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Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

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lmao as i said i can only feel sorry for Pakistan and Pakistanis. There is no cure for national delusion:lol:
Oh! yea You are one of among media infected Bharti.
This is because Yadav is a Backward/Lower Class Hindu. Discrimination against them is well-documented.

You should feel sorry for yourself. Here is another reason: This example of blatant discrimination against minorities (Muslims and Christians) comes from 'The Most Cosmopolitan City of India - Mumbai'.

yeah right when christaian countries like usa and britain are destroying ur land u make christians ur enemies, atleast we dont do that to muslims
Pakistan: Christians In Pakistan Face Discrimination During Christmas - YouTube

Oh! yea You are one of among media infected Bharti.

we are media infected but whatg do u have to say abt the books being taught in pakistan which say that pakistan ruled the world for 800 yrs even though pakistan came in to existance in 1940s and hindu and jewish hate. dude ur entire nation is an illetrate sick land where no one wants to goo, got it no one wants to goo to ur land. sorry to say but u guys have no cure.
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In the end , i would like to suggest to my Indian folks - we are TWO VERY DIFFERENT NATIONS- Get over it , live & let live , we are not west Germany nor you are East Germany , we were NEVER meant to live as one country.

When did we say we want unification? Only secularist jokers want it because they are your slaves still left behind in India and luckily got to rule our country. Most of these fools are not even considered as proper Indians since they're cowards and won't support the country in times of war.

We never wanted to be one since the beginning except for some nostalgic migrants who miss their home in Lahore and other places.

You're talking of unification today!? :woot:

Heck! even if you offer it to us on a platter we don't want.
I want to make it clear that our previous generations might have been a bit confused about the partition , but the generation we raised in the 80s are black blooded Pakistanis. We surely have no confusion about our identity.Many of us today realize the reason for the creation of Pakistan.

The Pakistanis of 80's it seems are the only pure Pakistani Muslims , they just all have digested the so called ideology of Pakistan and assassination of history. They have weird delusions about cavemen who flourished on American Dollars and are now out to destroy the very nation they are so proud of...

I guess its just the Pakistanis, who digested the Zia ul Haq's propaganda and pan islamic delusions who are out to tell others about their delusions, they are absolutely unaware of the misery that has been brought over to Pakistan by their delusions...

last but not the least, they fail to realise that Pakistan was created only because there was a person called Nehru who was not flexible enough to grant anything to Muslim league... Quiad would have stayed under the banner of United India

I have had enough with listening to the crap of my Indian neighbors who still are hungover by the 1947 partition. Every Indian that i came across over the years in real life or through social media had views that the partition was unjust & hence should be reversed.

I heard , the rhetoric being beaten up by Indians on international media over and over again - something like - "we are one people" -"partition was stupid"-"If east and west Germany can Unify why not Pakistan and India" - "Unification is the only way to peace".

I want to make it clear that our previous generations might have been a bit confused about the partition , but the generation we raised in the 80s are black blooded Pakistanis. We surely have no confusion about our identity.Many of us today realize the reason for the creation of Pakistan.

Regardless of how much the "Two Nation Theory" is ridiculed by the Indians which is quite natural and understandable & by some naive , short sighted Pakistanis , it does provide a concrete basic of division between Indo Pak.

Looking at the plight of Indian Muslims -regardless of what some apparently Muslim members say- , its confirmed that how Muslims would have been treated if there was no partition. Indians must come to terms with the fact that we are NOT one people , we are different in our way of life , culture , beliefs , dresses , events , language , literature , history , customs , arts , music , food and what not - you name it.

One example is the beef issue , Hindus don't eat beef because its holy to them. We Muslims even cook & love eating its bones. Some Hindus drink its urine where as a single drop of cow urine on Muslim's body or clothes requires a complete ghusl Ghusl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hindus don't drink its milk - Muslims have it in their daily diet. Regardless of some of you might say about how "small" this issue is but the fact is that you already have a fault line on a issue as small as dietary , let alone the rest of the affairs.

So , Pakistan doesn't need a unification - get it straight. If the unification is important than the best option for Pakistan is to form a union either state or strategic with Afghanistan.

In the end , i would like to suggest to my Indian folks - we are TWO VERY DIFFERENT NATIONS- Get over it , live & let live , we are not west Germany nor you are East Germany , we were NEVER meant to live as one country.

Regards: Aeronaut

Yes You are right pakistan cannot be west germany coz west germanty was far more superior , developed , secular and advanced :lol:
The Pakistanis of 80's it seems are the only pure Pakistani Muslims , they just all have digested the so called ideology of Pakistan and assassination of history. They have weird delusions about cavemen who flourished on American Dollars and are now out to destroy the very nation they are so proud of...

I guess its just the Pakistanis, who digested the Zia ul Haq's propaganda and pan islamic delusions who are out to tell others about their delusions, they are absolutely unaware of the misery that has been brought over to Pakistan by their delusions...

last but not the least, they fail to realise that Pakistan was created only because there was a person called Nehru who was not flexible enough to grant anything to Muslim league... Quiad would have stayed under the banner of United India

lol this shows how badly u guys are confused about ur country :rofl:

no matter where u go ppl will first consider u an indian. u guys are desperate to take out the indian shadow from ur life, we r even more desperate as pakistanis have given indian race nothing but shame in the world. one country is a rising power another is a rising drone strike zone. listen to what he says and then see inside urself what ur.
Worth Listening With Hassan Nasir - YouTube
Please go pick on someone your own mental caliber. You won't be able to handle me mate:lol:

Its real sad to see someone as important as gul lying through his teeth and people believing him like sheep.
So wat is your mental calibar mate, after 8000+ post your behaviour is like your media, you learned wat thaught you. You don't have any personal observation, If that wat you called your superior mental calibar then God helps you. you really need thousands of dozen Dozes to grow up.
we are media infected but whatg do u have to say abt the books being taught in pakistan which say that pakistan ruled the world for 800 yrs even though pakistan came in to existance in 1940s and hindu and jewish hate. dude ur entire nation is an illetrate sick land where no one wants to goo, got it no one wants to goo to ur land. sorry to say but u guys have no cure.
Wat! Wat? Who told ya that we are being taught that we ruled the world for 800 years, Your indian media or dharmic schools? You really are bogey man. Well if you read the factbook or any other world status of illeterate nation. then you will find india as a most illeterate, deseased, complexed, poor nation. Be realistic.
Oh! yea You are one of among media infected Bharti.
we are media infected but whatg do u have to say abt the books being taught in pakistan which say that pakistan ruled the world for 800 yrs even though pakistan came in to existance in 1940s and hindu and jewish hate. dude ur entire nation is an illetrate sick land where no one wants to goo, got it no one wants to goo to ur land. sorry to say but u guys have no cure.

i am educated man and which book in history says that yes our books do say that muslims ruled over northern and different parts of subcontinent variations happening with each king for 1000 years nowhere does it mention india and pakistan plz dont make up stuff

and hey i am pro pakistan i dont want unification in anyway meaning no they ruling us or we ruling them they have their we have ours lets stay that way the animosity between these two countries will most probably be resolved with the kashmir issue....
Every sane person in his right mind & full working brain capacity will know how likely that is. Besides Hinduism itself is a dying religion , more and more people are leaving it or are just simply non practicing Hindus. Far right Hinduism will evaporate with time , no matter how radical they are - they won't try their crazy Akhand Bharat ideas.

Hinduism is a dying religion..

too much sand in your vag.. Hinduism is a lifestyle.. it is not about practicing or not.. it is not a code.. Hinduism is all about individualism..

You are free to decide who you want to be instead of back breaking rules and practices..

Hinduism and Judaism are the oldest continuous religion which are non violent and show path of peace..

If you had understood Islam even a bit you wouldn't be such a biased idiot..
i am educated man and which book in history says that yes our books do say that muslims ruled over northern and different parts of subcontinent variations happening with each king for 1000 years nowhere does it mention india and pakistan plz dont make up stuff

and hey i am pro pakistan i dont want unification in anyway meaning no they ruling us or we ruling them they have their we have ours lets stay that way the animosity between these two countries will most probably be resolved with the kashmir issue....

this is what ur top news journalists are saying, sorry i dont make stuff up. then if we agree on ur posts and consider this guy wrong then it means that pakistan media is nothing but a bunch on mental nerds who just spread propagandas, even worse than indian media.
lol this shows how badly u guys are confused about ur country

no matter where u go ppl will first consider u an indian. u guys are desperate to take out the indian shadow from ur life, we r even more desperate as pakistanis have given indian race nothing but shame in the world. one country is a rising power another is a rising drone strike zone. listen to what he says and then see inside urself what ur.

seriously!!! can you make any credible post without trolling..... this port doesnt even deserve a reply you wallow in ur hate and greatness
I came across a lot of them who didn't drink milk , didn't eat egges even onion. {Not that im against it}
It's all about ones beliefs:for example muslims don't eat pork whereas worldwide it is considered a delicacy...
and You get such people in USA too idiot...:rolleyes:
They are called vegans...
this is what ur top news journalists are saying, sorry i dont make stuff up

i didnt either i studied the books of lahore board and the only this that says about pakistan was Jinnah,s speech where he said that the need of pakistan came when the first hindu converted too muslim thats it after that in all of it its about different muslims king even in our people pakistan didnt rule over india muslims did
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