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Defence.pk - Why kill the news????

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Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Defence.pk - Why kill the news????

I have posted the news of :


And i don't want to give an excuse to the Admin/Mods to close/delete this thread, that's why I have posted unbiased, reputed and pakistani sources like:

The Express Tribune - A Pakistani newspaper who is known to be pro Pak Army)





Even then this thread is closed, Why there is suppression of news????

As a member of PDF i have right to know the reason or any rule it violated.
Hacking related news may not be good for this website.
The site already gets more than its fair share if cyber attacks.
Hacking related news may not be good for this website.
The site already gets more than its fair share if cyber attacks.

That means you are saying that you accepts the news as true but admin/mods have closed the thread because of the fear of chinese hackers???
^^ I am only guessing...and i anot judge and jury to give a verdict on authenticity of the news.
But yes...once this website comes up on google search with the news and sarcastic comments made by indians..
Surely hackers attention will be diverted here.

You are assuming that.
The mods should have the courtesy to at least comment the reason why threads are closed or deleted.

Send a PM to the mod..
Such complaints are made by PM not thread.
anyone can hack the internet these days, I'd remain skeptical for now, it just doesn't compute why Chinese websites were targeted. Psychological Cyber-warfare is a pretty legit thing, there could be foreign hands at play here.
There was a similar thread to this. It was discussed and dusted.

Another one of the same news was closed by Aeronaut I think.

So maybe it was just 3 threads on the same news.
That means you are saying that you accepts the news as true but admin/mods have closed the thread because of the fear of chinese hackers???

Why on Earth would Chinese hackers target PDF, in response to the actions of the Pakistan Cyber Army?

I mean, apart from PDF being the largest repository of anti-China news on the internet.
Good job by the MODS.

The intention of Indian member posting such news are all too obvious.
indian are such cry babies-
indians must understand they are not in their mamas house- they are in enemy territory-
Take it like a man or leave-
How do we know it was the Pak Cyber Army who did this? Because someone left their 'signature' mark?
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