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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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So? You condone sending young men, conscripts into their deaths?

Do you really think that a country like USA would not take such things into consideration?


1- They put the sanctions on Iran and forced the world to do so.

2- They are patrolling the entire Gulf region, seeing every movement in Iran through satellites and other spy systems.

3- They pressed Russia and China not to assist Iranian military progress in self-reliance to such an extent that even these two otherwise strong countries caved in.

Do you really think that they'll not take the 'quantity' perspective into picture considering that despite what the top elites in Iran claim or not?

First, Iran doesn't reveal its military capabilities which the Americans know is no matter what, not more advanced than theirs.

Second, investing into a technology that can preserve soldiers and at the same time win a war, is important.

Third, fighting a war of attrition with USA is useless. They won't even need to put boots on the ground. In a full-blown war, the best thing they'd do is recall at least three CBGs with their entire armada and a dozen other destroyers, launch their full aerial fury from their bases in Arab countries.

That's what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Though Afghan strategy failed because of the nature of its conflict, what a potential US-Iran war would be, would be a conventional country to country war.

A war which USA has pioneered in.


Bottomline is that personally, Iran should invest in technologies that can ensure sufficient protection of valuable pilots who will in turn someday lead Iranian Air Force.

It is difficult but considering the path the clerics have chosen of outright rejection of anything American, it will be something they have to do.

The other option is to tone down politically a bit and rather try to slightly mend ties with the West in general.

Iranians are not considered fanatic and are even admired in many western countries as being modern and far-sighted people --- something that Arabs, Pakistanis and other of Iran's neighbouring people are not considered as.

It is best that Iran follows a China-like strategy to build itself up.

China despises USA and if Mao had his way, US would have been sent to stone age with Communist missiles in the 60s itself.

But instead, Chinese chose to follow the Art of War.

They fed right into US heartland and have today taken a leading position.

Iran can do something similar but distinct given its own geopolitical circumstances and limitations.

But an outright confrontation would be foolish and wasteful.

The youth are the biggest resource any country has. Training them costs money, and lots of time. That should not go wasted.


As for India, it is sad I know. Lakhs of them die every year. But these die separate from what the general population is, which is massive. More than 76% of the Indian population is under 25 years of age. Every year more than 80 million young men are combat fit to join military services if need be.

Being on PDF for quite sometime, you must be familiar with the geo-political compulsions India has, apart from a callous government.

Iran doesn't have so much demography and we're talking about a hypothetical confrontation between a superpower superior in every form of modern combat in today's warfare against a sanction-hit country.

Please understand the perspective from which I speak.

Sorry body, but all the actual facts are contradicting every single word of what you intend to say,
One example suffices to contradict what you understand by not following the news closely, is that even your country who is energy starved does not comply with the US sanctions, let alone China and a score of others.
for the rest it is obvious that you hold to classical views of warfare, which do not apply much anymore (read about the Lebanon war of 2006, Hezbollah defeats Israel in 33 days, 5000 soldiers against 120 000 Israeli troops and armour, plus air-power plus navy).
80 million new conscripts compared to 20 million battle ready is not comparable, this shows more of your misunderstandings of the facts.

To put some facts on record

It is much easier to power an Aircraft by horses or donkeys than by electro-ionic system aka ion thrusters.

An ion-thruster is a kind of experimental engines currently being used on large distance planetary missions.They have a high specific impulse but have very low total impulse and acceleration.

They need a conventional rocket to help them escape gravity so that they could be operational far away from earth gravity.

They could not be used to move even a tin can on planet where there is significant atmospheric drag and gravity to overcome.

You do not have a GPS.

Who told you for propulsion purposes.
Every one has access to civilian GPS, otherwise Iran can count on the Chinese one.
Sorry...But this mean this thing is even more of a joke. Am not trying to be mean to the Iranian members here, but the reality is that even stable and comfort oriented airliners moved towards fly-by-wire FLCS. Not computer assisted, but full blown computerized FLCS. And for a supposedly fighter, anything less than the F-16 and the -313 would be breakfast, not lunch or dinner, for its opponents.

If the F-16 can detect it, or see it in the first place, otherwise it will become the sorry victim of the Qaher-313.

LoLz. You still believe in this crappy stealthy piece of junks.

It took her four months of recovery after the initial shock to come back and have a second look at the Qaher-313.
You can mock US all you want. But the reality is that we know more about aviation than Iran can learn in the next two generations. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes, but we do not go on public (Internet) and tell everyone that the fuselage blocking air flow to a topside intake is not an issue. The -313 would not even make it to the discussion stage in either Lockheed, or Boeing, or General Dynamics, engineers' coffee break rooms.

What engineers, the Iranian, Chinese, Arabs or maybe the European ones that are leading these companies, and that without them you'll be still farmers on a foreign land.
What issue, read about the issue you are talking about and the back air-ducts as an innovative solution that Lockheed, or Boeing, or General Dynamics didn't think about. It shows your amateurism in these matters and in this forum.
Iranian pilots wish that they have even 1/10th of the air combat maneuvers (ACM) training US pilots have despite of what you said. Do not pretend you know what you are talking about.

How do you know that? you talk about being realistic but you sound totally emotional and out of reality.
First they present as real flight of plane but after coming out of reality they give this lame excuse. Intellectual Iranian people should think about these type of hoax & I think Iran should reverse engineer F-14 Tomcat.

Sorry body, but no one will take an advice from a country that has failed in all its domestic weapon's programs, all... at least a hundred billion dollars loss that could have saved millions of Indian lives from disease and poverty were wasted on failed thermonuclear bombs, Tanks and aircrafts 3rd generation, how can one expect you to understand 5th generation technology.

Everyone knows who controls those media outlets, so common! post something else please.
TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian defense ministry official said that the main mission of the country's newly unveiled fighter jet, Qaher 313, would be protecting security in the Persian Gulf.


On February 2, Iran unveiled an advanced home-made aircraft, named Qaher 313, in a ceremony attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Addressing a group of Iranian soldiers on Tuesday, Deputy Defense Minister General Majid Bokayee pointed to the confused remarks made by the US military analysts about the features and specifications of the aircraft, and said that enemies claimed the aircraft is just a paper model but later they said that it is an aircraft designed by the Islamic Republic for anti-chopper missions.

"That was the Americans' analysis, but we bravely declare that Qaher, (designed and developed) at a cost of $2 to 3 million, is a Basiji (volunteer) aircraft to protect the Persian Gulf," Bokayee noted.

In February, the aircraft's project manager told FNA that Qaher 313 has a "unique" structure and will be armed with home-made weapons and equipments in the future, adding that it enjoys such capabilities which will stun the enemies in battlefield.

"The new aircraft has a unique face in terms of shape and structure and its design is unique in the world," Managing-Director of Iran's Aviation Industries Company Hassan Parvaneh said at the time.

He added that the aircraft's broken wing design has gifted it the ability to fly in different low, mid and high altitudes.

"Of course, the specific capability of Qaher is its capability of flying at low altitudes and that is a capability seen in no other similar aircraft."

Addressing a ceremony to unveil Qaher 313 on February 2, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said all production stages, including designing and manufacturing of the new aircraft had been carried out by Iranian experts at the Aviation Industries Organization of the Defense Ministry.

As regards the specification of Qaher 313, the minister said, "The advanced aircraft with an advanced appearance has a very small Radar Cross Section (RCS) and is capable of operating and flying in low-altitude."

The minister added that high-tech materials and electro-ionic systems were used in the aircraft which is capable of landing and taking off from short runways.

Vahidi noted that Qaher 313 enjoys high combat capability and can carry home-made weapons.

Vahidi also told reporters on the sidelines of the ceremony that Qaher 313 is able to rival with the most advanced fighter jets in shape and structure, adding that its shape has gifted the aircraft small RCS.

Radar cross section (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is with a Radar. A larger RCS indicates that an object is more easily detected. An object reflects a limited amount of radar energy.

Fars News Agency :: Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf
LOL...this toy really looks like a joke.Can it carry side winder missiles on it,s small wings ?Never heard about a advanced stealth fighter capable of defeating all western counterparts built in a 2-3$ million dollar budget lol.According to many internet source this is one hell of a fake blunder by Iranian government.
What engineers, the Iranian, Chinese, Arabs or maybe the European ones that are leading these companies, and that without them you'll be still farmers on a foreign land.
What issue, read about the issue you are talking about and the back air-ducts as an innovative solution that Lockheed, or Boeing, or General Dynamics didn't think about. It shows your amateurism in these matters and in this forum.


They are so many Iranian, Pakistani, Indians, and Chinese engineers in the defense and aerospace industry in America you have no idea! and lots of JEWS!!!! lol

This is just including some famous Iranian that work for NASA . Can you imagine all the Indians, Chinese, Pakistani and other foreigners...What if everyone goes back to their country!!!

Proffessor Mohammad Jamshidi , internal programm manager of NASA Space station

Firuz Nader , Executive manager at Mars NASA Space Station

Hamid Berenhi , member of scientists of NASA space station

Qasem Asrar,NASA Space Station Board Member

Kazem Omidvar,Member of scientists of NASA's space station

Reza Qaffarian,Engineer of Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA space station

Proffessor Parviz Moein,Head of Central Research Institute of the University of NASA

Proffessor Samad Hayati,NASA Space Station Board Member

Abdolhamid Karimi, works on space missiles in NASA

Dr Moqhadam(female) works on radars in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

They are so many Iranian, Pakistani, Indians, and Chinese engineers in the defense and aerospace industry in America you have no idea! and lots of JEWS!!!! lol

This is just including some famous Iranian that work for NASA . Can you imagine all the Indians, Chinese, Pakistani and other foreigners...What if everyone goes back to their country!!!

Proffessor Mohammad Jamshidi , internal programm manager of NASA Space station

Firuz Nader , Executive manager at Mars NASA Space Station

Hamid Berenhi , member of scientists of NASA space station

Qasem Asrar,NASA Space Station Board Member

Kazem Omidvar,Member of scientists of NASA's space station

Reza Qaffarian,Engineer of Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA space station

Proffessor Parviz Moein,Head of Central Research Institute of the University of NASA

Proffessor Samad Hayati,NASA Space Station Board Member

Abdolhamid Karimi, works on space missiles in NASA

Dr Moqhadam(female) works on radars in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The US is in a decline, the peak years were after WW2 during the cold war. Thats when the US really lead the world, most of the people in those fields were of European origin and of course Jewish.

All those Iranians, Arabs, are certainly not slowing down US decline. F22 has been problem prone like the F35, Nasa has become a joke, relying on Russian rockets; thankfully private enterprise has started to take over.

Most present defense/space programs are just hype over substance with the sole purpose to feed the contractors. Dont forget to take into account the race quotas and affirmative action policies enacted presently.

A glance at the US nobel prizes in sciences will reveal hardly any Iranians, etc.

The entire ordeal is like the India-Russia defense co-development programs. Russia does all the work, India takes the credit.

They are so many Iranian, Pakistani, Indians, and Chinese engineers in the defense and aerospace industry in America you have no idea! and lots of JEWS!!!! lol

This is just including some famous Iranian that work for NASA . Can you imagine all the Indians, Chinese, Pakistani and other foreigners...What if everyone goes back to their country!!!

Proffessor Mohammad Jamshidi , internal programm manager of NASA Space station

Firuz Nader , Executive manager at Mars NASA Space Station

Hamid Berenhi , member of scientists of NASA space station

Qasem Asrar,NASA Space Station Board Member

Kazem Omidvar,Member of scientists of NASA's space station

Reza Qaffarian,Engineer of Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA space station

Proffessor Parviz Moein,Head of Central Research Institute of the University of NASA

Proffessor Samad Hayati,NASA Space Station Board Member

Abdolhamid Karimi, works on space missiles in NASA

Dr Moqhadam(female) works on radars in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

I do not agree with <a lot of Jews> part of your post, they are really negligible to science, their Nobel prizes are western guilt gifts.

I hope you did understand my post before you answered it, because what you say is what I was saying without naming anyone, just the general facts, or the big picture.
So, next time read to what I have answered before you post to me, because I have a very good idea of what I say, I live here in North America and I have done all my University studies here in different scientific fields.
LOL...this toy really looks like a joke.Can it carry side winder missiles on it,s small wings ?Never heard about a advanced stealth fighter capable of defeating all western counterparts built in a 2-3$ million dollar budget lol.According to many internet source this is one hell of a fake blunder by Iranian government.

While I do think that it's not a real plane, basic design and research for the aircraft at this cost is actually quite believable.

What is unbelievable is implementing those designs and research into making the plane, simply because Iran lacks the technology and materials to create such a plane.
Well, that confirms what we all knew all along.
Qaher is not an aircraft that is going to intercept or challenge the likes of F-16 etc.
Its low-cost unit and an assymetrical fighter jet, meant to cause as much damage as can be, at the lowest cost possible.
If the numbers turns out to be right, Iran could afford to manufacture 100s if not thousands of them, without overstretching the military budget too much.
Maybe even be used for suicide/kamikaze attacks against US naval warships (maybe that is what they are hinting at with the "volunteer" part), if all else fails.

Its actually a very smart defense doctrine, considering the circumstances.:tup:
It's a subsonic piece of sh*t. any F102 would beat the sh*t out of it in dogfight

Personally, I'd prefer a super tucano. Makes the same speed with fuel efficiency :)
Sorry body, but no one will take an advice from a country that has failed in all its domestic weapon's programs, all... at least a hundred billion dollars loss that could have saved millions of Indian lives from disease and poverty were wasted on failed thermonuclear bombs, Tanks and aircrafts 3rd generation, how can one expect you to understand 5th generation technology.

Everyone knows who controls those media outlets, so common! post something else please.

Surely, we can't understand this 5th generation photoshop & RC model technology.

Btw currently 3rd generation tanks operational in the world.
Proffessor Mohammad Jamshidi , internal programm manager of NASA Space station

Firuz Nader , Executive manager at Mars NASA Space Station

Hamid Berenhi , member of scientists of NASA space station

Qasem Asrar,NASA Space Station Board Member

Kazem Omidvar,Member of scientists of NASA's space station

Reza Qaffarian,Engineer of Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA space station

Proffessor Parviz Moein,Head of Central Research Institute of the University of NASA

Proffessor Samad Hayati,NASA Space Station Board Member

Abdolhamid Karimi, works on space missiles in NASA

Dr Moqhadam(female) works on radars in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Don't forget the Mohawk Guy :D
While I do think that it's not a real plane, basic design and research for the aircraft at this cost is actually quite believable.

What is unbelievable is implementing those designs and research into making the plane, simply because Iran lacks the technology and materials to create such a plane.

And what makes you think that, is it just your guess or is it based on some facts that you will like to share.
From what I know Iran is well advanced in all fields of sciences, and their military equipments are highly sophisticated; they produce frigates, submarines, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, civilian airplanes, fighter airplanes, air defence systems, nuclear technology, nano-products, medicines, oil refineries and much more. So, while most of these products are for domestic use only, others like medicines and nano technologies for instance have a world wide benefit.
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