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Delhi thinks China has military base in Chittagong!


Apr 8, 2007
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Fazle Rashid in New York

With over half its population living under the poverty line, India is aspiring to be a global military power. Long embedded in the Gandhi-Nehru philosophy of non-violence India has now started to remodel itself as a military power with global reach.

An average Indian earns less than $1.25 a day and a half of the Indians have no access to pure drinking water, sanitation, primary health care and education.

A protege of the former Soviet Union, India's military dream has been whetted by its nuclear deal with the US. Washington is happy on two counts. The US thinks India will stand up to the unrivalled might of China and will throw open its vast market to American military hardware.

India's arms shopping list includes armaments that major powers like US use to operate from home; aircraft carrier, giant C130J transport planes and airborne refueling tankers. India has already helped Tajikistan to build an airport that it will share with the host nation. It is India's first military outpost on foreign soil, the New York Times reported recently.

India is arming itself to the teeth because it thinks China has military bases in Chittagong, Gwadar in Pakistan and in Yangon in Myanmar.

Pranab Mukherjee, former defence minister and now foreign minister of India, was quoted by the New York Times as saying: "Naturally with a country of this size, a population of this size, we will be required to strengthen our security forces, modernise them, update them and upgrade the technology." India's defence buildup is to enable it to dispatch troops thousands of miles from the sub-continent, to protect its oil and trade routes and defend its large expatriate population in Middle East.

What New Dehli exactly means to protect its workers in the Middle East is not very clear. Will India go for military action against Middle Eastern countries to protect its workers?

What will be of immense concern for South Asia is India's avowed intention of being a caretaker and patroller of the Indian Ocean. India's military planning is focused on China and Pakistan against both of which the country was entangled in wars. China has not reacted to the Indian move but Pakistan expressed concern saying "we are paying attention to Indian plans to project itself as a global power."

India's military buildup has "several overlapping motivations." India is engaged in oil business in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Russia, Sudan, Syria and Vietnam. It is this reasons that has prompted India to keep the sea routes free from pirates and militants, analysts said.

If India is aspiring to challenge China it is just doing it in vain. China is miles ahead of India in all spheres, be it economy, military, technology and space science.

China's military budget is also expanding rapidly. China has sought to develop a powerful air force and navy that can extend far beyond its shores. It plans to spend $60 billion on its armed forces in 2008.

The Pentagon estimates that China's actual military spending is perhaps twice the officially budgeted amount, as much as seven times India's defence outlay.

India is expected to spend $40 billion in the next five years to modernise its defence forces. The most notable purchases are six IL-78 airborne tankers which can refuel three jets simultaneously. Other armaments recently acquired include destroyers, submarines and aircraft carriers.

India-Tajikistan arrangement is described as a big deal. "What is important is that we stop worrying about how the world will impact us and we step out and worry about how we will impact the world," the New York Times quoted Rahul Gandhi as saying.

India is arming itself to the teeth because it thinks China has military bases in Chittagong, Gwadar in Pakistan and in Yangon in Myanmar.

India is not building it military because of Chines military bases, as economy grows so does defense spending.

What New Dehli exactly means to protect its workers in the Middle East is not very clear. Will India go for military action against Middle Eastern countries to protect its workers?

Which middle eastern country is India War with?
I think the goal of South Asians should be to contain India. It is likely to become a menace to the region and already displays chauvinistic and expansionist tendencies.
If the report is true, it gives the impression that India is being allergic to the existence of China. :disagree:

Given its geographic situation, as long as India can carry forth good neighbor diplomacy with all its neighbors, it will be far more potent.

As a matter of fact, India has never been the biggest problem to China, even India hosts tens of thousands of Tibetan separatists. China’s main concern, as reflected by it military development, is in the East Asia, now and future.
I think the goal of South Asians should be to contain India. It is likely to become a menace to the region and already displays chauvinistic and expansionist tendencies.

I think the goal of South Asian countries should be to improve themselves economically, provide better health care, education & jobs to their own people without having to pass / deflect the blame to others both in the region & outside.
Unfortunately India is the main obstacle to any progress in South Asia. It views jealously its economic and military primacy and will not allow any other nation in the region to achieve significant improvements in either.
Unfortunately India is the main obstacle to any progress in South Asia. It views jealously its economic and military primacy and will not allow any other nation in the region to achieve significant
improvements in either.

What a great logic, best is to break relations with India and then proceed.
Unfortunately India is the main obstacle to any progress in South Asia. It views jealously its economic and military primacy and will not allow any other nation in the region to achieve significant improvements in either.

Oh Come on ! Give ur self a break.

Logic beyond a point in this case becomes an excuse. Why is it that the fault is always some one else's ..

Are u suggesting that education, health etc is being denied to citizens in S Asia coz of India ? Similarly, can India crib that it is unable to control floods, provide education ,health, jobs etc etc coz of China, USSR or US ? NO, India itself is to blame .


How is India not allowing others in the region to achieve " significant prog"? Does India decide how the budget should be allocated in SAARC countries ? Does India dictate when the next coup should take place or when politcal parties should create mayhem thru bandhs & bring nations to a standstill ?

While India may not be the epitome of virtues as indeed no nation in the world is, approtioning blame on it is the regional pastime.
Unfortunately India is the main obstacle to any progress in South Asia. It views jealously its economic and military primacy and will not allow any other nation in the region to achieve significant improvements in either.

Mr. munshi,

you keep talking about India being obstacle, but you have not put any effort in explaining. I have been reading your posts, you consistantly are ranting and raving how India is cause of all the southeast region. If it is please explain with some hard facts?

Hatred blinds a person that a person refuses to see any reality to the matter. Be careful because the hatred you have will consume you.
Mr. munshi,

you keep talking about India being obstacle, but you have not put any effort in explaining. I have been reading your posts, you consistantly are ranting and raving how India is cause of all the southeast region. If it is please explain with some hard facts?

Hatred blinds a person that a person refuses to see any reality to the matter. Be careful because the hatred you have will consume you.

As you keep ranting about the threats to your 'Sikim' designs. Your mother India does not have good relation with any of its neighbours and that shows that India is a wolf in a sheep's skin.
Mr. munshi,

you keep talking about India being obstacle, but you have not put any effort in explaining. I have been reading your posts, you consistantly are ranting and raving how India is cause of all the southeast region. If it is please explain with some hard facts?

Hatred blinds a person that a person refuses to see any reality to the matter. Be careful because the hatred you have will consume you.

I have actually written a book on the subject and have done 10 years of research. You will find extensive references of all these throughout the internet. I have gone beyond the point of explaining and am now stating and making assertions based on this background.
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I have actually written a book on the subject and have done 10 years of research. You will find extensive references of all these throughout the internet. I have gone beyond the point of explaining and am not stating and making assertions based on this background.

Mr Munshi, Indians may not be interested in our book after reading your posts. Posts also sometimes work in promoting the book, Judge for yourself.
Indian Muslims, Dalits, Kashmiris, Tribals and many others will continue to find the book of interest. Watch out for the 2nd Edition.
China does not yet have any base in Chittagong but I think they should be given one as soon as possible for the wolf is too close, disguised as the grandmother that helped us thirty seven years ago.
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