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Destroy Pakistan: The manual courtesy all of India

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Kya Destroy Pak and counter arguments bullshit. Is everyone so free.
Every one must know one thing that this is a private website and the owner gets paid by the number of visits the site gets.
I agree with the views of author. Tied down pakistan is good for India. Pakistan should be enough busy with its own issue.
Whoever says Taliban are our real enemy are crazy.

Pakistan's only real enemy is India (Hindustan Bharat....whatever you want to call it) that neighboring country of ours with over 1 billion people, more than 800 million Hindus are our real enemy.

You are no different from the author of this article!!....Pakistan is suffering cause of people like you...nobody hates Pakistan and Pakistanis ...the world hate people like you ..unfortunately people like you happen to live in large numbers in Pakistan.
If we can't stand each other,lets not at least kill each other.

the price of basmati in the domestic market is high and that is wgy the incentive for the traders to export is taken away in india. In this scenario, whether it be pakistan or bangladesh, their rice will be exported for higher realization in exports. While it is nice that pakistani rice is getting there on more plates abroad but in the long term, domestic demand is good. Ask anyone including china.

So in short neither pakistani rice or snything else that is declared commodity is demolishing anything in India.
Whatever made that Prof write the article, it does not make sense to destroy Pakistan but it does make sense to compete with Pakistan economically to ensure it does not have a large defence budget available to attain parity with India. That will lead to India over spending and the cycle goes on. Strategically thinking, competing economically is not a sin and I agree to that part of the argument. However, anything beyond healthy competition is a a no no. A stable Pakistan is ofcourse in the interest of India.
The article has been rubbished in this thread by PDF members but i would like to say that the article is not so far from reality and yet people find to digest .... all countries do plan in a certain way towards its enimies ...
I'm seeing more and more Indians itching to take it out on the common Pakistani. The moral fibre of their society seems to be eroding with each such article.
It is not proper to really the moral fabric of the society to call in question. The average indian response is only due to the pakistani dishonesty as percieved in pusruing the 26/11 terrorists. OBL raid and the the other evidence of pakistani state and army support to terrorists have not helped. in the light of above, average indian just wants pakistan to cease to exist as a problem. It is quite natural to expect that. Further the average middle class person now dismisses pakistan with nonchalance as a failed state who does not know whuch country to ask aid from now so that also plays in to the slight arrogance that seems to emanate from the writeup. So in short it is pakistani dishonesty and hence indian distrust of it of years + increased confidence and nonchalance that summarizes the situation.
Whoever says Taliban are our real enemy are crazy.

Pakistan's only real enemy is India (Hindustan Bharat....whatever you want to call it) that neighboring country of ours with over 1 billion people, more than 800 million Hindus are our real enemy.

Brother I am also a Pakistani who believes that apart from a minority in Indians a major part of their population have grudges/ bad feedlings against Pakistan. Same applies for us Pakistani's as well. Regarding your comment wants to give an advice to all the Pakistani's when discussing something please give comments by always taking control of yourself by being rational, cool minded and where required open to accept good advices + courage to accept our mistakes/ shortcomings.
This forum is being visited by numerous persons of varied nationalities & if we as a national of pakistan start shooting such type of comments than what message are you conveying to the world which is already biased, against Islamic teachings (which are not what Taliban's profess/ depicts) & Pakistan/ Pakistani's as a whole.
Person which looses his control looses everything. We are muslims, Islam does not teach us to be JAZBATI, ILL-TEMPERED, LOOSE CANON. The article writer has only shown a tip of the Ice-berg brother which shows the true face of Indian phiosphy which is & has been there for many a decades & instead of loosing our controls we should diagnose our weaknesses, take measures to curb those risks & take actions to counter our enemies activities but for that we must have a cool mind & NO JAZBATIAT. We should not be ever-ever boastful (NO BARKAY MARNA), just do what is required from your side. See what our enemies are doing.


That guy is indian version of 'crap rupee news writers', can't expect much from him.
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