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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

If it doesn't work, then China has nothing to worry about right?

Worrying or not is none of you guys to concern about
I have stated clearly the test result of THAADs in my last post and dont know why it is so hard to understand a simple sentence
There is still time for us to figure out how to over-power THAAD
Pls be patient


Yuan Dynasty Celodon Vase decorated with
symatric fish shaped ornament on 2 sides
As your post, THAAD is for stop delivery megaton of TNT to a country. Is that better than unable to do so?

its also one way to make sure you get wiped out before certain launch against USA, Both Japan and S.K are within range of our low flying cruise missiles...
Yes hello guys:yahoo:! I know the two of you, but you may not know me:p:, well you do actually know me, just some more naughty happenings from my better half:disagree:. @Armstrong your a perceptive man:enjoy:, If not easily confused, yes?

I'll go ahead an formally introduce myself. I'm Anna, Kai's Fiancee'.

Pray for me:cray:, I need the strength:laughcry:.

Konnichi Wa, Anna-chan...!!!! :wave::wave::wave::wave::D

Zdraste vidaya! (did i say it right? )

I'm Nihonjin1051, but please, call me Kenji.
Well, with statements like this, I'm sure the South Koreans will have a refreshing afterthought. :)

Kam sa hamnida :)

Do you like Poems Mr Nihonjin? I feel this is an appropriate response to the remarks made about a response to South Korea's affairs. A threat begets a threat, is that not like:

Playing Russian roulette With fate Fateful
The hand that tempts And flirts Flirting
With the shadows Of death
Deathly Silence that lurks And creeps
Creeping Through cobwebbed paths Of doubt
Doubtful Uncertainty Sets in
Inner Feelings torment And gnaw
Gnawing At self belief Bleeding
Blood flows Slowly in drips It ends
Ending Russian roulette With fate

I'm Nihonjin1051, but please, call me Kenji.

No need for any honorifics in return, Anna will do just fine.
Inner Feelings torment And gnaw
Gnawing At self belief Bleeding
Blood flows Slowly in drips It ends
Ending Russian roulette With fate

Ah, this is cold and sharp like a morning of pale Spring still clinging to Winter's chill....

Thank You, Anna.
Well, with statements like this, I'm sure the South Koreans will have a refreshing afterthought. :)

Kam sa hamnida :)

I believe that S. Korea know what will be China's reaction and China's available options if they decide to let US's position the THAAD. and not only China but they will have to think about Russia's equation also North Korea, unless they want to see Korea Pennesula to be ruined as 1950s...

We would never know whether your delivery failed or succeeded, when it hit the SK territory.

Me neither...but there is no hurt to have few tries..don't you think...failure is the mother of sucess.
Ah, this is cold and sharp like a morning of pale Spring still clinging to Winter's chill....

Thank You, Anna.

Dark and depressing yes? Perhaps now you'll know where Kai gets it from:kiss3:. But I feel it is an appropriate response. When transgression, perceive or not, arise, what good is an application of violence in response? And yet this is what we see. In response to a defensive weapon no less? What harm is done through protecting one from a threat, in this case North Korea and not China, that encourages such a destructive suggestion as increasing one's own defenses.

Perhaps you needent answer that, the Cold War is rife with examples of such phenomenon, but haven't we learned from our mistakes? Must we repeat them further?

I believe that S. Korea know what will be China's reaction and China's available options if they decide to let US's position the THAAD. and not only China but they will have to think about Russia's equation also North Korea, unless they want to see Korea Pennesula to be ruined as 1950s...

A detriment to South Korea yes, but a boon to the United States. Any increased actions in South Korea that can pull Russian assets and forces towards the East is good news for US troops in Europe, it lessens their obligations.

As for China, I understand your concerns, military planners do take them into account as well. We have our own concerns and each side must learn to act and react to one another without pushing the envelope too much in either direction.
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I believe that S. Korea know what will be China's reaction and China's available options if they decide to let US's position the THAAD. and not only China but they will have to think about Russia's equation also North Korea, unless they want to see Korea Pennesula to be ruined as 1950s...

Am i really reading what i'm reading? friend, there are over 30,000 American troops in South Korea now for close to 60 years, approaching 70 years, now. What has China done to mitigate this? your answer should be a clear visage for Koreans in how China should be treated , security wise.

For the Koreans that read your answers...its only a confirmation of some afterthought(s).
Dark and depressing yes? Perhaps now you'll know where Kai gets it from:kiss3:. But I feel it is an appropriate response. When transgression, perceive or not, arise, what good is an application of violence in response? And yet this is what we see. In response to a defensive weapon no less? What harm is done through protecting one from a threat, in this case North Korea and not China, that encourages such a destructive suggestion as increasing one's own defenses.

Perhaps you needent answer that, the Cold War is rife with examples of such phenomenon, but haven't we learned from our mistakes? Must we repeat them further?

A detriment to South Korea yes, but a boon to the United States. Any increased actions in South Korea that can pull Russian assets and forces towards the East is good new for US troops in Europe, it lessens their obligations.

As for China, I understand your concerns, that military planners do take them into account as well. We have our own concerns and each side must learn to act and react to one another without pushing the envelope too much in either direction.

Eloquently and soundly said, Anna. I concede to all your points.
The only way SK will remove THAAD is if somehow NK disbanded its nuclear program and nuclear missiles. Maybe SK needs some kind of assurance from China since China has the most influence on NK.
Eloquently and soundly said, Anna. I concede to all your points.

Oh you're no fun:mad:. Well, actually, you're just kind:-). Might I ask about your credentials? I've been around since, well not too long, a left over account is prime for the pickings:happy:, but you've made mention of military service(?).

I too (emphasis on the present tense) serve, though in a non-combat role. I'm a military pharmacist, completed my Pharm.d at VCU last year:yahoo:.

The only way SK will remove THAAD is if somehow NK disbanded its nuclear program and nuclear missiles. Maybe SK needs some kind of assurance from China since China has the most influence on NK.

Well THAAD's not yet there, but it can be when asked for. But yes, your point remains valid, NK and not China is the principle threat in the region.
Oh you're no fun:mad:. Well, actually, you're just kind:-). Might I ask about your credentials? I've been around since, well not too long, a left over account is prime for the pickings:happy:, but you've made mention of military service(?).

I too (emphasis on the present tense) serve, though in a non-combat role. I'm a military pharmacist, completed my Pharm.d at VCU last year:yahoo:.

I received my Bachelors' degree in Hokkaido University, served in the JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces), for several years, afterwards applied for graduate program in the US. I'm a Ph.D-c at RU, my focus is on Industrial Organizational Psychology, and my doctoral thesis is specialized in Quantitative Analysis / Risk Assessment. A college lecturer, and i also work as a risk analyst for a Fortune 500 based in New Brunswick, NJ.

A Pharm.D! Congratulations Dr. Anna. Great to have a health professional in our midst. :) :) :)
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