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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

One THAAD battery consist of 72 interceptors able to launched at any given point. If China really wanted to saturate a force of this size, they easily could.They have the delivery systems and they have the warheads to do it. I really don't see the problem here.

You honor me, Dr. Anna. I am but an average man trying to find one's place in this world. I hope that we all will be graced with your continued presence and intellectual contributions here.

I've made it past the initial trepidation, so I think I'll continue with posting and not simply spying on Mr "Sven":wave:. But if you'd allow me to continue conversing with you, and others will give me the time and civility, not that I expect that to continue:(, I will make the effort.

and with that Mr. Kenji, I say to thee "good night".

One THAAD battery consist of 72 interceptors able to launched at any given point. If China really wanted to saturate a force of this size, they easily could.They have the delivery systems and they have the warheads to do it. I really don't see the problem here.

THAAD is a capable system, but does have limitations, yes. With the amount of delivery systems China has, and the limited US presence in South Korea, and limited South Korean military, your assessment is sound. Perhaps this isn't about THAAD? Maybe it's about regional leverage and decoupling South Korea from the United States?
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Please explain. THAAD is defensive only as a weapon, but can tip the strategic balance in favor of the defender.
THAAD is an offensive weapon in the same way as Tanks. Tanks heavy armor provides protection and allows it to take firepower and destruction to the enemy.

If 2 countries have equal number of nuclear weapons each. One has THAAD and one does not.
Will the country with THAAD not feel more confidant launching a nuclear strike? Will THAAD not give them a false sense of security?
A simple little thing like THAAD does not pose a single threat to China's superior capabilities.
Let the diminutive country Korea and their master together with their cheerleaders have their THAAD.
Of course nuclear threat is very serious, especially for a nation like SK which has concentrated on building stuff rather than destructive weapons.
I think both of my already mentioned solutions are fair and do not compromise SK's security.
1. China gives some sort of guarantee to SK about protection against NK nukes.
2. SK gives some sort of assurance to China that THAAD will only be controlled by SK military and Americans will not be allowed near it. They can also allow Chinese observors to work at THAAD sites for extra assurance. It will be a good gesture that SK does not mean to threaten China's security.
Now does it compromise SK's security if it's SK forces that control THAAD and not Americans? Of course not.

Both of the mentioned solultions will provide a win-win situation to both SK and China.

It's simply not workable.
SK can't give the decisive role to China, who help NK to beat them during Korean war. But logically to American who saved them from NK and CN.
THAAD is an offensive weapon in the same way as Tanks. Tanks heavy armor provides protection and allows it to take firepower and destruction to the enemy.

If 2 countries have equal number of nuclear weapons each. One has THAAD and one does not.
Will the country with THAAD not feel more confidant launching a nuclear strike? Will THAAD not give them a false sense of security?

Hmm, though I did offer to Mr. @Nihonjin1051 that I'd refrain from continuing for the night, I'll make an exception for you:-).

Your analogy is flawed. A tank is an offensive weapon, one that is fortified, but one designed to take the fight to an enemy, absorb punishment and continue. THAAD doesn't offer any of this. THAAD is defensive only, it doesn't have offensive capabilities. Would you offer the same suggestion about SM-3, PAC-3 or GMD? How about missiles in the same class such as S-400 or Aster 30? No missile system is so air-tight that it makes the soldiers operating it feel invulnerable, that's why all systems are layered and supported with additional countermeasures. Because we military men and women don't feel secure with our defenses. Not unless we have a lot of them.

As for the second part, a false sense of security already exists with nuclear weapons and the possession of them, doctrines such as MAD only help solidify such beliefs. With an arsenal the size of that of the US or China, THAAD wouldn't make a difference, against North Korea is a different matter, but the US will not response with nuclear weapons unless acted upon with them.

Does a counter-battery system make a mortar team more confident when delivering their own mortar rounds? Do tanks increase the moxxy of infantry when countermeasures exist? Did SAM system negate the effectiveness of heavy-bombers? Does electronic warfare make missiles less effective? Does THAAD tip the balance of power as much as you're suggesting?

I suggest it does not.

And though this is an enjoyable discussion, it's late I bid thee farewell for the night. Nice to meet you Mr Kenji:yahoo:.

Mr. (? apologies) SipahSalar, it was nice to converse with you too.
THAAD is an offensive weapon in the same way as Tanks. Tanks heavy armor provides protection and allows it to take firepower and destruction to the enemy.

If 2 countries have equal number of nuclear weapons each. One has THAAD and one does not.
Will the country with THAAD not feel more confidant launching a nuclear strike? Will THAAD not give them a false sense of security?

You are talking about THAAD of SK, who never has nuclear capacity.
So your assuming is not true for this case
"For a country claiming Non-intervention policy and proud of it, they certainly have a lot of say to Someone else's security and defence matter. Without naming the country, we can see who."

Said Kim Min-seok

The South Korean can ask what they want and who they want on its OWN SOIL, maybe other country should not be meddling in other country internal matter, sounded familiar??
"For a country claiming Non-intervention policy and proud of it, they certainly have a lot of say to Someone else's security and defence matter. Without naming the country, we can see who."

Said Kim Min-seok

The South Korean can ask what they want and who they want on its OWN SOIL, maybe other country should not be meddling in other country internal matter, sounded familiar??

Could SK ask China or NK to stop production of their offensive weapons and nuclear stuffs ?
It is a biased visage. So long as Pyongyang is nuclear, Seoul must have the ability to deflect.

South Korea must pursue its national security earnestly, and other states should not interfere in South Korean security concerns.

N Korean nuclear missiles real target is Japan. Not S Korea. Ask S Koreans. They do not seem very concern.

As for the missile defense system. S Koreans already debated this a long time ago. They questions why they should use their resources to contain China when their real enemy is Japan!
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N Korean missiles target is Japan. Not S Korea. Ask S Koreans.

As for the missile defense system. S Koreans already debated this a long time ago. They questions why they should use their resources to contain China when their real enemy is Japan!

Let me correct you, THAAD of Korea is for protecting themselves from anyone, except American who still deployed in SK as protector.

What if a clash between illegal fishermen from China vs SK coastguard could trigger a conflict. And ....
and you think we buy that?

N Korean nuclear missiles real target is Japan. Not S Korea. Ask S Koreans. They do not seem very concern.

As for the missile defense system. S Koreans already debated this a long time ago. They questions why they should use their resources to contain China when their real enemy is Japan!

The question is, Whatever SK decided to Deploy in their own soil is SK own internal affair, for China keep calling other not to meddle with Foreign Affair, this is alike a giant Slap on the mouth.

China can stop trading or deploy a lot more missile to the Border, if that is how Chinese want to win the game.
Let me correct you, THAAD of Korea is for protecting themselves from anyone, except American who still deployed in SK as protector.

What if a clash between illegal fishermen from China vs SK coastguard could trigger a conflict. And ....

You are confusing.
Anyway just check the S Korean polls. Who is the real enemy?
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