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Designing and a modern assault rifle how would you do it?


Apr 23, 2009
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Simple; you are to design and build a modern assault rifle, how would you do it in terms of design, employees, materials etc.
This is a hypothetical situation.
Ah how 'bout a biometric arc gun (like the one from District 9), operable only if you are mutated by alien DNA!


Well, I would only say for my part .......... as an example of an indigenous small arms manufacture ........like the one in Darra Adam Khel.........

........From their ^ experience it is obvious specialized expert training is no that essential. The basics need to be rehearsed. You would need:

1) A basic blue print / prototype:

can start out with an existing model and then improving upon it as the years go by. A basic design that is practical and workable. Currently, this would be the HK416.

2) Hands/Technicians that know the model like the back of their hand. So that they can work with any part of the specific model. Only experience can help here.

3) Basic machine tool workshop that can suite the needs accordingly.


But if you just wanna do it as a personal solo project, just learn an advance model such as the HK416, learn from it and improve upon it.

PS: The current levels of Assault Rifles are so advanced that it is impossible to better them without a state of the art Machine Tool Lab or Expensive Materials! So its like a dead cause as an individual project.
What qualities would I like in an assault rifle?

1. Sturdy and simple to maintain and cheap to manufacture.

2. Enough killing power and muzzle velocity to penetrate modern body armor at close range.

3. Sufficient rate of fire. ( at least 700 rpm)

4. Light weight with little recoil kick.

5. Accurate to at least 500 meters.

6. Usability in Pakistani conditions. i.e. able to operate in freezing temperatures, muddy and humid conditions of Punjab during monsoon as well as hot and dry Thar Desert for long periods without jamming.

7. Should be suitable for urban conditions as well. Basically one should be able to just point and shoot without spending time in taking the aim; thus should be compact and have a short barrel length.

Only assault rifle that comes close fulfilling all of the above is good old AK-47. I worked in US during 1970-1971 and all the colleagues who had returned after service in the Vietnam loved the accuracy and killing power of M-14. I would therefore start with basic AK-47 and try to figure out a way to reduce the weight at the same time give the weapon M-14 accuracy and fire power.

IMO Israeli Galil comes closest to what IMO should an ideal infantry assault weapon as basically the same rifle can fitted with different barrel lengths for use in different environments therefore making it inexpensive to produce in different variants in large numbers.
is there any modern assault rifle which is not gas operated and without bolt action?
Most next gen assault rifles are still chambered in the 5.56x45Nato, is this the way to go? I mean people have been complaining about the lack of stopping power especially when shoot at long range, but studies actually show that the engagement distance will be even shorter in the future than it is now.

The dynamics of a future battlefield require even faster target acquisition and engagement than today.

Next gen bulletproof vests easily defeat today's common calibers, what would the solution be?

regarding the rifle design, why is it that the "newest" designs are split between traditional rifle layout and bullpop, like the SCAR, HK416, XM8 etc. vs. Tavor, SAR21, QBZ95 etc. Well obviously it's easier and cheaper to base a new rifle on an already well known design like the HK416 but still ...
In future we will see fast moving engagements ie.mobile warfare, one moment you will be over plains or open terrain where u need long barrel for range and as the battle progresses in no time you will find your self in builtup areas where u need shorter barrel to facilitate CQB. So in my opimion what u need is a compact gun preferably in bullpup with the ability to change barrel's fast. It need's to have picatinny rails on all 4 surfaces to enable the use of multiple accessories. It should preferably designed along with an underbarrel grenade launcher so we can have perfect balance.
Thank you.
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