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Defense chief calls China, India "threats"

I think there is more that indians can learn from this. Americans hate all of us in this neighbourhood this kind of statement should encourage us to sort all issues in the neighbourhood peacefully and face the true threat which is from outside
the US reminds me of the lion "scar" from 'the lion king' and the hyenas are the indians. up until the final parts of the movie the US (scar) gave the hyenas (indians) support then after realizing it wouldn't stand a chance against the now grown up simba (china), scar blames the hyenas, the hyenas all look at scar and realizes that he is a liar and a traitor and then they all attack and finish him once and for all.

moral of the story? the US will use you for it's own interest then simply dispose of you when you are of no more use. knowing this about the US early would be very beneficial. other than the border conflict of 1962 which was caused directly by the british illegal creation of the McMahon Line, China and India were never enemies. the rivalry between india and china is a product of british imperialism.

today china is the enemy because it is seen as a potential threat to US and western hegemony in the world, tomorrow it may be india. but in the end of the day, we are all enemies of the US and the west as their goal is to keep the other side of the world in perpetual bondage. divide and conquer is their technique.

I agree with you to some extent...But the problem is that India is left with no option rather than to cosy up with US as long as China do not maintain its aggressive posture towards India....Practically speaking leave aside the media...but Indian donot possess ill feeling or -ve attitude towards China as they feel it for other enemeys...But the circumstances and situation is making us to beleive that China donot beleive any success of India...
Panetta being a ex CIA will carry these exaggerated threat perceptions to his present job. He is also a foreign policy novice. I wouldnt read much into his statement. As you said there are many other actions of US which prove otherwise

I would even say- he does NOT even remotely carry such conceptions or perceptions. He is every pro india, his govt is , his country is. He wants as a def sect in the US to have a strong ally in India...

then why did panetta mis speak you may ask? ... because everytime they talk about about rising powers they say as a mantra India, china , India, china ( talking about economic powers)_ and it came out as ' India' too in this case because of habbit ( the brain sometimes works that way)... and not because of actions show that US sees India as a threat. he just misspoke period.

US sees india as such a threat that it opened a civil nuclear deal ( deal of century) opening others to work with india without NPT.

US sees india as such a threat that it opened most of its advanced militray hardware for sale ( this one being one strange way to act towards a threat)

US sees india as such a threat that it allowed India to be removed( unbanned) from the dual tech advanced list

US sees india as such a threat that is the first and then one who is actively trying to get India included on the UNSC and on the NSG list.

100 more things ....
so let me get this--- this for the fickle minded Indians here:

One mis-spoken statement, yes misspoken because you have 1000 actions by the US - showing it has nothing to do with the misspoken statement( quite the opposite), holds more weight for those Indians who have feigned outrage here?

just some small examples:

US sees india as such a threat that it opened a civil nuclear deal ( deal of century) opening others to work with india without NPT.

US sees india as such a threat that it opened most of its advanced militray hardware for sale ( this on strange way to act towards a threat)

US sees india as such a threat that it allowed India to be removed( unbanned) from the dual tech advanced list

US sees india as such a threat that is the first and then one who is actively trying to get India included on the UNSC and on the NSG list.

100 more things ....

I mean how fickle minded do you have to be to fall for the statement and prodding by the posters here ( whom have nothing but ill-will for your country), as being the bible of US's intention? heh. hilarious!

why did panetta mis speak? ... because everytime they talk about about rising powers they say India, china , India, china and it came out as ' India' too in this case because of habbit ( the brain sometimes works that way)... and not because of actions show that US sees India as a threat.

The wise man said ,
one way to neutralise a threat is to make it an ur ally and make it dependent on u for his security arsenal and economic progress.....
To win a war u need best weapons but to win a country u need best intentions.....
I would even say- he does NOT even remotely carry such conceptions or perceptions. He is every pro india, his govt is , his country is. He wants as a def sect in the US to have a strong ally in India...

then why did panetta mis speak you may ask? ... because everytime they talk about about rising powers they say as a mantra India, china , India, china ( talking about economic powers)_ and it came out as ' India' too in this case because of habbit ( the brain sometimes works that way)... and not because of actions show that US sees India as a threat. he just misspoke period.

Yes. It was a slip of the tongue.

Leon Panetta Makes Foreign Policy Gaffe - Washington Wire - WSJ

Hopefully this gaffe will be fixed when he comes to India

Leon Panetta to visit India soon: US official

the US reminds me of the lion "scar" from 'the lion king' and the hyenas are the indians. up until the final parts of the movie the US (scar) gave the hyenas (indians) support then after realizing it wouldn't stand a chance against the now grown up simba (china), scar blames the hyenas, the hyenas all look at scar and realizes that he is a liar and a traitor and then they all attack and finish him once and for all.

moral of the story? the US will use you for it's own interest then simply dispose of you when you are of no more use. knowing this about the US early would be very beneficial. other than the border conflict of 1962 which was caused directly by the british illegal creation of the McMahon Line, China and India were never enemies. the rivalry between india and china is a product of british imperialism.

today china is the enemy because it is seen as a potential threat to US and western hegemony in the world, tomorrow it may be india. but in the end of the day, we are all enemies of the US and the west as their goal is to keep the other side of the world in perpetual bondage. divide and conquer is their technique.

Ah but the reality is that China is the hyenas that back stabbed its ideological partner and "friend" the USSR in the back while US supported the Chinese become what it is today. Otherwise under Mao, China would still be killing 20 million of its people every 2 decades with its Cultural revolutions and Great Leap forwards.

India was never an ally of the US and wont be in the future. Unlike China that makes friendly noises in the front, has underhanded dealings with the US and then stabs the USSR in the back when it is down on out.

Mao did not use the British Imperialism theory to start the 1962 war. He hearkened back to 648AD to recall the first war when the Tang dynasty had attacked the Kashmir Kingdom in India to fire up his troops and boost his sagging political fortunes.
The wise man said ,
one way to neutralise a threat is to make it an ur ally and make it dependent on u for his security arsenal and economic progress.....
To win a war u need best weapons but to win a country u need best intentions.....

How's that working out for you with China and Pakistan , said another wise man.
thats why I dont trust there americans.I like my chinese friends here better.we have alot in common

There is no such thing as a friend. The someone who was most friendliest possible as a country, was USSR who truly stuck till the end. However, today's world has no national level friends. Don't judge with emotions.
The thing is that any superpower will feel the heat when other powers start to rise. U.S know that china & india are rising & this rise may pose a danger to America's throne by china in near future & may be by india later. now U.S is focusing on china & in future it may be india.
How's that working out for you with China and Pakistan , said another wise man.

well one is going down the drain and other has got drunk on so much ego , both have turn sucidal....

but my quote was in context with US

pakistan and china are like god send motivation to our lazy a** politician to do something for the nation on security and economic front otherwise we would still be living in license raj

Enemy is the one who always keeps u on the edge and alert ......
I don't think you guys are aware of the IRC triangle? India - Russia - China. There are secret parleys going on between them since 2007. The US of A knows this and therefore the comments by Leon Panetta that China and India were a threat. Russia in any case, always was. Now imagine these three countries together in a strategic military triangle. Where does it leave America and its pet poodle, Britain? (All the decibels emanating from China and India against each other is just a way of hiding the conspiracy).

As Shakespeare said: There are more things on heaven and Earth, Horatio, than can be dreamt of in your philosophy.
I don't think you guys are aware of the IRC triangle? India - Russia - China. There are secret parleys going on between them since 2007. The US of A knows this and therefore the comments by Leon Panetta that China and India were a threat. Russia in any case, always was. Now imagine these three countries together in a strategic military triangle. Where does it leave America and its pet poodle, Britain? (All the decibels emanating from China and India against each other is just a way of hiding the conspiracy).

As Shakespeare said: There are more things on heaven and Earth, Horatio, than can be dreamt of in your philosophy.

and you came to this trifecta conclusion based on a misspoken statement?

lets see, actions by the chinese of incursions, maps showing AP belonging to them, harrasment of your ships in south china sea, supporting your enemy with nuclear and missle technology, harbouring your terrorists... all these "actions" and not a " statement" .... suddenly vanishes from your psyche over a " single misspoken" statement. All of those factual " actions" done against your country holds less weight than a freaking misspoken statement? :hang2:

Thank god we have much the wiser sitting in india's govt.
I think there is more that indians can learn from this. Americans hate all of us in this neighbourhood this kind of statement should encourage us to sort all issues in the neighbourhood peacefully and face the true threat which is from outside

Don't you think we know that? 30 years ago when you were in US camp, we were on a collision course with USA. It didn't affect us then, what makes you think it will affect us now? Listen mate, being "neutral" left us on our own for quite sometime but it taught us to see any country properly before jumping into a relationship with them.

Our foreign affairs is not based on emotions but on hard-nosed realism. We neither think in religious terms nor we think in "brotherly" terms. Those who are good with us, we just return the favor and vice versa. That is real world diplomacy.
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