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Death toll in Indian capital communal violence rises to 46

This is not the first time communal violence breaks out in India, why such terrible violence keeps coming back?

China knows the answer...

by the way... these were anti-hindu riots... well planned and well executed... when the count was 37... 29 were Hindus and 8 were Muslims... Muslims tried to instigate Hindus in Dec and Jan too... Delhi police foiled those attempts... but rioters got chance when Delhi police was busy with the security arrangements for President Trump...

Well planned... well timed... and well executed... search about AAP councillor Tahir Hussain and his role in Delhi riots to understand my point... waris pathan and Amanatulla will also be helpful...


At the end of the day... common people die... while politicians and their children are safe...
Witnessing this, we know we really don't need this democracy, if we have this and then being hit by coronavirus, we will be definitely doomed..

Every single bad incident in India becomes a brownie point for you to score on democracy being an unsuitable system. We , the people of subcontinent , would still prefer our flawed democracy over your perfect communist dictatorship. As it is said , it is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven. Go receive your increased social credit for praising your government in whose constitution you play Zero role, ZERO
As it is said , it is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven. Go receive your increased social credit for praising your government in whose constitution you play Zero role, ZERO
Go ahead to believe you live in the heaven and we live in hell, we never keep talking about how great our system is, it's many of you guys keep taunting your democracy and ridiculing China of being a ruthless dictatorship, but the reality is far from what you naively believe.
Go ahead to believe you live in the heaven and we live in hell, we never keep talking about how great our system is, it's many of you guys keep taunting your democracy and ridiculing China of being a ruthless dictatorship, but the reality is far from what you naively believe.
Only if you could understand that quote... I said I believe our democracy is hell as you try to make it look like by blaming everything that goes wrong in subcontinent on democracy. You , my Sir , live in heaven. But I would still prefer a free hell over a communist heaven.

Go ahead to believe you live in the heaven and we live in hell, we never keep talking about how great our system is, it's many of you guys keep taunting your democracy and ridiculing China of being a ruthless dictatorship, but the reality is far from what you naively believe.

I don't think the Uighur muslims believe the same. You literally have one minority, one. And you fail to manage that. You do realize the diversity in India right ? Or even in pakistan ? A dictatorship isn't suitable for such diverse systems.
Go ahead to believe you live in the heaven and we live in hell, we never keep talking about how great our system is, it's many of you guys keep taunting your democracy and ridiculing China of being a ruthless dictatorship, but the reality is far from what you naively believe.

In India, Muslims are murdered in the streets, their homes broken into, their women and children gang-raped, Quran desecrated, masajid burned, shops razed, belongings destroyed, all this with police support.

None of this is happening in China, yet Indians harp on about Uyghurs.
Only if you could understand that quote... I said I believe our democracy is hell as you try to make it look like by blaming everything that goes wrong in subcontinent on democracy. You , my Sir , live in heaven. But I would still prefer a free hell over a communist heaven.

I don't think the Uighur muslims believe the same

Ok, I read it wrong, What I m trying to say if different systems work for different countries and societies, some Indian posters habitually jeer at China about our social system, but they fail to see there are flaws in theirs too.
There are some words i use to describe people who play the three monkies in this regard but i wont use them now.
I expressed my opinion about those boot lickers before, it wasnt a very popular opinion on a Pakistani forum. :lol:
Anyways, i dont wanna get involved in this now, Idlib is burning right now, thats also an urgent issue.

@xenon54 @-SINAN- @cabatli_53 @Dai Toruko

Brothers, don't get baited by Indians. They are slaughtering Muslims and deflecting blame to others.
In India, Muslims are murdered in the streets, their homes broken into, their women and children gang-raped, Quran desecrated, masajid burned, shops razed, belongings destroyed, all this with police support.

None of this is happening in China, yet Indians harp on about Uyghurs.
Bhai mere
1. You are exaggerating a lot.
2. The real situation isn't as bad and you know it. Gang raping muslim women. Come on man are you even serious?
3. About attack on muslims
A. It is to be condemned
B. Even this is not one sided. Look at case of Ankit Sharma in recent delhi riots and presence of acid cannons in muslim houses.
4. You should be the last nation on the earth to talk about minorities.

Ok, I read it wrong, What I m trying to say if different systems work for different countries and societies, some Indian posters habitually jeer at China about our social system, but they fail to see there are flaws in theirs too.
Ofcourse there are flaws. I call it a messed up hell you see. But it is free. And I cherish that.
I don't think the Uighur muslims believe the same. You literally have one minority, one. And you fail to manage that. You do realize the diversity in India right ? Or even in pakistan ? A dictatorship isn't suitable for such diverse systems.
We have 55 minorities, not just one. 99% Uighurs are hardworking, law abiding Chinese citizens, only very few are radicals and seperatists, Xinjiang is in great development and prosperity it had never seen in the history, If you compare Xinjiang with conflict torn regions in south Asia or middle east, you are just fooling yourself.
@mmr Feel free to post on the topic, our BD brothers and sisters are part and parcel to this debate. Don't let any racist Indian, anti-Muslim poster stop you from posting here.

Bhai mere
1. You are exaggerating a lot.
2. The real situation isn't as bad and you know it. Gang raping muslim women. Come on man are you even serious?
3. About attack on muslims
A. It is to be condemned
B. Even this is not one sided. Look at case of Ankit Sharma in recent delhi riots and presence of acid cannons in muslim houses.
4. You should be the last nation on the earth to talk about minorities.

Ofcourse there are flaws. I call it a messed up hell you see. But it is free. And I cherish that.

Hindu Mobs Gang Raped 13 Year Old Muslim Girl In Jaffrabad Delhi

We have 55 minorities, not just one. 99% Uighurs are hardworking, law abiding Chinese citizens, only very few are radicals and seperatists, Xinjiang is in great development and prosperity it had never seen in the history, If you compare Xinjiang with conflict torn regions in south Asia or middle east, you are just fooling yourself.
Development at cost of ?

Republic of buzz. Yes quite credible bhai. You are very swift to discredit ALL indian news sources but for this case you rely on some unknown republic of buzz media. This is BIAS , textbook case of it.
@mmr Feel free to post on the topic, our BD brothers and sisters are part and parcel to this debate. Don't let any racist Indian, anti-Muslim poster stop you from posting here.

Hindu Mobs Gang Raped 13 Year Old Muslim Girl In Jaffrabad Delhi

Seriously China is the worst state for minorities. This is the reason why there are barely any minorities left in China.
China has even internment camps for the Muslim Uighurs to force them to give up their culture.
Something like this can only exist in authoritarian regimes like China without any moral value
Those are mostly vocational training centers. China doesn't have a problem with Uighur culture, what China doesn't like is this

China mistreating its minorities?

Meanwhile you have racist lynch mobs killing anyone who is not Hindu. In fact, a Dalit man was beaten to death just for eating in front of a higher caste...

Development at cost of ?
Freedom from superstitious caste systems, terrorism, racist lynch mobs, factionism, puppet governments. China is not perfect but had China been a democracy like India, the same forces criticising human rights in China will exploit the situation and turn China into another Middle East. To me Hong Kong is just a very small example of how things would unfold.
@mmr Feel free to post on the topic, our BD brothers and sisters are part and parcel to this debate. Don't let any racist Indian, anti-Muslim poster stop you from posting here.

Hindu Mobs Gang Raped 13 Year Old Muslim Girl In Jaffrabad Delhi

Indians are very clever. Look carefully they love encouraging fight between pak and bd. Also pak againt china and pak against turkey and bd against china. Indians are truly cunning ppl.
Those are mostly vocational training centers. China doesn't have a problem with Uighur culture, what China doesn't like is this

China mistreating its minorities?

Meanwhile you have racist lynch mobs killing anyone who is not Hindu. In fact, a Dalit man was beaten to death just for eating in front of a higher caste...

Freedom from superstitious caste systems, terrorism, racist lynch mobs, factionism, puppet governments. China is not perfect but had China been a democracy like India, the same forces criticising human rights in China will exploit the situation and turn China into another Middle East. To me Hong Kong is just a very small example of how things would unfold.
Yeah sure.

China knows the answer...

by the way... these were anti-hindu riots... well planned and well executed... when the count was 37... 29 were Hindus and 8 were Muslims... Muslims tried to instigate Hindus in Dec and Jan too... Delhi police foiled those attempts... but rioters got chance when Delhi police was busy with the security arrangements for President Trump...

Well planned... well timed... and well executed... search about AAP councillor Tahir Hussain and his role in Delhi riots to understand my point... waris pathan and Amanatulla will also be helpful...

View attachment 610612

At the end of the day... common people die... while politicians and their children are safe...
Wrong. Out of 36 dead, 24 were muslims , 12 Hindus.
This was a deliberately started riot , the criminals should be hanged.
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