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Dear India, you have been warned.

Our support towards Mukthi and his movement......

India has always torn a page of Pakistan's book of tricks.

It began with PA ( called lashkars) who entered in 47.

Next was Gibraltar in 65 , PA came in hoping for a mass insurrection - nothing happened.

India repaid the compliment in 71.
We never banked on America for our strength, rather we trusted upon them and they back-stabbed. For you, we alone are sufficient - but it is not matter of you vs us. Indian RAW is responsible for direct terrorism in Pakistan, in Baluchistan and FATA and your own Manmohan had accepted to include Baluchistan in a joint statement. So your country has accepted its involvement itself on diplomatic grounds. What are you trying to defend here?

Who's PM died when he went to some country for help? Read some history and you will be delighted to know about your "success stories". In 65, India got its teeth broken - we defended our homeland against Indian designs and we are happy for being victorious and defeating India there. Yes we are Proud of that moment and still Celebrate 6th September as National Holiday ;)
well keep living in a wonder land and keep repeating same old mistakes nothing is better in a war than a confused and illogikal and angry opponent
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With JPEG and GIF pics of statements.

Be afraid................. be very very afraid.

Should I start quaking in my boots? The OP threatens to take the "battle to the enemy's bedroom"; but why not to the enemy's bathroom. Some Crazy Loon has come up with this crazy piece of "purple prose" to start another funny thread!!
What say you..... @SpArK ; PDF does get nuts some times........
There was news of Army Chief sharing information with US and others with evidence , maybe they choose to ignore it .
Denying RAW is not involved is stupid , really . Even you know RAW is involved , one way or another .

US publicly denied RAW had any hand in attacks. I mean Pakistani Taliban was formed by own Pakistani people, killed its own people, gots its own revenue from Wahhabism and Drug Plantations.

I am sure RAW is involved . But I do not know in what capacity. It might even be minimal and pak politicians exploiting it.

Given the Pak politicians blaming RAW even during the tenure of MMS who has a peace loving guy, I do not find such accusations different. Pakistani themselves are to blame for this problems and they are reaping the seeds that was sowed.
well if that is the case why pakistanies on this forum and various news talk shows keep repeating that USA betrayed you in 1965 & specially in 1971 like USSR did for india ?

if your convinced RAW is involved in your nation what is stopping you from exposing RAW tell me when was the last time a hindu or RAW terrorist blew himself in a pakistani town/village/city ?

as for manmohan even musharraf and many other pakistanies have agreed that they used strategik assets against india in past and even confessed and boasted that they made taliban and defeted USSR & USA

we are not defnding anything but trying to put some sense into your way of thinking before your establishment does something silly again and then whole pakistani nation has to pay for it ....hope i have hurt no egors here cheersmate

It is a foundational mistake when you think Pakistan army and Pakistan are two separate entities and take my words that your military will face a Nation standing against them. You offend when you say your establishment and your army, it is Pakistan and Pakistan from every side you see.

We have recovered Indian Arms from terrorists - countless times from different places. Indian money, Indian connections, Indian agents are all busted times and again. Even recently two RAW agents were nabbed in Karachi. There are admissions of MQM terrorists who got their training in India from Indian security agencies. Now go and show you are a good Indian - go deny them all.
US publicly denied RAW had any hand in attacks. I mean Pakistani Taliban was formed by own Pakistani people, killed its own people, gots its own revenue from Wahhabism and Drug Plantations.

I am sure RAW is involved . But I do not know in what capacity. It might even be minimal and pak politicians exploiting it.

Given the Pak politicians blaming RAW even during the tenure of MMS who has a peace loving guy, I do not find such accusations different. Pakistani themselves are to blame for this problems and they are reaping the seeds that was sowed.
Take the evidence to international forum. Warnings mean nothing.

But I dont think the govt of Sharif has the spine, will or capability to fight it out diplomatically. Evidence has been there but Pakistan, for I dont know what reasons, has remained quiet. Engaging India has the net result of zero. So why not just take the offensive!?
well keep living in a wonder land and keep repeating same old mistakes nothing is better in a war than a confused and illogikal and angry opponent

Same mistakes like telling India to stop terrorism in Pakistan? :disagree:
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It is a foundation mistake when you think Pakistan army and Pakistan are two separate entities and take my words that your military will face a Nation standing against them. You offend when you say your establishment and your army, it is Pakistan and Pakistan from every side you see.

We have recovered Indian Arms from terrorists - countless times from different places. Indian money, Indian connections, Indian agents are all busted times and again. Even recently two RAW agents were nabbed in Karachi. There are admissions of MQM terrorists who got their training in India from Indian security agencies. Now go and show you are a good Indian - go deny them all.
ok fine i respect your patriotism

as for recovery of arms well most terrorists use AK47s and RPGs does that means russia is behing all the terrorism in the world ?

well if they are RAW agents prosecute them as for RAW well pakistan used very trick in the book to inflict pain on india and indians so why worry when india has come into payback mode ?
Its not just terrorists, media houses like Geo should also be taken to task.

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