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Destroy Pakistan

No the name was derived by Chaudhry Rahmat Ali in 1934, even before partition. This is his defination, you can search for him on the internet to find out more.
Karachi is a city in the Sindh province of Pakistan.

P = Punjab (West)
A = Afghan province (NWFP)
K = Kashmir
I = Indus
S = Sindh
-TAN = BalochisTAN

Where are Bengalis in this definition by Chaudhry Rahmat Ali in 1934? Don't tell me you had decided even before partition to not treat muslim bengal as part of pakistan.
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Why get so upset about it. Hamid Zaid talks of breaking India almost every day on TV;

aEbopRmK1AA[/media] - Zaid Hamid Partition of India in near future Indians should worry about their future

I have heard him talking so many times coming with Pak army to Panipat.. We are never upset. In one of his show he says that Most Indians look like " wolf ( Bhediye)". Does it really mean much.. Cheer up guys..


On this video at the end he says that "only way India and Pakistan can stop being enemies by the whole India should be united with the Pakistan and become one big nation of Pakistan." :rofl::crazy:

This man with his strategies must be out of his mind with his ranting and raving comments. And his favorite line after listening to him several times is, if India does so an so, we will destroy it and Israel also. And says it with such assurance that it can be done so easily. He is afterall a great entertaiment.:crazy:
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If the Afghans and Pakistanis would not harbor the foreign Jihadis, the US would also be content to let all the local Jihadis groups fight amongst themselves and destroy their societies. It is true, I think, that no Pakistani or Afghan nationals have attacked the US. However, the misguided culture of hospitality to the Jihadis that do attack the US is what has brought all this unwanted US attention to the region. If Pakistan society would decide NOT to harbor international jihadis, then the US would leave you alone, drones and all!

I dont know how those Arabs who hijacked planes on 9/11 could've made their way to U.S from poor mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan?

And how can hundreds of passengers in planes be scared of box cutters? How can people carrying knives board a plane?

I'm going to side with Michael Moore on this one.

All of the hijackers on 9/11 were from oil rich Arab lands, but Bush wouldn't dare attack a wealthy Arab nation, instead he decides to attack a poverty stricken 3rd world country and dont get me started on Iraq, the world is still trying to figure out where the weapons of mass destruction are.

I do hope Obama is smarter than Bush.

The world is a much more dangerous place now after America's invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq than before 9/11.
On this video at the end he says that "only way India and Pakistan can stop being enemies by the whole India should be united with the Pakistan and become one big nation of Pakistan." :rofl::crazy:

This man with his strategies must be out of his mind with his ranting and raving comments. And his favorite line after listening to him several times is, if India does so an so, we will destroy it and Israel also. And says it with such assurance that it can be done so easily. He is afterall a great entertaiment.:crazy:

Yea he is making fun of India's theory of Akhand Bharat, but believe me no Pakistani wants Hindustan.
I dont know how those Arabs who hijacked planes on 9/11 could've made their way to U.S from poor mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan?

The same way you apparently made it from there to the US. Or are you just a wannabee Pakistani? I've heard that there are airports in Pakistan, but I'm not sure. You seem to be saying that Pakistan and Afghanistan are pretty backward. Maybe they drove a tractor or road a donkey to India and flew out.
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P = Punjab (West)
A = areas near Afghan border
K = Kashmir
I = Indus
S = Sindh
-TAN = BalochisTAN

Where are Bengalis in this definition by Chaudhry Rahmat Ali in 1934? Don't tell me you had decided even before partition to not treat muslim bengal as part of pakistan.

I dont know, I didnt come up with the name of Pakistan..Chaudhry Rahmat Ali did to describe the name of Muslim dominated regions of North West BRITISH India, Bangladesh was no where near North west British empire, you can google "Chaudhry Rahmat Ali" to find out more about him.

Him along with Allama Iqbal came up with the idea of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah made their dream a reality, well almost since not all parts of Kashmir is with Pakistan.
On this video at the end he says that "only way India and Pakistan can stop being enemies by the whole India should be united with the Pakistan and become one big nation of Pakistan." :rofl::crazy:

Zaid Hamid is an extremist. He shows a map haing 4-5 divisions of india and talk about indias internal problem and talk about india might divide...

Anyone can imagine his credibiluty of calling KASAB as Amar Singh! ...:yahoo:
The same way you apparently made it from there to the US. Or are you just a wannabee Pakistani?

I didnt come from mountainous regions bordering Afghanistan and Arabs are not native to those areas either. Why would any rich Arab want to live on those poor areas when they have billions of dollars from their oil rich Arab lands?

Your anti-muslim statements shouldn't be tolerated especially here.
This map was made by an American strategist and doesn't mean it will be implemented. It is not even implementable imho.

Secondly you stay in the US and keep talking about their evil plans. In India we call this 'Jis thali mein khate ho ussime mein ched karna' translated as making a hole in the plate you eat from.

I'm a Pakistani and will always be a Pakistani no matter where I live in the world.

Secondly this is an evil plan and even some Caucasian Americans I've talked to hate some of America's policies, many of my Caucasian American friends called the invasion of Iraq by U.S. an evil plan so please dont give me a lecture.
I'm a Pakistani and will always be a Pakistani no matter where I live in the world.

Secondly this is an evil plan and even some Caucasian Americans I've talked to hate some of America's policies, many of my Caucasian American friends called the invasion of Iraq by U.S. an evil plan so please dont give me a lecture.

What I am trying to say is that just because someone makes an 'evil' plan doesn't mean it will be implemented. Nobody needs to get worked up about idiotic statements and maps. Do you see Indians get worked up about Hamid Zaid's 'evil' plans. We laugh at it, similarly you should laugh at this map. In words of the legendary Heath Ledger "Why so serious?" :D
Who said anything about India?

You need to know how the name PAKISTAN was derived:

P = Punjab (West)
A = areas near Afghan border
K = Kashmir
I = Indus
S = Sindh
-TAN = BalochisTAN

The people belonding to these areas are almost all Muslims, which was part of North West BRITISH India and the ethnic groups of people living in these areas are Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis, and Baloch....we are Pakistanis.:pakistan:

Now I got the real reason why bangladesh seperated from pakistan..Thase poor people havent had any representation in name itself..it is too bad :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Now I got the real reason why bangladesh seperated from pakistan..Thase poor people havent had any representation in name itself..it is too bad :bounce::bounce::bounce:

do u know I= india, now indians should feel it emotional and join pakistan. anyways, if he is talking some thing, which doesnt even relate india, the land which doesnt include india, why u being so hyper!!, does this idea upset u??

if indian feel pleasure talking abt dividing pakistan, supporting BLA by saying a freedom fighter, why cant pakistan feel pleasure by talking abt dividing india, and by the way, history itself proves the foundation of india, i-e divided princely states!!, it was no sooner then muslims, when indians got the real taste of unity, didnt they, which they kept undivided for nearly a millennium
do u know I= india, now indians should feel it emotional and join pakistan. anyways, if he is talking some thing, which doesnt even relate india, the land which doesnt include india, why u being so hyper!!, does this idea upset u??

if indian feel pleasure talking abt dividing pakistan, supporting BLA by saying a freedom fighter, why cant pakistan feel pleasure by talking abt dividing india, and by the way, history itself proves the foundation of india, i-e divided princely states!!, it was no sooner then muslims, when indians got the real taste of unity, didnt they, which they kept undivided for nearly a millennium

The point being? Whoever ruled the fact is India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are one of the poorest countries in the world, with low literacy and poor healthcare. I feel the countries should think of developing their own countries instead of needlessly worrying what their neighbour is upto.

Frankly if your country can provide free and top class education & healthcare and 24X7 electricity & water to 100% of its population, no body would be even thinking of independence. This goes for both India and Pakistan.
The point being? Whoever ruled the fact is India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are one of the poorest countries in the world, with low literacy and poor healthcare. I feel the countries should think of developing their own countries instead of needlessly worrying what their neighbour is upto.

Frankly if your country can provide free and top class education & healthcare and 24X7 electricity & water to 100% of its population, no body would be even thinking of independence. This goes for both India and Pakistan.

ohh hoho , LOL, whats more funny then this, an indian talkin in this way :rofl::rofl::D, first of all the biggest problem india faces is sanitation problem, let alone clean water, second being food, u have no idea whts being like living in poverty and in hunger, learn some thing from ur countrymen and stop following blind nationalism and patriotism, third, it was all pun intended.
This is too much guys...think of India, we have so many religions, languages total different culture with in. We have seperate states, countries movement going on too. I dont think country never thought of dividing.
Now u guys are simply making hype of dividing pakistan where most of them are muslims and have common language. Ppl are united..

compare yourself with India regarding unity and fights between states...this is total nonsense folks. I dont agree ...all these reports of pakistan will colapse or divides into 5 diff states...all that nonsense...if u think so it means ur not united. it shows how weak ur :pakistan:

You need to be saluted for your knowledge. Do the following words ring some bells:-
4.Dravidian states etc etc

and BTW read your school books again. It is india which is a secular country not Pakistan.It is you who tries to be a champion of secularism and staying united but forgetting whats happening within.
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