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Defense budget to grow 12.7% to $91.5 billion

Every country has the right to spend as much as they think it is needed for there defence.... Be it China or India....

No, you are wrong.

When we spend on defense, we also allocate huge amount for infrastructure, education and health care. To just give you some examples:

1. we allocated $600 billion USD to build our national high speed railway network. as of writing, 7000kms have already been completed.
2. we plan to increase the central government's education spending in the next 5 years, a total of $200 billion USD extra will be put into schools.

MOD EDIT: Inflammatory comments removed.
Great news, i hope the defence budget continues to rise WITH prosperity in China.

Hopefully, China can increase its presence in the Indian Ocean, starting from Gawadar Port.

We will worker harder to ensure 6 aircraft carrier combat groups can enter active service in the next 2 decades, and I personally hope at least 2 of them will station in the indian ocean.
ohh, man.
the whole world are talking about China's threat and you guys are showing off how much China is investing on weapons, much more than the official source. haha
let's pretend we invest less than expected.:azn:
I think it's mostly 1 guy spreading the China threat theory here on his insistence of China's superduper ginormous military budget. :azn:
I am telling some indian members some truth. truth that their media refuse to tell them.

Is it ok?

China can spend 600 billion because it can afford.. India can spend 100 billion because it can only afford 100 billion,, After a decade or so we will also have the capability to spend 600 billion...
Since the 12.7% figure is not adjusted for inflation we see military spending as % of GDP is again dropping this year. But of course no respectable Western journalist will mention such an insignificant fact in their reports.
IMO, increasing the budget can be a very good thing depending on the detail allocation of the fund.

(btw, Aerospaceengineer, you've forgotten to add space programme-related to your list.)

It would be great that the majority of the fund is dedicated into China's mil sci-tech area which can be easily spinned off into civilian high tech industries ( think US Apollo Programms' overall impact), together in HR area on training since average IQ of 105 is in fact the single biggest long time raw advantage that China has over anyone!
Where did you get the idea that the budget is 3.5% of GDP? Making it up?

Not even the Pentagon as that ridiculous 200 billion estimate of yours, and they regularly overestimate the PLA budget.

I can't believe that Chinese people themselves cite Pentagon propaganda. The US is inflating the China threat theory to get the world afraid of us, while they bomb everything into oblivion and here we are helping them spread the lie.
Then please tell me why is India spending 3.5% of its GDP on defence??

You Indians, Americans, Taiwanese, Japanese, all so scared of seeing China spend more money on defence, mean while pump up your own defence budget. :)

You are always talking nonsense, without citing any relyable data.

I hope that PLA will play a more positive role in helping and protecting citizens, like the retreat in Libya. never be that agressive and bully like world police.
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