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Dear China, a humble thank you.

I know it probably isn't the right place to post this and I should have used the Far East section. But this section has the greatest number of Chinese posters. I'd just like to say thank you for all your help and warm friendship. As of late we have had so much news e.g. the Z-10's, Chinese SAMs, the Chinese Navy rescuing stranded Pakistanis and so on. I don't get a chance to post on every thread, due in part to my moderator duties. But I'm sure I speak for all 200 million Pakistanis and of course the expats, who were born abroad like me, we are honoured and blessed to have a friend, brother like you.

Thank you once agin.

May the dragon continue to rise.

It's a humaniatrian evacuation. We must do our utmost to save people, especially our friends!
I just wanna ask one thing to pakistani members. Don't think I'm trolling. I'm just curious to know.
Pakistan is an Islamic country. All muslim claims that they are follower of Islam. So don't you know according to Islam , muslims are not allowed to be friend with Kaafir. It is strictly forbbiden in Islam. So according to this Ideaology China is a Kaafir country. So how a Islamic nation become a friend of kaafir country??
Respect for your logic.
@waz , bhai what is this ? take care of this post.
On topic: Well said waz bhai ,we are truly thankful to our Chinese brothers.
Few days ago me and my friend were going to the new campus of our university on bike. it is 70 km away from the city and it was raining heavily so we stopped for a while..There were shops on the side so we got under a shade.. a Chinese guy let us into his shop and asked where we are from when we told him from Pakistan he got happy and served his cig and tea..his dialect was too diff so cudnt understand alot of his words but he was praising the friendship between Pakistan and China..'lao pengyou' (old friend) we just smiled back at him so he thought we understood. after sometime we continued our journey.But with more respect for China and its people in our heart. :pakistan::china:
and what would your prophet make of this ? :)

Don't believe unless you see it for yourself with your own eyes. So please spare me the propaganda I do not buy every news fed to me upfront. And I had Muslim Chinese neighbors I know more than what you are trying to tell me through pictures on internet.
I know it probably isn't the right place to post this and I should have used the Far East section. But this section has the greatest number of Chinese posters. I'd just like to say thank you for all your help and warm friendship. As of late we have had so much news e.g. the Z-10's, Chinese SAMs, the Chinese Navy rescuing stranded Pakistanis and so on. I don't get a chance to post on every thread, due in part to my moderator duties. But I'm sure I speak for all 200 million Pakistanis and of course the expats, who were born abroad like me, we are honoured and blessed to have a friend, brother like you.

Thank you once agin.

May the dragon continue to rise.


Kisi ki Nazar na Lag jaye :smitten:
@waz you are paying chinese well on this thread by distributing positive ratings for whatever they say, even a "thank you" post.

I thought it would have been more fitting for yourself to address why so many Indian posters have come on here trolling, as opposed to me handing out positive ratings. But please write something favourable in here and I'll oblige happily. Thank you so much for your post.

To my Pakistani and Chinese comrades please ignore some of the Indian posters that have tried their upmost to ruin this nice thread. You all know the reason why this is. They have been issued with warnings , with two being banned.
Some Indian posters have posted tounge in cheek stuff which is fine, and I know them to be nice folks.
Please, do carry on.
@waz I envy you guys man. For the kind of friendship you have with China.

They are there to help you, to protect you, to arm you, to build for you, to hold for you, and in most everything they have your back.

My country on the other hand has no such friends. We had the USSR in the old days, but off late they have become highly transactional.

The Americans, the less said about them the better.

Israel is too small and too far away.

As I said, I envy you guys such a friendship. Even realizing that it comes at our cost.
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