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death sentence for riot victims in pakistan

If only such a strict law was present in india too, there would not have been any gujarat riots or recent muzaffarnagar riots against muslims. Snakes need to be killed before they bite you. The extremist hindutva snakes are groomed in india and then people ask why india have some riot every now and then.

My friend you are beyond retarded....i salute your logical conclusions., for a puny mind like mine, how you came to these conclusions will always remain a mystery....no doubt you seem like the brethren of the great zaid hamid...another gem like you.
Welcome to "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"

You can get away with the murder of 50 thousand people if you use the word "Islam"
You get a death penalty and your house is burnt down (along with the houses of your friends, neighbors and relatives) , even if you talk bad about "Islam"

And some innocent Pakistanis say that the "libtards" who talk about reviving the vision of Jinnah and Iqbal , are the dollar khor agents of west who can not "digest" Pakistan`s "progress" and "prosperity" !!
1 Not really. It is a lie.
2 Bold part are pure massacres and not law of the land. Would agree with some laws of UK and Europe.
3 You are welcome.

1. Give me time , will come up with facts on these.
2. Selectively applying your rule now are we.
3. moving on....
1. Give me time , will come up with facts on these.
2. Selectively applying your rule now are we.
3. moving on....

1 OK
2 So you think riots are law of the land in India. OK. :lol:
3 Mehh. :)
1 Not really. It is a lie.
2 Bold part are pure massacres and not law of the land. Would agree with some laws of UK and Europe.
3 You are welcome.

According to the bishops' commission report, of the 647 people charged with blasphemy, 50 percent were Muslims-- although Muslims make up 97 percent of the country's population. Christians accounted for 13 percent of those charged, although Christians account for just 2.5 percent of the population. Of the 20 people who have been murdered after being charged, 6 have been Christians.

Christians often victims under P

1 OK
2 So you think riots are law of the land in India. OK. :lol:
3 Mehh. :)

An analysis of 361 cases of blasphemy offences registered by the police between 1986 and
2007 shows that as many as 49 percent cases were registered against non-Muslims. The
cases against non-Muslims should be contrasted with the population of religious minorities
which is not more than four percent of Pakistan’s population. Moreover, 26 percent cases
against Ahmadis and 21 percent cases against Christians are not in line with their ratio in
total population, which is 0.22 and 1.58 percent of the total population respectively.

According to the bishops' commission report, of the 647 people charged with blasphemy, 50 percent were Muslims-- although Muslims make up 97 percent of the country's population. Christians accounted for 13 percent of those charged, although Christians account for just 2.5 percent of the population. Of the 20 people who have been murdered after being charged, 6 have been Christians.

Christians often victims under P

An analysis of 361 cases of blasphemy offences registered by the police between 1986 and
2007 shows that as many as 49 percent cases were registered against non-Muslims. The
cases against non-Muslims should be contrasted with the population of religious minorities
which is not more than four percent of Pakistan’s population. Moreover, 26 percent cases
against Ahmadis and 21 percent cases against Christians are not in line with their ratio in
total population, which is 0.22 and 1.58 percent of the total population respectively.


Both are christian propaganda sources. Not reliable in my opinion.
Welcome to "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"

You can get away with the murder of 50 thousand people if you use the word "Islam"
You get a death penalty and your house is burnt down (along with the houses of your friends, neighbors and relatives) , even if you talk bad about "Islam"

And some innocent Pakistanis say that the "libtards" who talk about reviving the vision of Jinnah and Iqbal , are the dollar khor agents of west who can not "digest" Pakistan`s "progress" and "prosperity" !!
blasphemer alert!!!
Both are christian propaganda sources. Not reliable in my opinion.

European external policy advisers (EEPA) is a christian propaganda site????Anything that doesnt adhere to your view is propaganda?
European external policy advisers (EEPA) is a christian propaganda site????Anything that doesnt adhere to your view is propaganda?

Yeah it is propaganda. Such eurpoean reports are mostly biased towards Pakistan. Would share some research about blasphamy law later. :)
If only such a strict law was present in india too, there would not have been any gujarat riots or recent muzaffarnagar riots against muslims. Snakes need to be killed before they bite you. The extremist hindutva snakes are groomed in india and then people ask why india have some riot every now and then.
Well if I am to use your analogy ....
Gujrat Riots happened AFTER muslim mob burned hindu alive in the train. Snakes in this riots were Muslims
Muzaffarnagar riots happened AFTER a muslim mob attacked jats on their way to a meeting. Snakes in this riot were Muslims

It's the liberal Pseudo Secular parties grooming the such snakes in the name of vote bank Politics. As long as Muslims don't open their eyes and realize that they are nothing more than canon fodder, which is to be used to further the Pseudo Secular party's agenda.
their country their rules .... I suggest beheading in lahor cricket stadium. To teach others a lesson.
Follow the Law of Land. It's Law so if he is proven guilty why not hang him.
Mob burns posters from looted Christian church including one showing Mother Mary !!! And they kill others for "Blasphemy" !!!

Welcome to "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"

You can get away with the murder of 50 thousand people if you use the word "Islam"
You get a death penalty and your house is burnt down (along with the houses of your friends, neighbors and relatives) , even if you talk bad about "Islam"

And some innocent Pakistanis say that the "libtards" who talk about reviving the vision of Jinnah and Iqbal , are the dollar khor agents of west who can not "digest" Pakistan`s "progress" and "prosperity" !!

That is an exaggeration and total BS coming from a newly promoted "TT"

Now coming to the incident: the reality is that this false accusation game is going on against all Pakistanis irrespective of faith . more than non-Muslims the cases of false blasphemy are against own Muslims here.

There must be some law which could give death penalty to those who wrong accuse others of blasphemy
That is an exaggeration and total BS coming from a newly promoted "TT"

Now coming to the incident: the reality is that this false accusation game is going on against all Pakistanis irrespective of faith . more than non-Muslims the cases of false blasphemy are against own Muslims here.

There must be some law which could give death penalty to those who wrong accuse others of blasphemy

^^ And this is total BS coming from the senior most member ......

And coming to the incident , can you tell us that how many cases of blasphemy have been registered against non muslims (3 % of total population) , and how much cases are against Muslims (97 %) ... ??
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