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Defense Deals With Russia In Trouble; Russia Refuses To Sign Integrity Pact


Oct 23, 2006
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Defense Deals With Russia In Trouble; Russia Refuses To Sign Integrity Pact
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India Defence Premium
Dated 4/4/2007
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India's weapons purchases have hit a major roadblock with its biggest defence supplier, Russia, refusing to sign the mandatory integrity pact for defence contracts.

Under the present defence procurement procedures, every defence contract worth more than Rs 100 crore must be accompanied by an integrity pact, an undertaking that no arms agents are involved and no commissions have been paid.

Authoritative sources in the Ministry of Defence told DNA that intense negotiations are underway between the Ministry of Defence and Russian representatives to ensure that the latter’s stand do not “delay” India’s defence modernisation and massive procurement programmes.

The Russians have told the MOD that some clauses of the integrity pact “collide with” the domestic laws of the country. However, sources are refusing to confirm if the Russian reservations has got to do with the pact demanding an explicit commitment against payment of commissions and appointment of agents.

Under the integrity pact, if it is found that either side had agents or paid commissions then criminal cases can be initiated by India and the other side has to cooperate. Arms dealers are banned under the defence procurement policy 2006.

“We are trying to find a via media,” a source told DNA when questioned about the stand off.

Russia is India’s biggest defence supplier and most dependable partner. Some $10 billion worth of defence contracts are now in the pipeline. However, any ‘fresh contracts’ will have to wait till India and Russia resolve the standoff over the integrity pact.

“We can not give up the integrity pact because it is integral part of the DPP (Defence Procurement Policy) 2006. So, we will have to find an amicable settlement without compromising on our procurement policy,” a source said.

Partly because of the complications arising out of the complications thrown up by Russian stand, India is now only pursuing existing contracts and “repeat orders”.

The proposed purchase of 40 more Sukhoi 30 fighters and more than 300 T-90 tanks may go through because they are “repeat orders”, and may only require a negotiation about the present prices based on the original contracts signed earlier, sources said. But a final word can be said only after “negotiations are carried out,” they added. India has allocated Rs 41,922 crore in this fiscal for defence purchases.

A slew of major purchases are in the pipeline, including 126 multi-role combat aircraft for IAF, substantial number of helicopters for all three forces, over Rs 30,000 crore worth of battleships, massive radar and other surveillance equipment purchases, etc where Russian equipment are leading contenders.
Well the time to switch is here! Indo-Soviet breakup!:cry: :P
Russia has bribed the crap out of Indian generals. That's why I said, when the Army would be asked to either buy Russian or American, they will ONLY say Russian.
Indian generals cannot force the decision to buy anything. bribing them is fruitless.

There is a Ministry of Defence. Lol, things are not in the hands of military generals here ;)
Indian generals cannot force the decision to buy anything. bribing them is fruitless.

There is a Ministry of Defence. Lol, things are not in the hands of military generals here ;)

You make it sound so easy :lol:
Even Thai gerenals were bribed in buying French equipment, etc, as well as other countries and India is no exception.
How is India comparable to Thailand??

Though Adux is right. The babu's need to be bribed, not the generals. Military generals have no powers over here apart from running their respective forces. That power rests with the MoD.
I hope this teaches our politicains a valuable lesson: No one is your firend in international politics. If russia were our friend, they wouldnt do this crap.

india always had a soft corner for Russian stuff. thats why sometimes we ended up buying Russian weapons instead of looking too Europe or other sectors. From now on we should look at Russian merchandise with a business eye only. Buy them only if they r exactly what we want. otherwise buy from elsewhere.

India should show Russia that we dont need them as much as they think we need them. We have other potential suppliers now, like the US, israleis and the europeans. maybe its high time we considered another major supplier
RD-93 engines to Pakistan and now this. Its about time Pakistan should step up and asks for Russian weaponry.
RD-93 engines to Pakistan and now this. Its about time Pakistan should step up and asks for Russian weaponry.

Why? If it is from the perspective of creating a few more sources then fair enough but NO WAY should they see them as being a primary location! Russian kit does not impress me! (there are exceptions to this. but as a general rule:tdown: )
RD-93 engines to Pakistan and now this. Its about time Pakistan should step up and asks for Russian weaponry.

Big, NO NO.

We shouldn't go for Russian hardware they aren't up to standard or quality, I'm just waiting for our planes to get WS-13 so we don't rely on Russia in the future. Well this news shows all the boasting Indians made was for nothing.
Tells a lot about the business practices of the Russians.

Russia: We won't sign a pact that stops us from bribing you guys!
Why? If it is from the perspective of creating a few more sources then fair enough but NO WAY should they see them as being a primary location! Russian kit does not impress me! (there are exceptions to this. but as a general rule:tdown: )

There are things that we can ideally use for our military i.e spare parts for the Mi-17, more Mi-17, more RD-93 to be used to supply JF-17 aircrafts with western avionics (as we have the access) etc..
Indian generals cannot force the decision to buy anything. bribing them is fruitless.

There is a Ministry of Defence. Lol, things are not in the hands of military generals here ;)
Google it up!

Who do you think got India to buy from the Israelis? A Jewish General, he's I think quite famous too. General Jacobs?

Whom do you think the MOD asks for advice on what to buy? Why do you think the MRCAs have taken this long? Indian generals are looking towards Russia but the politicians see a strategic advantage in buying from the Americans.

It's not about being in control, its about lobbying.
It should also tell you the amount of people that they've probably got bribed within India.

The other thing is they are being asked to sign a pact that allows India to pursue criminal charges against Russians. Do they really want Indians prosecuting Russians? Indians should have known that Russia won't bend over for then. I suspect they are creating an environment of distrust on purpose...

I think we should pursue Russia as a source of some weaponry. It's Cheap. It's hitting the 5th generation. What do you think JF-17 started as? That was Russian weaponry that was built upon.

If India doesn't go for the Migs over political reasons, it would be awesome if China or Pakistan can get them. Pakistan can buy from the Russians without the Americans giving us any heat over it (they got no moral right to object since they started selling to the Indians too). So we will have an extra source...
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