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Defence purchase govt’s priority


Apr 8, 2007
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The Awami League-led grand alliance government has procured military hardware worth Tk 15,104 crore as part of its initiative to modernise the armed forces and enhance defence capabilities.

Procurement of another Tk 10,000-crore military hardware and technology is in the pipeline under two deals — one signed with Russia in January and the other with Belarus last month, said sources in the army.The Awami League-led grand alliance government has procured military hardware worth Tk 15,104 crore as part of its initiative to modernise the armed forces and enhance defence capabilities.

Procurement of another Tk 10,000-crore military hardware and technology is in the pipeline under two deals — one signed with Russia in January and the other with Belarus last month, said sources in the army.

Moreover, a move to buy two off-the-shelf (readymade) submarines for the navy is gaining momentum. A letter of intent has already been issued for the purchase. The two submarines might be bought either from the US or China under a government to government agreement.

Those already procured include radars, tanks, aircrafts, helicopters, missiles, frigates, survey ship and self-propelled guns. These were procured from China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Serbia and the UK.

Statistics of defence purchase from fiscal year 2008-09 to 2012-13 shows highest Tk 5,407.27 crore was spent for the army followed by Tk 4,975.49 crore for the navy. Air force purchase stood at Tk 4,722.13 crore.

China remains Bangladesh’s largest supplier, providing more than half the country’s defence purchase. Nearly half (Tk 7,400 crore) of the total expenditure on defence purchase during the present government went to China.

Of the purchased equipment, Bangladesh Army got 44 tanks, three armed recovery vehicles (ARV) and two weapon-locating radars from China while 184 three-tonne capacity Japanese lorries, 275 armed personnel carriers (APC), 15 ARV ambulances and 113 tank destroyer equipment (ATGW) from Russia. It also got two helicopters from France and 18 self-propelled guns from Serbia.

Given the importance of maritime boundary, the government has put highest importance on equipping the navy with new frigates and patrol and war ships, missiles and maritime aircrafts in the last four and a half years.

Two frigates, two new small war ships, two large petrol ships and five patrol crafts were procured from China. Two radar and fire control systems and 50 missiles (C-704) were also bought from China.

In addition, two Italian-made maritime helicopters and five MK-2 missiles, German-made two maritime aircrafts, three ships made by the UK were also added to the navy force.

The navy is also hoping to be equipped with two submarines by 2016. The government is in talks with China and the US in this regard. Estimated cost of a China-made submarine is Tk 4,000 crore while a US-made may cost the double.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated three war ships in Chittagong on August 29.

A move is underway to acquire land in Pekua upazila (near Kutubdia channel) of Cox’s Bazar to establish a submarine harbour.

Six navy personnel are now in Golcuk, Turkey, for training on operation of submarine. Five more will be sent once they returned, said sources in the navy.

There was no purchase for the Air Force in fiscal year 2009-10 but the following three years saw a huge purchase from China and Russia. These include 16 F-7 BG1 planes from China and three MI-171SH helicopters from Russia.

The Air Force also got SHORAD, an air defence system, overhauling facilities for F-7 planes, PL-9C missiles for F-7 plane, four air defence radars and overhauling of MIG-29 planes during the time.

Justifying expenditure on defence hardware, former army chief Maj Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman said, “Considering our geopolitical, geostrategical, geoeconomical and geographical context, the purchase was very much important to strengthen our armed forces.”

He said Bangladesh’s neighbours India, Myanmar and China have manifolded their military strength.

“We have the Bay of Bengal. If we want to establish our rights and authorities on the water-territory and its resources, we have no alternative but to strengthen the army, navy and air forces,” said Mahbubur, a member of BNP’s standing committee.

He termed “very much logical” the move to buy submarines for the navy. “We of course need submarines.”

Former chief of army staff Lt Gen (retd) Harun-Ar Rashid said Bangladesh armed forces operate not only in the country. They also work with other militaries in the UN peacekeeping mission.

“So our armed forces must be modernised to remain in the race with other countries’ armed forces,” he said.

Asked how he looked at such huge defence budget, the former army chief said the issue of modernising the armed forces had not got due priority in the past. “It has got due attention from the government this time. Everybody should take it positively.”

Harun, however, added that education, health and housing should get priority over the armed forces in terms of the budgetary allocation.
Both the former army chiefs said they believed defence allocation in Bangladesh was the lowest in the sub-continent.

A former Navy chief said strengthening the Navy became very important given the fact that Bangladesh now had more maritime area than its land area.

“A good navy consisting of air, marine and submarine equipment is a must to ensure a good economy. It is more so, because 99 percent imports of the country come through the sea,” he said.

The Navy is on duty round the clock to check piracy, provide security to trade and oil and gas exploration. Strengthening the navy also means it will be able to play a stronger role in the UN peacekeeping mission, he added.


On January 15, Dhaka and Moscow signed a $1 billion (around Tk 8,000 crore) deal under which Bangladesh will procure military arms and equipment from Russia.

They include armoured vehicles and infantry weapons, air defence systems, training aircrafts, anti-tank missiles and Mi-17 transport helicopters.

RIA Novosti, one of the largest news agencies in Russia, reported that details of the deal are unknown but Russian military analyst Igor Korotchenko said Bangladesh was likely to buy about 80 to 100 Russian-made BTR-80 amphibious armored personnel carriers (APCs) and some missile defence systems.


Bangladesh signed seven deals with Belarus during Hasina’s visit to the East European country in July. A deal on military and technological cooperation was also signed during visit but it was kept secret.

Like many past deals, the government disclosed nothing about the defence pact.

However, bits and pieces of defence purchase became public through various speeches of the prime minister, who on February 27 this year came up with some details in this regard in her speech in parliament.
Hasina said her government had moved to purchase two submarines and a coast guard cutter for the navy.

“Moves are on to purchase two submarines from a friendly country,” she said without naming the country. But she said the coast guard cutter will be purchased from the US.

In her scripted answer, the premier said her government had already purchased missiles, torpedoes for destroying ship and submarine, depth charges, rocket launchers, canons, radars and other weapons for the navy.

She said two new army commands and an infantry division, two air defence brigades, more than one armoured, artillery and engineering battalions and other supportive units will be added to the army to strengthen the force as part implementing the force’s goal-2030.

The goal will be implemented in four phases in light of the defence policy formulated by the Bangabandhu-led government in 1974.

Besides, Hasina said, the government had moved to purchase fourth generation MBT-2000 tanks, multi-launcher rocket system, weapon locating radar, automatic grenade launcher, anti-tank weapon, non-guided anti-tank weapon and anti-tank guided missiles for the army.

She also mentioned that a process was underway to purchase modern euro-copter, light fixed-wing aircraft and armoured and anti-air weapons for the army.

To modernise the air force under the goal-2030, she said her government had moved to buy air defence radar, fighter planes, and air-to-air missiles.

On June 13 last year, Planning Minister AK Khandker, who is in charge of the House committee on the defence ministry, told parliament that the government had moved to purchase two off-the-shelf [readymade] frigates, two large patrol crafts, two maritime patrol aircrafts and five patrol crafts for the navy.

The government allocated Tk 14,458 crore for defence in the budget for fiscal year 2013-14, the second highest after education, which got Tk 25, 114 crore.

Defence purchase govt
So does anyone have any idea about what we are getting from Belarus??
good, then do nothing just lick your finger and dismiss armed forces.

Lol, take it easy. You know it's true. It's all a political stunt to keep the naive citizens happy. If it's something we can't use to defend ourselves against India or Burma, why waste money? Makes sense?
Belarus uses soviet weapons, either they have leftovers from the breakup of soviet union or they have the licence to produce russian weaponry. Anyway if they are willing to sell from their arsenal, they have wide range of russian weaponry.
first tell me what do you know about Belarus defence industry ? what do they produce ?

I know nothing. And that's the problem. They're not known for anything, except Soviet style corruption.
Belarus uses soviet weapons, either they have leftovers from the breakup of soviet union or they have the licence to produce russian weaponry. Anyway if they are willing to sell from their arsenal, they have wide range of russian weaponry.

study study and study.... no alternative

T38 Stilet T381 short range air defence missile system technical data sheet specifications pictures*-*Army Recognition*-*Army Recognition
Vietnam will buy the Belarus-made surveillance radar Vostok E able to detect stealth fighter 1807131*-*Army Recognition
belarus upgraded its buk Missile's range close to 100 km and it even can hit aircraft which are stationed in airbase which lacks in russia system.
there are many more

I know nothing. And that's the problem. They're not known for anything, except Soviet style corruption.

first study on defence otherwise you are showing how much stupid you are
first study on defence otherwise you are showing how much stupid you are

Name calling does not help your cause. Those junk you mentioned in your post are pretty useless by today's standards. Buks are going to be sitting ducks for Indian Air Force.
Corruption, a whole lot of it. =)

State to State contract does not have corruption and for that our law allows to waive tendering if that is a state to state contract.

Name calling does not help your cause. Those junk you mentioned in your post are pretty useless by today's standards. Buks are going to be sitting ducks for Indian Air Force.

Buk is a potent air defence system and most of the latest Indians navy boats are equipped with Buk and you cant get close to them for sure.
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