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Defence Research and Development Organisation successfully test-fires Interceptor Missile from Abdul

Other priorities ie fighting a RAW backed insurgency which we are on the verge of defeating.Kudos young man
Other priorities...is your INTERNAL problem....giving excuse after excuse not going to help your rhetoric

Existence of pak space program is from 1961 and that's 54 years..don't tell me that it takes 54 years just to send a 50 kg to leo
How much foreign input was their??????????just like your cryogenic engines, all reverse engineered tech, besides we have Mirv and Prithvi is hardly a capable missile,,,,,,,,,,I still think you should rely on Lord Indra Vajra weapon!

why you are trolling like this. how about your stand when it comes to chinese reverse engineering tech?
Prime Minister's Office
02-March, 2017 10:51 IST
PM congratulates defence scientists on the successful demonstration of ballistic missile defence capability

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has congratulated the defence scientists on the successful demonstration of India's ballistic missile defence capability.

"Hearty congratulations to our defence scientists for the successful demonstration of ballistic missile defence capability.
With this, India joins the select group of five nations with such capability- a proud moment for the entire country.", the Prime Minister said.

He is saying green pine cannot detect Mach 8 and beyond which is not correct add to that the Prithvi missile used as target can have a solid second stage.

He is knowledgeable but not accurate.
His arguments are rebuffed by experts

Penguin took apart his green pine argument

Nevertheless India uses Swordfish which furthermore development of greenpine with 70% increase in range and capabilities equivalent to supergreen pine radar

India's also buying latest High frequency radars from Israel
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His arguments are rebuffed by experts

Penguin took apart his green pine argument

Nevertheless India uses Swordfish which furthermore development of greenpine with 70% increase in range and capabilities equivalent to supergreen pine radar

India's also buying latest High frequency radars from Israel
India is working on a variant of swordfish radar with range over 1500kms since 2012!

AAD Canister Video Presentation.
(Older Launch, Not Yesterday's)

Read Important -
Here is a video of the 6 cell Canisterised TEL for the Advanced Air Defence missile which is supposed to be deployed in the final operational configuration when inducted. The AAD missile also features a foldable fins which are halfway folded when inside the canister.

The video is not from yesterday's launch but from an older launch last year. You can clearly see the hatch opening and the fins still folded halfway just after it pops up and which later opens up completely post launch, clearly visible later in the video.

I wonder what kind of expertise you possess to call Prithvi a "hardly" capable missile.
My dear chap pictures speak louder than words......
I could post evidence upon evidence of your failures as a nation,, here is a wee bit,BTW i am in a good mood so I will not be too harsh with you! Now please do not waste my time with fables about Gangadsehi competency, I will not waste any more time with trolls on this thread.Kudos
My dear chap pictures speak louder than words......
I could post evidence upon evidence of your failures as a nation,, here is a wee bit,BTW i am in a good mood so I will not be too harsh with you! Now please do not waste my time with fables about Gangadsehi competency, I will not waste any more time with trolls on this thread.Kudos

Thanx fr the Real Updates. This is once Acgivement ( Zero failures ) cant be matched by Russia ( bulava Episode ) , US ( The NMD ) and even japan , Israel and China..... India is aalmost the last in list.
My dear chap pictures speak louder than words......
I could post evidence upon evidence of your failures as a nation,, here is a wee bit,BTW i am in a good mood so I will not be too harsh with you! Now please do not waste my time with fables about Gangadsehi competency, I will not waste any more time with trolls on this thread.Kudos

I don't think anyone here will disagree on calling you biggest troll, for every nation who aspires to make things on there own, they bound to test both conditions failures as well as success, unlike some who unpack a item, put a paint job and call its test success, so stop with your crap.
Nice try.
Pakistan does not have any MIRVs.
Yes it does and it demonstrated the capability in it's first attempt,,,,,Instead of criticising the brilliance of Pakistani scientists and engineers(Gems of NUST and UET) , you should be applauding them:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:they are ensuring a "balance of power" in the region, hence no total war which will lead to oblivion for both people of the Gangedsh and for folks from my beloved Indus region, in fact if you folks had any sense you would write to your feeble politicians and ask them to curtail research into ABMD, I urge you folks to see sense, despite the snail like pace of your program success will one day be inevitable.Kudos
My dear chap pictures speak louder than words......
I could post evidence upon evidence of your failures as a nation,, here is a wee bit,BTW i am in a good mood so I will not be too harsh with you! Now please do not waste my time with fables about Gangadsehi competency, I will not waste any more time with trolls on this thread.Kudos
Pathetic ... first posting a report that is 7 years old and another that is ISRO GSLV launch and posting as an Indian Missile (also 7 years old) .... Pathetic!!!:coffee:
Pathetic ... first posting a report that is 7 years old and another that is ISRO GSLV launch and posting as an Indian Missile (also 7 years old) .... Pathetic!!!:coffee:

"just" 7 years old video ?

arre bhai . .brace yourself for these videos to be used for next 7 years as well :lol::lol::lol:

doesnt matter if it a satellite launch vehicle also . . . for @django bhaiya anything that goes up is a missile.
Pathetic ... first posting a report that is 7 years old and another that is ISRO GSLV launch and posting as an Indian Missile (also 7 years old) .... Pathetic!!!:coffee:
It was to illustrate the sheer incompetency of folks at your incompetent organisations yet you folks are still living in a illusion of greatness, this belief of yours has to be eradicated as way too many of your country men have started to buy into this erroneous "India is great" belief, this will inevitably give you folks a false sense of confidence and will plunge the region into war and make no mistake about it, war will not be confined to adjacent areas of the border, we will set half of Gangadesh on fire and that will just be the beginning!
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