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Dear chinese and the other friends.

and you guys are genius at humiliating yourselves by saying this indigenous and that indigenous, but the reality is assembly of directly bought foreign parts, like your Last Chance Aircraft, Arjun and many many more, any by the way, bramos is russian technology, what india did was the money and some primitive software writing``:D

The mighty India and the mighty Korea are all belonging to the Universal level, we can't compete with them.
I agree that the true is your side, always your side.

No need evidence or logical.

The truth is on our side.:china:

Paracel and Spratly belong to Vietnam. It's unchanged true.

But at this moment, follow DOC we don't do any action near Paracel and Spartly because we try dialogue.

Assumption that China can claim Paracel and Spratly, she can't claim total 200 miles from those Island. Because EEZ of Paracel and Spratly is cross-section with Vietnam EEZ. Normally, It's get center line from Island to Land to separate EEZ.

And now Vietnam only harvest our oil at point in our EEZ from our land (beach) to the center line. It's totally own. Please see the map.
How far from the position that China threat our ship to Paracel and Spratly? how far to Vietnam land and China land?
Everything is clear but brainwasher Chinese in the forum still try to say lie.
They said lie that Vietname threaten China. They said lie that Vietnam want war. They said lie that Vietnam dispute China and more...
And they've been proud to be liar.

Governed part is lie, your merchant was Merchant, not Robinson :D

Why, we have ching dynasty document to prove it. You vietnamese is amazing, when you cannot complete with historic prove, you started to claim others is making up history, your government tought you so?
brahmos missile was a joint development by India and Russia, both countries it functional and we have already sold it to few customers in Asia including Vietnam.

Any sources that Vietnam has access to Brahmos?

Some Asian countries have only expressed interest in it from what I know. There aren't even any confirmed orders outside Russia and India.
Why, we have ching dynasty document to prove it. You vietnamese is amazing, when you cannot complete with historic prove, you started to claim others is making up history, your government tought you so?

I know you only hear of the document, you never read it.

If your country have stronger document and evidence why don't bring it to international.

And at least you have good document or not is in dialogue, but your Police ship threaten our ship in totally our sea. It's made a lot of Vietnam people be here.
In reality, Vietnam controlled those Island in latest 300 years until China invaded Paracel in 1974. You can not claim some Island because you have only some Quin? document. We have all evidence that Vietnam controlled those Island in latest 300 year.
In reality, Vietnam controlled those Island in latest 300 years until China invaded Paracel in 1974. You can not claim some Island because you have only some Quin? document. We have all evidence that Vietnam controlled those Island in latest 300 year.

Are you not being tired of repeating the same stuff over and over again?
Maps can't tell you the true power of Chinese Missiles

2011-05-16 (China Military News cited from the-diplomat.com and written by James R. Holmes) -- Writing in Orbis, the journal of the Foreign Policy Research Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, former American Institute in Taiwan chairman Richard Bush takes stock of cross-strait affairs. Bush issues a guardedly optimistic verdict on the island’s future while observing that ‘dysfunctional politics’ hampers efforts to meet pressing challenges. In passing, he speculates about ‘one area in which China may be showing restraint—the deployment of short-range ballistic missiles,’ or SRBMs. As evidence, he proffers the Pentagon’s annual reports on Chinese military power. Last year, the authors refrained from upping their estimate of the number of missiles positioned opposite Taiwan. They pegged the total at 1,050-1,150 birds in both the 2009 and 2010 reports. (Spokesmen in Taipei typically give a higher figure. 1300 is an estimate bandied about on the island.)

Bush maintains that the evident pause in new Chinese Second Artillery Corps SRBM deployments ‘is less significant than it seems.’ Just so. He notes that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) rocketeers have an increasing array of cruise missiles at their disposal. For example, the PLA added some 100 cruise missiles to the inventory in 2009-2010, a sum not included in SRBM figures. Bush also points out that ‘China’s ability to frustrate US intervention to defend Taiwan increases apace,’ meaning that Beijing is increasingly comfortable with its strategic position vis-à-vis prospective foes. Why add surplus capacity? And the Second Artillery has continued upgrading the quality of its missile force, boosting its birds’ accuracy and lethality. In short, the PLA has apparently kept augmenting its combat capability despite the lull in fielding new SRBMs. There’s more to combat strength than raw numbers of weapons.


Let me add to Bush’s sound military analysis. The Defence Department’s China reports usually include a map of Asia depicting the ranges of various ballistic missiles fielded by the PLA. Colour-coded swathes of the map show the areas adjoining China’s borders that can be reached by missiles stationed along the frontier. The width of this belt equals the range of a given missile. This is an excellent way to chart the growing capability of such weaponry as the Second Artillery’s new CSS-5 antiship ballistic missile, or ASBM. A glance at the map reveals that truck-fired ASBMs positioned along the frontier could strike well beyond the ‘first island chain,’ throughout the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca, and well into the Indian Ocean. Indeed, the entire Bay of Bengal and parts of the northern Arabian Sea now fall within the ASBM threat arc.

But the Pentagon’s map misleads in a way.

That is, the map implies that Chinese missiles are located at fixed sites around the periphery. In reality, they can remain well inland while retaining their ability to strike at important targets, whether on Taiwan, at US bases in Japan, or on the high seas. If Chinese commanders contented themselves with menacing shipping in the waters immediately surrounding Taiwan, they could do so from ASBM launchers positioned hundreds of miles inland. Or, they could have it both ways. Since mobile ballistic missiles are mobile, the Second Artillery can reconfigure its missile deployments with relative ease. This increasingly flexible capability means that the PLA could conduct strikes on Taiwan with far more birds than the SRBM figures suggest. The force will only become more flexible as Chinese weapons engineers refine their hardware, further extending the range—and thus the combat punch—of PLA missiles.

Next time, no more warning, we will shoot to kill any Vietnamese ships which enter illegally:smokin:
These Vietnamese are crazy. No wonder the Americans ran away like retarded puppies :lol:
China builds more garrisons around Spratly

China has set up military garrisons and outposts within Philippine-claimed territory in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

Documents and photographs obtained by News5 show that the military garrisons and outposts are located on six reefs that are part of the Kalayaan Island Group. Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam are claiming the Spratlys either entirely or in part. The Spratly Islands are located within an area of 150,000 square miles and are made up of some 200 islands, reefs and shoals.

The Aquino administration is expected to push for diplomatic solutions to the dispute as well as joint economic development of the area. But a political analyst said Manila should not surrender its sovereignty and should turn to the international community for help.

The Philippines is claiming only a portion of the Spratlys, known as the Kalayaan Island Group, located in a 64,000- square-mile area and made up of 54 islands, reefs, and shoals.

Included in the Kalayaan Group is Pagasa, also known as Thi Tu Island, the second biggest island in the Spratlys. The Philippines has an airstrip and maintains a small community on Pagasa Island as well as garrisons in eight other islets.

Vietnam occupies 23 islets while China and Malaysia occupy seven each.

The Kalayaan Island Group is part of the province of Palawan and is within the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.

Documents show that of the seven Chinese-occupied islands, six are located well within the Kalayaan Island Group. The military garrisons and outposts were located at Kagitingan (Fiery Cross) Reef, Calderon (Cuarteron) Reef, Gaven Reef, Zamora (Subi) Reef, Chigua (Dong Men Jiao) Reef and Panganiban reef, better known as Mischief Reef.

At Kagitingan Reef, China built a permanent communications and maritime observatory garrison that can house 200 troops. China built a helicopter landing pad, a 300-meter long wharf allowing supply ships and patrol boats to dock, a two-storey barracks and a 500-square meter plantation area. Beijing designated the Kagitingan Reef as its main command headquarters as it is equipped with satellite data transmission, surface and air search radars. This garrison is armed with at least four high-powered naval guns and several gun emplacements.

China built permanent reef fortresses and supply platforms at the Calderon, Gaven and Chigua reefs. These supply platforms can resist winds up to 71 knots and are equipped with VHF / UHF communications equipment, search radars as well as naval guns and anti-aircraft guns. These three supply platforms can also serve as docks for Chinese navy patrol boats.
No brain tactics to say dirty about our history.

I respect Chinese history even it have a lot of black spot. I don't dirty like you.
These Vietnamese are crazy. No wonder the Americans ran away like retarded puppies :lol:

Only few rational Vietnamese posters like Texas Battlestar has chose to stay away from the topic like this.

China also emphasizes the mutual corporation, most other ASEAN countries also agree, only their govt refuse the deal.

Now they are acting like the entire South China Sea belongs to them, not only China will never accept such fantasy, other ASEAN countries will refuse any claim made by Vietnam about the South China Sea.
China Boosts Destroyer Prowess

With the impending entry into service of China's first aircraft carrier, the upgraded Russian Varyag, renamed Shi Lang, one US analyst explains how the Chinese might employ the vessel.

The expert, a respected naval officer whose ideas are widely discussed, spoke on condition of anonymity.

According to the officer, Shi Lang could represent the major vehicle for the second phase of a two-step process for the People's Liberation Army Navy. The process would see the PLAN evolve from its current, mostly coast-bound status to a true ‘blue-water’ force capable of controlling distant waters and influencing events in adjacent lands.


PLA Navy Type 052c Destroyer

Before Shi Lang could sail into distant regions and launch aircraft to both control the skies and possibly bomb land targets, smaller warships would need to clear the region of enemy warships. In naval terminology, that's called ‘sea control.’ It’s the process of defeating a defending enemy fleet to open up contested waters for follow-on forces.

It’s debatable whether sea control is actually the PLAN’s primary goal. Some navies are designed to be strictly defensive and sail only in their own national waters. Others only operate in undefended waters for mostly peaceful purposes such as disaster relief. Most navies mix these concepts with sea control, to one degree or another. The US Navy, by far the world's largest fleet, aims to excel at all possible tasks.

But the US analyst said recent PLAN construction efforts point toward a growing emphasis on sea control. ‘You have to look at the types of ships they're designing and what the changes are that have occurred in ship design.’

‘Up until 10 years ago, Chinese ships were created without the ability to self-protect or self-project,’ the officer continued. ‘Self-projection’ refers to a ship's ability to carry enough supplies for long-range missions. ‘Now you have an entire generation of DDGs (guided-missile destroyers) they've created that have the ability to go out and enough robust anti-air defenses to operate untied from shore installations.’
Your fake document can bring to international because it will show your dirty.

The true is we controlled those Island legally and China is invader.

we never bring any fake documents to international or anywhere like u viet liars do, and our sea sivilliance cut ur dirty ship all because u thief came and steal things in our sea
we never bring any fake documents to international or anywhere like u viet liars do, and our sea sivilliance cut ur dirty ship all because u thief came and steal things in our sea

please read page 16 to page 25.

We Do not Want to repeat, very tired

you never listen to others

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