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Dear chinese and the other friends.

He is from Taiwan and a KMT member.

Aren't Indians always talking about how great it would be for Taiwan to be independent, or even for KMT to rule China? :lol:

Here you go. That's what Taiwanese think. You support everything he said. Thank you.

thats the height of stupidity..... all i said is Chinese do not practice what they say.........
in short chinese govt. is acting like a thief and say lies

I dont care if that person is from Taiwan or from Titan .... he is anti india thats enough for me to shut his mouth
Yep, we weak , we know that, but we still drill oil in East Sea, and sell to Russia when CHina have to Buy oil with higher price from Russia making your inflation rate get worse.^^.

Why no Chinese here care about poor Chinese ???How could they live in hard condition like that, ??China inflation making more poor Chinese bro !

As you said, China still has many problems to deal with. We are faceing hard economic situation under the big awful backgroud of the world. However, just like an American said in another thread, Chinese is poor compared with the people of west world, but Chinese is much richer than you guys.

And also, even the whole Europe cannot save Grace or Spain, what can the money from Japan help with Vietnam's breaking economics do you think?

About one year ago, Vietnam couldn't carry on with your poor economic problems and your prime minister came to China to beg help. Have you forgotten?
Why is China so aggressively trying to muddy the waters? They seem to have disputes with a whole lot of countries claiming territorial rights. Just look at China's disputes with:

South China Sea etc.

Why can't the Chinese accept the status quo? Indulging in rabble rousing and creating unnecessary conflict situations isn't a good idea. But Chinese hegemony is well known. Given a chance they would like to rule the whole world!
my dear friend,i'm chinese .no one surround me ,as i know,think that vietnan is a part of china.when i saw your words,i'm really surprised:why do you think we chinese people claim that vietnan is a part of china?
As you said, China still has many problems to deal with. We are faceing hard economic situation under the big awful backgroud of the world. However, just like an American said in another thread, Chinese is poor compared with the people of west world, but Chinese is much richer than you guys.

And also, even the whole Europe cannot save Grace or Spain, what can the money from Japan help with Vietnam's breaking economics do you think?

About one year ago, Vietnam couldn't carry on with your poor economic problems and your prime minister came to China to beg help. Have you forgotten?

Vn can not be callapsed, coz we have lots of rice, so no one hungrry , you can see VN will get better in the end of year bro .^^.

But China future is not good, lots of poor, and do all of them have any allowance when jobless ??and how about Age threatening ??what happen to your economy when the worker getting old ??
China's population is getting older, and that could have a major effect on the nation's economic prosperity.

The emergence of negative growth in the total working-age population, which some demographers predict will happen as early as 2013, is likely to contribute to slower economic growth and higher inflation, according to analysts.
Aging demographic threatens economy_Macro-Economy--China Economic Net
Vn can not be callapsed, coz we have lots of rice, so no one hungrry , you can see VN will get better in the end of year bro .^^.

But China future is not good, lots of poor, and do all of them have any allowance when jobless ??and how about Age threatening ??what happen to your economy when the worker getting old ??Aging demographic threatens economy_Macro-Economy--China Economic Net

So, I see, you just go and and overcome all sorts of problems and rise up with rice selling. Good idea.

Do you know how poor I think you are? As a citizen from a little weak country, you are trying your best to pretend you feel so proud of your breaking country and pretend that how promising Vietnam is while thinking China has terrible problems that are enough to distroy ourself.

Well, of course you can lie to yourself, but life is moving on.
my friend ,every nation equals to any one else ,that is what we chinese think.
there's not any nation is superior on earth!
170years ago ,china was fall far behind west countries,so ,france and english people came and invadea china,we have to sign a lot of unequelly conventions,we lost hongkang and taiwan,untill after the world war 2,UN gave Taiwan back to china.
wars started by those developed countries to invade undeveloped countries are a shame.
Look, Vietnam like to scare other people to use the mouth, but I tell you one thing, a small country so offensive, it was a disaster, when the Chinese to show their offensive, will not depend on the mouth. To more cautious on the war, to give you a suggestion.
Vietnam people will never scare, We are small country about the geography only. The fact that we won many wars in past. If you do not know about the world history, i think you should study it again....We are not army experts so that we do know know it will be easy or difficult for offence. The reason why we win is that we fight to have independence, freedom....
So, I see, you just go and and overcome all sorts of problems and rise up with rice selling. Good idea.

Do you know how poor I think you are? As a citizen from a little weak country, you are trying your best to pretend you feel so proud of your breaking country and pretend that how promising Vietnam is while thinking China has terrible problems that are enough to distroy ourself.

Well, of course you can lie to yourself, but life is moving on.
Yep, life is moving on, We still drill oil in East sea, sell to Russia when China can not. Your Inflation can not reduce, so poor Chinese soon will have more .^^.

If we weak, how can we Drill oil when China can not ??^^. be reasonable bro.
thats the height of stupidity..... all i said is Chinese do not practice what they say.........
in short chinese govt. is acting like a thief and say lies

I dont care if that person is from Taiwan or from Titan .... he is anti india thats enough for me to shut his mouth

You are right, China Leaders and people are ALWAYS DO NOT do what they say, even if they have many cheat evidences.... so we need be carefull
India and Vietnam are good friends. We love Indian people also......
Yep, life is moving on, We still drill oil in East sea, sell to Russia when China can not. Your Inflation can not reduce, so poor Chinese soon will have more .^^.

If we weak, how can we Drill oil when China can not ??^^. be reasonable bro.

What else do you have except oil? More than 50% oil we use is imported from the Middle East. China just get very few of oil from South China Sea. Oh no, you understand nothing. Chinese cannot live on without your cheap oil because we need cars and we buy car while the Vietnamese just can afford little motorbikes? Grow up, my lower friend. Maybe you can never understand a huge country like China and United States is dealing problems on this planet.

Further more, how long do you think it will last that you steal our oil from our waters?
Yep, life is moving on, We still drill oil in East sea, sell to Russia when China can not. Your Inflation can not reduce, so poor Chinese soon will have more .^^.

If we weak, how can we Drill oil when China can not ??^^. be reasonable bro.

Even if you have issues, we will be there for you.

India, Vietnam to bid jointly for BP assets - Indian Express

FDI Hub: India Seeks BP Stake in Vietnam Oil Field - Asia News

The Hindu : Business / Industry : Vietnam supports India's bid for BP gas assets: Deora

New Shores: Indian Investors Set Their Sights on Vietnam - India Knowledge@Wharton

And we dont care about bully crying.

India’s Vietnam oil exploration foray illegal, says China -- Intellasia.Net
I think those words are better saved for the Koreans...

Yes, just save it, The vietnamese will never understand our point of view at south chinese sea, they are blinded with anger and jealous. All they will do is hateing china and hate everything china done.

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------
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