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Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself


Mar 30, 2010
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The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we fight side by side with you against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we side by side against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.
Europe was not liberated through peace and protests. It was liberated from clutches of fascism when Allies stormed beaches in west and Red Army winter offensive steam rolled fascist in east. History is testimony that nothing great has ever been achieved without use of force or power(it can be both hard or soft).
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we fight side by side with you against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.

Problem is that IoK has an internet blackout. I doubt that the Kashmiris there will read your motivating post
Europe was not liberated through peace and protests. It was liberated from clutches of fascism when Allies stormed beaches in west and Red Army winter offensive steam rolled fascist in east. History is testimony that nothing great has ever been achieved without use of force or power(it can be both hard or soft).

Even Pakistan didn't come into existence without bloodshed

It is the rule. You need to apply force. You need to fight and die to achieve your freedom. You need to kill the enemy to make it feel the pain. To weaken it. To raise the cost.

Throwing stones won't raise the cost for India. protests won't raise the cost for India. Only war can.
You might have to fight 17 years. You might lose hundreds and thousands. But there is no other way

In the end you would win if you have conviction and dare to take it all

Like this:

This is a perfect example from today's world for you. This is victory and it didn't come through protests or stone pelting
Even Pakistan didn't come into existence without bloodshed

It is the rule. You need to apply force. You need to fight and die to achieve your freedom. You need to kill the enemy to make it feel the pain. To weaken it. To raise the cost.

Throwing stones won't raise the cost for India. protests won't raise the cost for India. Only war can.
they are locals they can control area they know how to do it . but rather they supported india and indian backed parties joined police and made india strong in their home now india back-stabbed them now they can have only one choice fight . or else forget .
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we side by side against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.
Pak govt and military isn't in a position for now to openly, tell the world tht pak ill going to strike deep and will help the freedom fighters bt evn with quietness, Im tellin u retired experts from MI been called and may hve gone in to occupied kashmir, and soon the results will start emerging soon, and Thts why pak army chief and PM imran are saying openly tht india may strike pak one more time and Thts the move pak military is waiting for, cause thn it ill bring a bigger chance to let urban combat experts go deep in occupied kashmir, and if u know tht those college and universities kids can't fight all alone to a regular army thn what u think pak army doesn't know?
A very huge indication came Jst yesterday when army chief visited front ternches, there is a plan and Thts why he was there, so u may not get word bt pak won't Jst sit and let Indians wipe out kashmiris no way tht I'll happening, pak I'll go as far as it can to defend those innocent souls bt it won't be prapogsting it in media, I hve put a time line of 2 weeks and I think in tht time u ill see big bangs on the cards
Cause pakistan don't hve the choice bt it wants to make sure before tht happens pak might hve told while world tht look we warrned u
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we fight side by side with you against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.
Pak should recognize them a separate country... Help them train their own troops and army... Arm them with modern weapons... And let them fight with india who is capturing their land illegally
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