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Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

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Nothing could be far from truth than this; the idea of 'Akhand Bharat' is ingrained in Indian Hindu mentality. If Bharat was born yesterday, the Indians had started to dream of an 'Akhand Bharat' a day before that.

Hypocrisy and bigotry runs deep in their minds and actions. Here is a recent example from media; Subramanian Swamy is an Indian political leader. He is anti-Pakistan (supports insurgency in Pakistan) but also wants 'The Akhand Bharat' because 'We (he means Indians and Pakistanis) are of the same blood'.

Listen what he says at 35:45.

we just want ur land and we will get it one day, indian map will again look what it looked in the mauryan empire, sri lanka , bangladesh and pak will go down. we dont care abt the ppl we just want the land :devil:
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we just want ur land and we will get it one day, indian map will again look what it looked in the mauryan empire, sri lanka , bangladesh and pak will go down. we dont care abt the ppl we just want the land :devil:
Could you get anymore kiddish..
I can never understand why anyone would want to have Pakistan as part of India...
No to offend anybody, but afterall Pakistan is Middle-income country with slower growth than ours......adding both economies will take a toll on Indian economy and cause reductions in our GDP per capita!!:hitwall:
And it isn't like Pakistan has any significant amount of resources that India desires......:tdown:

We already have UP and MP for our burden..why would we need another one of them :lol::lol:

Unfortunately, they call it as superiority complex in lala land..:lol::lol:
Hardcore indian hindu nationalists firmly believe in the concept of "akhand bharat", they want to annex Pakistan but before they do that they will kick out all of the Muslims or enslave them.

Pathans and Balochis are Outsiders.

They have No Right to Speak in Subcontinental Affairs.
Listen what he says at 35:45.

Lmao at 34:58 gul says, "when India won in Australia no one hugged Umesh Yadav cause he is Yadav". lmfao oh Pakistan I feel sorry for you.
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Why are we discussing here based on OPs anecdotes, Was there every a survey or poll conducted on how many Indians/Pakistanis think about reunification?

I have had enough with listening to the crap of my Indian neighbors who still are hungover by the 1947 partition. Every Indian that i came across over the years in real life or through social media had views that the partition was unjust & hence should be reversed.

I heard , the rhetoric being beaten up by Indians on international media over and over again - something like - "we are one people" -"partition was stupid"-"If east and west Germany can Unify why not Pakistan and India" - "Unification is the only way to peace".

I want to make it clear that our previous generations might have been a bit confused about the partition , but the generation we raised in the 80s are black blooded Pakistanis. We surely have no confusion about our identity.Many of us today realize the reason for the creation of Pakistan.

Regardless of how much the "Two Nation Theory" is ridiculed by the Indians which is quite natural and understandable & by some naive , short sighted Pakistanis , it does provide a concrete basic of division between Indo Pak.

Looking at the plight of Indian Muslims -regardless of what some apparently Muslim members say- , its confirmed that how Muslims would have been treated if there was no partition. Indians must come to terms with the fact that we are NOT one people , we are different in our way of life , culture , beliefs , dresses , events , language , literature , history , customs , arts , music , food and what not - you name it.

One example is the beef issue , Hindus don't eat beef because its holy to them. We Muslims even cook & love eating its bones. Some Hindus drink its urine where as a single drop of cow urine on Muslim's body or clothes requires a complete ghusl Ghusl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hindus don't drink its milk - Muslims have it in their daily diet. Regardless of some of you might say about how "small" this issue is but the fact is that you already have a fault line on a issue as small as dietary , let alone the rest of the affairs.

So , Pakistan doesn't need a unification - get it straight. If the unification is important than the best option for Pakistan is to form a union either state or strategic with Afghanistan.

In the end , i would like to suggest to my Indian folks - we are TWO VERY DIFFERENT NATIONS- Get over it , live & let live , we are not west Germany nor you are East Germany , we were NEVER meant to live as one country.

Regards: Aeronaut

Best thing happen to India in last 70 years is division of India....and later division of Pakistan......I am really thankful to Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru..... I am save to share one county with idiots like you
Lmao at 34:58 gul says, "when India won in Australia no one hugged Umesh Yadav cause he is Yadav". lmfao oh Pakistan I feel sorry for you.

This is because Yadav is a Backward/Lower Class Hindu. Discrimination against them is well-documented.

You should feel sorry for yourself. Here is another reason: This example of blatant discrimination against minorities (Muslims and Christians) comes from 'The Most Cosmopolitan City of India - Mumbai'.

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Yeah? Well guess what yesterday someone from your own country told you that you're spreading lies about India's dominance..:rofl:

Somebody gonna hurt...I dont know who...but somebody gonna hurt:tongue:
Dreaming About pakkstan ?:lol:...forget it we don't even care about your their existence
:lol: Thats why your country men Harp so much about Pakistan.. Existance? Its india who care most about our existance, But you are newbie here and I can understand your denail mode. :lol: why to argue with a guy like you who is so much confused on sectarianism.
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