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Why do you people need reservation? Do you consider yourself intellectually challenged?
The British destroyed our education system after we revolted in 1857. We are yet to see any improvement in this regard till date.

So the 35% Muslims need 35% reservation in Private and Public sector and education to overcome this disadvantage. After our condition improves you can remove reservations.
@Aeronaut Can you please check the location of our friend @mujhaidind I smell a false flagger.... If he is really from india, then no issue in having his own opinion.....
What is Hinduvati? An alternative to Kapalvati? :azn:

Baba khush huye. :D

Which democratic country has muslim reservation ??
The western democracies you talk about have educated Muslims migration. In India we Muslims are most backward in terms of education. So we need reservations.
@Aeronaut Can you please check the location of our friend @mujhaidind I smell a false flagger.... If he is really from india, then no issue in having his own opinion.....
He is from India, just trying to make Muslims look bad. Some Iranians have also called him out. Request everybody not to derail the thread on his account.
The British destroyed our education system after we revolted in 1857. We are yet to see any improvement in this regard till date.

So the 35% Muslims need 35% reservation in Private and Public sector and education to overcome this disadvantage. After our condition improves you can remove reservations.

Yeah, force your kids to go to some Madrassah, and then seek reservation to compete against the potent highly educated competitors in this highly competitive job market. I smell hypocrisy here.
The western democracies you talk about have educated Muslims migration. In India we Muslims are most backward in terms of education. So we need reservations.

Let me assume you to be an indian for time being.......

Who stops muslims from going to schools??? They have equal opportunity of a christian or a hindu or a sikh for that matter.....
The British destroyed our education system after we revolted in 1857. We are yet to see any improvement in this regard till date.

So the 35% Muslims need 35% reservation in Private and Public sector and education to overcome this disadvantage. After our condition improves you can remove reservations.
Did they ban Madrasaes ??I didn't know that English were averse to education at any point of time.
Can you please check the location of our friend @mujhaidind I smell a false flagger.... If he is really from india, then no issue in having his own opinion.....
I have verified by every admin. You idiots on other hand trolling in a very important discussiong. And spewing your bigotry towards Muslim minority.
Who stops muslims from going to schools??? They have equal opportunity of a christian or a hindu or a sikh for that matter.....
How can poor Muslims afford to send their children to decent schools? If you provide reservations for 10-20 years then our future generations can be educated and well-off
The western democracies you talk about have educated Muslims migration. In India we Muslims are most backward in terms of education. So we need reservations.

I didn' say west . Name just any random country of the world.

No you are wrong Muslims even in western countries like UK and Canada are less educated and live in ghettos.
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