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Democrats to maintain pressure on Pakistan if Clinton wins

Pakistan is the important factor in Asia. Of course, USA will not stop bashing Pakistan. In fact, that is the sign USA actually respects Pakistan as opponent if we are to look at all the perspective. USA cannot mention other nations that have no bearing on the real world except India which is purported to keep Pakistan in check. USA will continue to bash Pakistan as long as Pakistan succeeds in combating terrorism as Nuclear-nation. The day Pakistan is Nuclear-free, that is the day USA will stop bashing or caring about Pakistan. :D

It's a clever way to justify Pakistan's failure to check this kind of bashing that is designed to give the upper hand to india. Had the Pakistani politicians been corruption free they would have checked it long ago but the problem is they get dollar from uncle sam. It's profitable for them to turn a blind eye to what damage it does to Pakistan.
It's a clever way to justify Pakistan's failure to check this kind of bashing that is designed to give the upper hand to india. Had the Pakistani politicians been corruption free they would have checked it long ago but the problem is they get dollar from uncle sam. It's profitable for them to turn a blind eye to what damage it does to Pakistan.

Is it? What is the excuse of Russia and China then? Why would USA be concerned about corruption in Pakistan only and not the world including Bangladesh which is facing sectarian violence never mind rampage corruption? Because Bangladesh is not important. Pakistan, China and Russia are important, precisely why USA will not stop bashing them because they are threat to USA strategy interest in the long term.

As long as Pakistan, Russia and China are Nuclear nations, USA will not stop bashing them. Pressure game is tactical to gain upper hand in order to gain influence which hasn't been the case recently hence USA is getting frustrated especially with CPEC, China-Pakistan collaboration, Russia weapons-exchange program with Pakistan and more. USA is losing influences hence using pressure-game as tactics in desperation.

And it is under same government with least corruption that undermines the strategy interest of USA. Under Zardari government, Pakistan has witnessed the biggest corruption in the history of mankind. Yet USA was happy. Why? Because Zardari was delaying the inevitable moments that surfaced under PMLN government.
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Is it? What is the excuse of Russia and China then? Why would USA be concerned about corruption in Pakistan only and not the world including Bangladesh which is facing sectarian violence never mind rampage corruption? Because Bangladesh is not important. Pakistan, China and Russia are important, precisely why USA will not stop bashing them because they are threat to USA strategy interest in the long term.

As long as Pakistan, Russia and China are Nuclear nations, USA will not stop bashing them. Pressure game is tactical to gain upper hand in order to gain influence which hasn't been the case recently hence USA is getting frustrated especially with CPEC, China-Pakistan collaboration, Russia weapons-exchange program with Pakistan and more. USA is losing influences hence using pressure-game as tactics in desperation.

And it is under same government with least corruption that undermines the strategy interest of USA. Under Zardari government, Pakistan has witnessed the biggest corruption in the history of mankind. Yet USA was happy. Why? Because Zardari was delaying the inevitable moments that surfaced under PMLN government.

Russia and China can afford to ignore what Pakistan cannot for obvious reasons. Russia and China don't face the possibility of being invaded anytime soon while for Pakistan the possibility is ever present. Russia and China combined don't face the kind of economic challenge and military threat Pakistan faces from india and the US combined. So, what Pakistan does or does not do to present her case to the international community is of existential significance. As for corruption you didn't get what I meant. I didn't talk about the US being concerned about corruption in Pakistan, I tried to tell what damage it does to the security of Pakistan when her leaders indulge in corruption. In BD Khaleda and her son did not realise it and consequently BD is a puppet state of india now.
The new Democratic administration “will continue to push for an Afghan-led peace process and press Pakistan to deny all terrorists sanctuary on its soil,” says the Democratic Party’s election manifesto released this weekend.

Ofcourse they would continue with that as if they didnt then it would mean that Democratic admin under Obama was doing all wrong and that would raise serious fingers at Democrats themselves. But apparently even Obama himself has concluded that previous tactics of pushing Pakistan to wall and getting things done with just one phone call aint happening now anymore and same is evident from the recent high power delegation's visit from US to Pakistan.
Russia and China can afford to ignore what Pakistan cannot for obvious reasons. Russia and China don't face the possibility of being invaded anytime soon while for Pakistan the possibility is ever present. Russia and China combined don't face the kind of economic challenge and military threat Pakistan faces from india and the US combined. So, what Pakistan does or does not do to present her case to the international community is of existential significance. As for corruption you didn't get what I meant. I didn't talk about the US being concerned about corruption in Pakistan, I tried to tell what damage it does to the security of Pakistan when her leaders indulge in corruption. In BD Khaleda and her son did not realise it and consequently BD is a puppet state of india now.

Do you understand the ramification of the Nuclear war? What do you think will happen if any nation decides to invade Pakistan? It will lead to Nuclear war. Pakistan is important regional player and would have been invaded by now if it wasn't for Nuclear weapons Pakistan posses. Russia, China and Pakistan are Nuclear nations, and there is no way any nation will risk Nuclear war with either of them never mind Pakistan. It could lead the war to China as well. USA understands that, hence using pressure-game as tactics which has no bearing. USA is getting frustrated. That's all.

As for the corruption concerned, Pakistan witnessed the biggest corruption in the history of mankind under Zardari government, but USA was pleased, why? A weaken Pakistan is what USA needs, not strong nation with already collaboration with China for CPEC that threatens USA strategies and Russia for exchange defense weapon program.

As for the security concerned, Pakistan just launched Zarb-e-Azb and succeeded in eliminating terrorism on massive scale, and to the extent, it started eradicating criminal activity in Karachi on major portion. McCains is pleased with the efforts Pakistan has put to eliminate terrorism on massive scale.

USA has been threatening to impose economical sanctions for a long time. Pakistan bluffed their threats, and to this day, that threat is yet to surface. During 70-80s Pakistan was making Nuclear weapons, USA was ordered/told to look the other way and USA did. Any threat from USA is point scoring just to show their public that USA is doing something.

USA can only gain influences temporarily through the funding/Aids but other than that, USA has no say and USA knows Pakistan does not need USA since Pakistan has China, a potential to be super power, to look forward with and Pakistan/Russia is taking positive shape now. The name of USA is decaying in Pakistan slowly.
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Do you understand the ramification of the Nuclear war? What do you think will happen if any nation decides to invade Pakistan? It will lead to Nuclear war. Pakistan is important regional player and would have been invaded by now if it wasn't for Nuclear weapons Pakistan posses. Russia, China and Pakistan are Nuclear nations, and there is no way any nation will risk Nuclear war with either of them never mind Pakistan. It could lead the war to China as well. USA understands that, hence using pressure-game as tactics which has no bearing. USA is getting frustrated. That's all.

As for the corruption concerned, Pakistan witnessed the biggest corruption in the history of mankind under Zardari government, but USA was pleased, why? A weaken Pakistan is what USA needs, not strong nation with already collaboration with China for CPEC that threatens USA strategies and Russia for exchange defense weapon program.

As for the security concerned, Pakistan just launched Zarb-e-Azb and succeeded in eliminating terrorism on massive scale, and to the extent, it started eradicating criminal activity in Karachi on major portion. McCains is pleased with the efforts Pakistan has put to eliminate terrorism on massive scale.

USA has been threatening to impose economical sanctions for a long time. Pakistan bluffed their threats, and to this day, that threat is yet to surface. During 70-80s Pakistan was making Nuclear weapons, USA was ordered/told to look the other way and USA did. Any threat from USA is point scoring just to show their public that USA is doing something.

USA can only gain influences temporarily through the funding/Aids but other than that, USA has no say and USA knows Pakistan does not need USA since Pakistan has China, a potential to be super power, to look forward with and Pakistan/Russia is taking positive shape now. The name of USA is decaying in Pakistan slowly.

Why do you drag China and Russia in it? Is Pakistan in the same league as China or Russia? What you and many like you in Pakistan believe is exactly what the wolf wants you to believe, this way it can catch you unprepared. You are living in a delusion with your hundred or so tiny A-bombs.
It doesn't matter which party comes to power in US, They will always keep pressure on Pakistan
Why do you drag China and Russia in it? Is Pakistan in the same league as China or Russia? What you and many like you in Pakistan believe is exactly what the wolf wants you to believe, this way it can catch you unprepared. You are living in a delusion with your hundred or so tiny A-bombs.

I guess you are incapable of facing the hard truth, aren't you? I just stated the fact based on the ground reality which is something you are unable to digest. You better concentrate on Bangladesh cause no one else care about Bangladesh apart from you. :D

What about IMF & World Bank Loans. ??

Pakistan was isolated from all accounts before. Today, that is all changing. From China to Russia, Afghanistan to Central and Iran to Turkey and Middle East. Pretty soon, Pakistan will be able to pay off the loans soon. Again, it is matter of time. Besides, IMF and World Bank are pleased with the progress of Pakistan.

It doesn't matter which party comes to power in US, They will always keep pressure on Pakistan

That has its own expiry date, and it's very soon especially Pakistan strategy interests changing fast towards full collaboration with China, Russia and Iran and maybe more. Those nations are what threatens the strategy interests of USA. Sooner or later, USA pressure won't be viable anymore. If history is any indicator, USA pressure has always backfired which pushed Pakistan closure to Russia after China, and now Iran. USA tactical pressure-game has unforeseen side effects which is getting noticed day by day.
America is going to loose every leverage over pakistan soon.
No f16 , No funds no say
no carrot no stick simple
I have prayed and wished for that day for a very long time and now it is around the corner.
The pressure will be done if republican's candidate Donald Trump will win!
I guess you are incapable of facing the hard truth, aren't you? I just stated the fact based on the ground reality which is something you are unable to digest. You better concentrate on Bangladesh cause no one else care about Bangladesh apart from you. :D

You didn't answer my question. Is Pakistan in the same league as China and Russia? So much for your version of ground reality.
it will be a good thing if they do it will persuade pak to become self reliant and find other venues
You didn't answer my question. Is Pakistan in the same league as China and Russia? So much for your version of ground reality.

If it doesn't matter if Pakistan is in same league as China and Russia or not. Pakistan is in same league as Nuclear nations as China and Russia are. And Pakistan is as same league as China since both are together through thick and thin. Any attack on Pakistan, it will be considered against China as well. There is nothing USA can do anything about it.

The rest of information i have already explained why Pakistan will not be attacked. There can only be proxy wars against Pakistan, but not invasion. Even proxy wars are failing big time now. :D
United States influence on Pakistan is decreasing day by day, so I would be looking forward to Clinton administration's attempts at "pressuring" us if they actually manage to win.

BTW I am rooting for Trump as president, that's a four years of comedy just right there. :D

I want Trump to win as well, he will certainly take the US down the drain. :)

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