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Dear chinese and the other friends.

Success or failure of war is depend on the world's political backgroud, so is this time !

By the way, without USSR and China's help, north Vietnam would never win the vietnam war and merge the south vietnam !
Nope, I have a couple of Chinese friends from China, they work in Huawei Bangalore and they are just like us, simple folks. I could find no hint of them being racists at any point of time.

Bdw, Martian is a Chinese living in US of A if I'm not wrong. And he doesn't represent the views of the Chinese people in general.

I was not judging Chinese people based on Martian, just letting him know ,how his comment reflects upon his nations.
As a Chinese, i dont consider Vietnam part of China. And i dont think it's government's policy to annex Vietnam.
According to the media and infomation on internet. Vietnam and Phillipine makes unwise move in South China Sea. We take appropriate action to protect our domains.
As for south Tibet, i dont know much about it. but please understand the world isnt right and wrong, its jungle of survival, whoever have bigger muscle got to say.
Good luck to all you folks.
I personnaly wont go into those fight because i dont like the government.
With this kind of list China will make more enemies in its backyard than friends. And just a word to our Chinese friends, please come out of your history books, a king might have ruled those places thousands of years that doesn't mean all those places belong you guys even now. If its that way then Britain might be ruling half of the world still now.

Well, it is important for a sovereign country, no matter Pakistan, China, India or Vietnam. Not to mention there is interest, this is the reality, the best way is to work together to solve.

However, I have a question, China has a history and reality of sovereignty over the South China Sea. Vietnam What? If you think chinese argument is not enough, then Vietnam is "enough"? It is better than China? If so, the most to show me a good look.
Bullsh*t, dude, we cooperate with all countries, and use no country to against others.
Stop dreaming !

I would like Vietnam to stay neutral, develop economic and avoid conflicts.

Brother, I understand what you are saying but in the real world we NEED allies. China and Vietnam have historical ties that no other countries in the world ever experienced.

I agree that we should cooperate with all countries but China should be on top of the list. I want Vietnam to have the worlds fastest growing economy, just like China!
Later we will deploy our Supercarrier and our Super Aegis destroyers that equipped with the laser gun and the rail gun.

Varyag will be a training carrier, so it will stay in the Northern Fleet.

And the national defence budget will be 1 trillion USD in this decade. We really need to do something about our islands in the South China Sea.
No problem, we are welcomed you, if China leaders would like to decrease population. Vietnam ofcourse win, that was in the fact and past. I think you know we win many Chinese wars, and do you know we win France, US,....although we are at poor weapon. If you do not know, pls let us know we will teach you more.....
No problem, we are welcomed you, if China leaders would like to decrease population. Vietnam ofcourse win, that was in the fact and past. I think you know we win many Chinese wars, and do you know we win France, US,....although we are at poor weapon. If you do not know, pls let us know we will teach you more.....

Not really against Vietnam, but against US and its puppets of ASEAN.

Vietnam also does have territorial dispute with Philippines and other ASEAN countries.

Then this would only benefit you.
No problem, we are welcomed you, if China leaders would like to decrease population. Vietnam ofcourse win, that was in the fact and past. I think you know we win many Chinese wars, and do you know we win France, US,....although we are at poor weapon. If you do not know, pls let us know we will teach you more.....

Look, Vietnam like to scare other people to use the mouth, but I tell you one thing, a small country so offensive, it was a disaster, when the Chinese to show their offensive, will not depend on the mouth. To more cautious on the war, to give you a suggestion.
Do Mongols have thermonuclear weapons? Can Mongols send taikonauts into orbit for a spacewalk? Mongols are not to be compared to Hans.

Only Americans may compare themselves to Hans. All other analogies fall short.


CCP to do list:

1. Reclaim Hong Kong (done)

2. Reclaim Macau (done)

3. Reclaim Taiwan

4. Reclaim South Tibet

5. Reclaim 1,000-year-old Chinese-ruled Vietnam

This is never Gonna Happen. :fie:
Your child is serious? You know what it means to Vietnam, to have more consideration, except for some meaningless nonsense?
Do you know why we now still memorize USSR's help and remind our youth abt that but china's help? can you say thanks to the one gave you 10$ but took your kidney. in fact USSR helped us much more than you chinese did but we didn't hear any russian say to us like you, china helped VN in first stage to avoid south VN take over the north with US'help, China was afraid of VN to be fellow of US like Japan,south korea. in later stage, China sometime detained the train carried weapon from USSR to north VN. China only want to keep north VN under their control like they did with north korea and in chaos with south VN. I bet your Gov never told you abt that.
Success or failure of war is depend on the world's political backgroud, so is this time !

By the way, without USSR and China's help, north Vietnam would never win the vietnam war and merge the south vietnam !
So we all Nort and South would turn to be USA ally, then without China help, we still United, bro .

China should feel happy, coz we are not USA ally and make more trouble for you, right ?
My Indian friend, I am a senior student from a key college. Political propaganda of the government is one thing and the willings of people is another.

China had been the strongest country for 5,000 years. It was the time that we ruled the east world. And then China fell, came with poverty, weakness and unfair treatment. All the confidence of the people who living at that time to their motherland just collapsed when China was beaten by Japan which we had never looked it up for thousands of years.

And now, China is on the way to go back to her position. But even in last year, the US navy conducted military manoeuvre in the Yellow Sea, its aircraft carrier's missiles covered the whole Shandong Province. What would you feel if you were a Chinese?

The GDP of China is the second on the world, but her is still not a rich country. Making people rich is the first target and the is being a superpower.
What do I feel if I was Chinese ??I feel China gov should make friend with VN, coz Vn is Not USA ally, so no USA carrier can move to East sea to threaten Vn and China.

Trying to have conflic with Vn will forces Vnese want to stay nearer USA to have protection like Korean ,Janpan, bro .^^
Do you know why Russia and China was willing to help you against the US? Because as a little weak country, Vietnam was, is and will always be a chessman which belongs to a strong country.

Russia do not bully you because it is quite far away from here and it has no islands that are taken by Vietnam.

It is so stupid that you intend to get strong and prosperity while with a bad relationship with China.

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