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Despite the WWII past, can China and Japan be real friends?

All is fair/legal in geo politics bro.
Only the weak cry foul(just because they dont have the capabilities). :police:
VIVE LA FRANCE. :cheers::bunny:

Well, i think Japan will do that by the end of this century or the next one if you are lucky enough. lol. So your dream might come true in 2100 or more. :enjoy:
But as far as it happens, its a good sign. Afterall i also think in the coming centuries Asia will get their acts together like Europe did. But not this century, that im sure about. :D
In that time, will there be a country called Japan? I doubt it.
It's impossible because china does not let go and the CCP is still in power someday but not today
In that time, will there be a country called Japan? I doubt it.

You are right, maybe even China wont exist as we know it now as well. We never can predict the future can we?.:D

Ami, look at his username "rectum juice" perhaps that honorable member had too much ? Definitely a troll with poor taste.....LOL

*drum roll + cymbal*

Ahahahahah ......i just noticed that now as well.:rofl:

Lol,if we follow your logic,we should have wiped out Germany,because the history between us and them wasnt great. :D
Lool dont mind such comments. You know Chinese hate Japan to the core quite alot. so some of them might make some crazy comment/empty rhetoric like that, but their leaders are generally quite pragmatic/realistic in general.
Lol,if we follow your logic,we should have wiped out Germany,because the history between us and them wasnt great. :D
My friend, Germany didn't insult you. Japan continue to insult us. Major difference!

It's impossible because china does not let go and the CCP is still in power someday but not today
My friend, how can we let go if they kept constantly reminding us by visiting Yasukuni Shrine and introduce their new toys with label of 731? It is not us that try not to forget, but it is them that want to remind us. Understand?
My friend, Germany didn't insult you. Japan continue to insult us. Major difference!

My friend, how can we let go if they kept constantly reminding us by visiting Yasukuni Shrine and introduce their new toys with label of 731? It is not us that try not to forget, but it is them that want to remind us. Understand?

Well said!

Yep, shame on these people
I am surprised the guy who is "French" or other "Europeans" do not know Germany has done the right things possible since their surrender




Germans do not twist nor camouflage their history on their barbaric war crimes
Germans compensate the afflicted, the victims and the aggrieved
Germans do not allow the revival of "Nazis" in their country
Germans seriously felt remorseful about their atrocities, They respect victims caused by their crime to humanity

1970 - On his knees in Warsaw: chancellor Willy Brandt in Poland | OnlineFootage

German Chancellor Angela Merkel at WWII memorial


7 Dec 1970, a cold and wet day in Warsaw. German Chancellor Willy Brandt lays down a wreath at the memorial of the Jewish ghetto. He adjusts the wreath, steps back, and falls to his knees in front of the memorial. He remains completely still for half a minute on the wet stone floor.

The amazing thing is that Willy Brandt was part of the resistance against Hitler. Hermann Schreiber, a reporter who witnessed this event, wrote a week later in the magazine Spiegel:

If this man, who wasn’t responsible for the crime, who wasn’t there in those years, now decides to walk through the former Warsaw ghetto and to kneel down – then it’s clear he doesn’t kneel there for his own sake. Then he kneels, the one who doesn’t need to, for all those who do need to but don’t kneel there – because they dare not or cannot or cannot dare. So he confesses a guilt that he doesn’t have to carry, and he asks for a forgiveness that he himself doesn’t need. Then he kneels there for Germany.

Willy Brandt himself wrote in his memoirs: “At the abyss of German history and the weight of millions of murder victims, I did what humans do when words fail them”.

This gesture was highly controversial in Germany at the time, with 48% of West Germans disapproving and 41% approving. People debated whether a head of state has the right to kneel (as with Obama bowing to the Saudi king). The opposition claimed Brandt was selling out Germany, especially since he signed away a lot of German territories in the east during the same visit.

Today, most people agree that it was a great gesture that only Willy Brandt could have pulled off with any amount of authenticity. It showed the world that Germany was no longer as they thought.

Willy Brandt was in the news again a lot recently because of the 100th anniversary of his birthday. Also, he figured prominently in Navid Kermani’s amazing speech on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the German constitution – Navid Kermani said that
it was Brandt’s gesture which gave modern Germany its dignity.

German reparations for World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Strafgesetzbuch section 86a - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World On Arirang -
Germany's attitude toward past compared to that of Japan's

Who is the Man who are the insidious cowards?
All Men with wisdom in the world know it very well
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7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan - Sentinel & Enterprise

7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan
By Foster Klug Associated Press
UPDATED: 08/12/2015 06:58:03 AM EDT0 COMMENTS

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Both nations brutalized continents. Both slaughtered and abused tens of millions of people. But while Germany is held up as a paragon of post-World War II reconciliation, Japan is mired in animosity with its neighbors seven decades later.

In many ways, the stunning economic and political resurrections of both countries since the war ended 70 years ago Sunday have been a windfall for their respective regions. Both have largely been generous in aid, both, for the most part, sterling examples of liberal democracies.

But talk to Europeans and Northeast Asians about Germany and Japan and you'll often find stark differences in perception.


This photo from Wednesday, July 15, 2015 shows a memorial to late German Chancellor Willy Bradt in the heart of the former Warsaw ghetto in Warsaw, Poland. The memorial recalls his spontaneous gesture of falling to his knees in 1970 in the former ghetto in remorse at German crimes during World War II. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

Some of this is linked to the Soviet threat during the Cold War, which forced Europe to work closely with powerful West Germany. No such unifying force emerged in ultracompetitive Northeast Asia.

A kneeling West German chancellor is a European icon of reconciliation, but China and the two Koreas see Japan as having continually gotten a free pass.

Protected by U.S. forces interested in establishing a regional military bulkhead, Japan's Emperor Hirohito, the public face of the troops who ravaged Asia, was never held accountable. Nor were many suspected war criminals, including the grandfather of current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. There's also criticism that frequent whitewashing of history by senior Japanese leaders, including Abe, nullifies Tokyo's repeated attempts to display remorse.

Read more: 7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan - Sentinel & Enterprise
We had tried to forget the past invasion for a long time.
But Japs seemed to dislike that.
They frequently remind us that they never forget the past glory.
So, what can you do if you face this situation?
War Memorials are important to all and if your going to argue war criminals on the shire then you should look at yourselves because mao is criminal too
Your logic is confusion.
Do you mean that Japan can escape from the criminal blame because of MAO's fault?
By the way,I am a Chinese,so you'd better don't quote something shit like "Mao killed 30 million people" which you heard from those western bitches to mislead the topic of conversation.
See this your people problem get over yourselves you talk so highly of yourselves and belittle other people and yet your your own worst enemy ready to pin other people for their crimes why swiping your as if they never happen typical chinese arrogance you people never learn anything from that experience you're just one step away from doing the same thing or worse god forbid.
See this your people problem get over yourselves you talk so highly of yourselves and belittle other people and yet your your own worst enemy ready to pin other people for their crimes why swiping your as if they never happen typical chinese arrogance you people never learn anything from that experience you're just one step away from doing the same thing or worse god forbid.

you think exactly like an illiterate

Mao's problem as much as there gotten demonised by all of you kind, was due to the loss of an overwhelming millions of our folks due to the famine caused by poor crop-yields and natural disasters

Think about how many kids, and just kids under 5 have died last year in india due to mal-nourishment in a modern era when India has "surplus" in food supply. How many years have passed since India's independence? Then do the math if you can on the total number of "kids under the age of 5" who have died under the Indian regime since independence

Second, do you know what is Unit 731? And comfort women, Nanjing Massacre, forced slavery, the most gruesome competition for manslaughtering between 2 japanese army officers, use of chemical and bacterial weapons, massive bombing and destructions of everything all across China, compulsory exchange of local money for imperial currencies in billions which became valueless upon imperial japanese's surrender ...

Just go away hater!
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War Memorials are important to all and if your going to argue war criminals on the shire then you should look at yourselves because mao is criminal too
You're stupid. Stop talking.

If you have no respect to your ancestor, then that is your issue. Don't come in here telling us to forget the suffering of our ancestor meanwhile the perpetrator continue to insult us. As a matter of fact, this is part of the Confucian states that deeply ingrained in ancestry like us and Koreas. Both of us didn't forget the suffering of our ancestor no matter what, unlike you Filipino who the Japanese rape and today you lick their boot while the guy who called the shot to murder and rape Filipino was being worship as a deity in the shrink. LOL
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