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Despite Coronavirus scare Hindu temples remain open

Offical lock down came later and in whole of Bharat even after lock down people are still roaming.
Delhi govt have applied 144 around 7Mar. These dolts not only ignored that, they overruled 23Mar warning of local police station and went ahead. Sad, but now whole dolt class are in learning what it hard way.
Delhi govt have applied 144 around 7Mar. These dolts not only ignored that, they overruled 23Mar warning of local police station and went ahead. Sad, but now whole dolt class are in learning what it hard way.
TJ gathering happened on 13 Mar not on 23 and if Govt failed to implement 144,that's Govt fault also.You just can't announce 144 and public follows,it has to be implemented.Bhatai Media is doing propaganda as TJ produced virus and later distributed it.
That's unfair, and they blame Muslims?
actually they need someone to blame for their failures this time logically (although logic has nothing to do with ignorant indians) they cant blame Pakistan or China hence the blaming on poor indian religious oppressed minorities.
All temples closed on March 19 th

Temples will not be closed in any case. But the public will not be allowed and there is at most 50 people including the minister and staff that too for one day, in a place under lockdown. Not much to worry about.

Which one of you is telling a lie?
Which one of you is telling a lie?
Neither. Temples are not open for devotees, but the priest will open temples daily for the offering. So, there is no question of locking down temples as the title suggests, but if they are open to devotees.
TJ gathering happened on 13 Mar not on 23 and if Govt failed to implement 144,that's Govt fault also.You just can't announce 144 and public follows,it has to be implemented.Bhatai Media is doing propaganda as TJ produced virus and later distributed it.
There is difference b/w danda and public duties.. Since people have not followed their citizenship duties and created mess, now danda will follow them. It was overlooking from govt that they have allowed, but jamat supreme leader instigated public to come and join the meeting and created this mess..

Where is citizenship duties!!!
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