socialism and now has moved beyond that.

Under Mao, they destroyed much of the "4 Olds".....Old Customs, Culture, Habits & Ideas during the Cultural Revolution in 1966. That pretty much destroyed the "4,000 year old or however old you want to call it civilization". Millions of Muslims also died, suffered or were relocated during all of this....ever since the Qing Empire of 16th Century. The Muslim population had been there ever since Islam first came out of Arabia, during the Umayyad and Abbasid rule. Up till the Qing, everything for Muslims and Chinese in China was relatively good, way better than the Chinese Century of Humiliation, 1840-1940 and then Communism, Socialism and what we have today...

These two videos will explain stuff in better detail also:

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Thats incorrect as original bani Israel were Arabs and they never went to Europe whereas majority of Israeli jews are European Jews who has nothing to do with Bani Israel also known as Ashkenazi Jews.

Why not it prove that its not necessary to take proud in past.

Languages are not just way of communication but part of culture. Different language means different history different culture. This is accepted fact which proves that punjab and sindh were different regions. If u try to use pre islamic history to unite Pakistan it means its needs to be divided in more countries.

Does trading with Persia can unite us as a nation? seems irrelevant here.

Different civilization, different culture different language. Based on history and culture KPK also needs to be separated from rest of Pakistan.
Languaues are part of culture but speaking different languages doesn't mean entire group of people are different and have nothing in common we can not divide people on the basis of language. We are a linguistically diverse nation. Sindh and punjab, both of the provinces have common language seraiki. Baloch people speak different languages but are same otherwise. Kpk has so many languages even people of same tribe speak different languages in some areas. Shall it be divided too on that basis ? We all are people of indus related with indus and cultures emerged on indus land. All these different languages are layers of our nation called Pakistan. Gandhara also emerged on the same areas/river and practices subsequent to IVC and was former part of IVC. Nd trade with persia tells the importance of balochistan in IVC. I don't deny that we have undergone changes and different times but history of these lands shouldn't change and you are at liberty of either being proud of ur past or not no one can force you.
Languaues are part of culture but speaking different languages doesn't mean entire group of people are different and have nothing in common we can not divide people on the basis of language. We are a linguistically diverse nation. Sindh and punjab, both of the provinces have common language seraiki. Baloch people speak different languages but are same otherwise. Kpk has so many languages even people of same tribe speak different languages in some areas. Shall it be divided too on that basis ? We all are people of indus related with indus and cultures emerged on indus land. All these different languages are layers of our nation called Pakistan. Gandhara also emerged on the same areas/river and practices subsequent to IVC and was former part of IVC. Nd trade with persia tells the importance of balochistan in IVC. I don't deny that we have undergone changes and different times but history of these lands shouldn't change and you are at liberty of either being proud of ur past or not no one can force you.
Pardon sir no one is changing the history here on the contrary you are trying to link us to a history that destroyed several thousands year ago which none of us can relate to.

Nations are build on common grounds and not on the uncommon grounds. If language and culture are not common in Pakistani then it cant be a binding force for us. For us the only binding force is to which 97% of Pakistani can relate to and this is Islam nothing else is so common between us.

By the way no matter what I think or you think... its the general population. Take a survey anytime and majority of people will place islam first before anything else even the national identity in such a case only stupid will suggest to not to use islam as a national common factor and reason of us being united as a nation
Pardon sir no one is changing the history here on the contrary you are trying to link us to a history that destroyed several thousands year ago which none of us can relate to.

Nations are build on common grounds and not on the uncommon grounds. If language and culture are not common in Pakistani then it cant be a binding force for us. For us the only binding force is to which 97% of Pakistani can relate to and this is Islam nothing else is so common between us.

By the way no matter what I think or you think... its the general population. Take a survey anytime and majority of people will place islam first before anything else even the national identity in such a case only stupid will suggest to not to use islam as a national common factor and reason of us being united as a nation
I think we can agree to disagree !!!
Lol oh no again with this bullshit :lol:

Pakistan is an Islamic state, not an ethnic one. Please, in absence of Islam...we will disintegrate. Nobody gives a f*ck about "mUh InDus VaLlEy cIviLizAtion"

Pashtuns of Pakistan stay with Pakistan rather than rejoining Afghans because of their Islamic brotherhood with rest of the country, NOT because of some esoteric non-existent "indus VaLlEy cIviLizAtion" crap

IVC is part of our ancient history and we are proud of that. But Islam is FAR more relevant and important for us as a people and as a state than some IVC mental orgasm..
Zia was the worst thing to happen to Pakistan. Much of our sectarian, ethnic strife is because of him.

ONLY ZIA????????




ONLY ZIA????????





No. I take back my words.

Zia was the second worst thing after Bhutto.

That bastard gave away half our country to get into power. Nationalized our companies and filled them with his cronies. Put his political appointees in all civil service essentially destroying them. And killed so many politicians and young leaders. Made up false tribunals and used police to torture his opponents.

May Bhutto rot in hell. He was a true fascist. Zia was foolish and a Mullah but he wasn't pure evil like Bhutto.

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