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Death toll in Indian capital communal violence rises to 46

Tianenmen tanks didnt kill anyone? You tell me what the uighurs that have fled to Turkey are saying about what their family members are going through....many say killing is actually merciful in comparison....and sometimes also happen.

Besides, I am talking to Chinese member here which like US, Russia, Europe, Brazil etc is actually a peer in size and heterogeneity of India.

We as secular institutional based massive country managing a heritage of zero suspension of constitution since formation.....need no sermon from partitioned bloc rump entities formed together in name of one religion and then found a way to break apart regardless in such fashion that puts Indian riots in far more minor scale. Not to mention the effects of their own repression of reality inside....that only becomes much more apparent to rest of world once their migrants form large enough populations in say UK....and start doing all kind of things....and rest of world gets firm reality check on what it must be like in source country even more.

After all one refuses to release the record of its actions found in own investigation (Hamoodur)...the other has constant cry psyche of you know what. Both run by same thug lineages (militarist in one and nepotist dynasty in another) of the divorce-war that caused all of that, and still stopping their countries at highest level from gaining any real traction.

It is of zero relevance to us....you are both not our peers to begin with anyway. One only need to take cursory look at Mujahir/punjabi/Sindhi/PTM based threads esp about Karachi here to begin with. At least Pakistanis compared to you are more open to discussing that stuff frankly I will hand that to them. Your lot it boils underneath and surfaces with "nuke us please" desperation when it finally comes to forefront inevitably.
I was talking about those camps westerners crying about. Is it wrong to give training to local ppl so they integrate better to main stream society.
Tianenmen tanks didnt kill anyone?
No, no one died inside Tiananmen square, calling that incident Tiananmen incident is a misnomer, some people died outside the square, but that was 30 years ago, it's the demontraters fighting the government, not people fighting people, when people become mobs and start killing each other, something must be seriously wrong..
There are some words i use to describe people who play the three monkies in this regard but i wont use them now.
I expressed my opinion about those boot lickers before, it wasnt a very popular opinion on a Pakistani forum. :lol:
Anyways, i dont wanna get involved in this now, Idlib is burning right now, thats also an urgent issue.
Well i dont anout Turkish ppl. But from my Chinese friends i heard different stories. I remember there were riots few years ago with Uighurs and Chinese mainland ppl and things have chnaged after that.
That was in 2009 in Urumqi, but was quickly brought under control within hours, it lasted less than one day and only in one city, nothing like this one lasting for this long and having spilled into many places already.
It is about who's advice/commentary is even credible to begin with when it comes to evil that plagues humanity at large. After all who takes sobering advice from a clear drunk?

Certainly near non-existent in India's neighbourhood...we simply look much further away for where the criticism comes from some basic standing....it needs some basic threshold of hypocrisy to be cleared.

Of course a low intelligence individual may feel that means we are justifying/dismissing evil actions. Nothing much can fix sustained low intelligence.
I was talking about those camps westerners crying about. Is it wrong to give training to local ppl so they integrate better to main stream society.

Which includes sending repist to slim with Muslim women right?
I was speaking to some Kashmiri boys at our uni a few weeks ago. The picture they were painting was bleaker than I had imagined. Now, I know how terrible things are in Hindustan for Muslims in general. We read the news headlines each day. It is nothing short of abysmal. What these boys were sketching puts the headlines to shame. Hate against minorities and Muslims in general is institutionalized. The truth is that extremist RSS thugs are an abomination of the first degree. There is terrible and than there is RSS. RSS represents the most ugly hate one can comprehend. The hate these people possess for Muslims is indescribable.

We are only witnessing the beginning of apocalypse in Hindustan. RSS has not even warmed up yet.
This is not the first time communal violence breaks out in India, why such terrible violence keeps coming back?

This is a natural consequence of two different groups residing in close proximity to eachother. I believe the Muslims of India should have all migrated to Pakistan when they had the chance. It was unfortunate that India didn't have their own Jinnah, this nonsense would not be happening today if there was a Modi in place of Gandhi during partition.

Look at Western countries, there are also race riots in inner cities due to different groups not getting along with eachother.

There is nothing to suggest this outbreak of communal violence is anything out of the ordinary for India, if certainly won't be the last such incident.
Seriously China is the worst state for minorities. This is the reason why there are barely any minorities left in China.
China has even internment camps for the Muslim Uighurs to force them to give up their culture.
Something like this can only exist in authoritarian regimes like China without any moral value
Camps or not and how many are in them are debatable, it's more of a western hype because of China's rise and threat to the western domination, a region can't develop so fast, peaceful and prosperous when being very oppressed.
China has over 100 million minority groups, more than the total population or most countries in the world, they all live in peace and prosperity, communal violence and hate crimes are rarely seen in China.
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