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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".

The PSY scandal: singing about killing people v. constantly doing it | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
[not enough posts for direct link, but a thought provoking article by Greenwald]
Blame the lamb?

Aero Bhai,

I usually like your posts but this one is a dud for sure.

One would agree that a child of a sheep may not get blamed for being ignorant of his surroundings. After all he is just a simpleton $tupid @rase sheep's son.

But a grown up man born to a human mother should take all the blame for not using his aql / brains and thus behaving like a son of sheep or pig or a chooha.


p.s. Don't mean to start a flame war. Just wanted to clarify the use of proverbs and hopefully help differentiate between animals and people.
I'll presume the Vietnam picture is just added to exaggerate the reproach of Americans indulging in barbarism and to let people know it's a worldwide trend, not just a Muslim claim so that the resent is even more valid. In reality, the average Muslim who shouts "Death to America" on the street has little knowledge and absolutely no interest in the culture or history of non-Muslim countries like Vietnam or Native Americans. The smarter ones just use the Vietnam war and other past conflicts in their columns and articles as a pretext to bash Americans or inflame more anti-American sentiments. There is rarely genuine interest or profound knowledge beyond the brief statements of the mentioned atrocities, these memes just serve as opportunistic tools to lash out against the Americans.

That said, one propaganda picture cannot possibly give a good explanation why so many Muslims deeply hate America.
Many in the Arab world would blame the hatred on the complacency of American politics. Support to Israel, wars in the Middle East and all that. I think the way that many Muslims view the world is a more contributing factor than dirty politics. There is a more profound reason for this rage, that cannot be merely explained by American meddling in the Middle East.
A religious component that is often understated. A lot of Muslims considers themselves to be agents of the best faith, so how are they always be the ones that are so underdeveloped, poor and weak, how are they the ones who fall behind in everything? Even though they adhere the most superior religion?
Many radical Muslims see the West as an important factor in the decline of their own society. Hence they call America the great Satan - it is the Satan who tempts them and leads them astray from the right path, which is the reason why Muslim countries are so regressive according to them.
America as a symbol of power is a wonderful lightning rod for the mismanagement of the regimes and peoples in the Muslim world. Rather than to take responsibility for their dire conditions, it is easy to blame the outsider. Scapegoating the infidel non-Muslims. Closing the ranks, so that all negative energy can be directed outwards.
Even 'enlightened' and 'moderate' media outlets from the Muslim world like Al-Jazeera participate in this deceptive front. More than half of their opinion section is filled with one-side anti-American, anti-European and anti-Israel rants and diatribes. So what can you expect from the command man?

so because in your mind Muslims are not clamoring to learn Vietnamese it is okay to murder them and them take trophy poses?
This is why you western people are Hated.
You people justify your barbaric way any way you can, a brown person kills a white person? These Brown people are animals for doing so. Whitey kills a brown person? These Brown people are animals who deserve it.

Of course when your kind are the butchers of the wold you need to do such mental gymnastics to justify it and be able to sleep at night.

Oh and btw, these pictures would not make good propaganda if they were not happening.
You know why there are no propaganda posters of Cubans holding dead bodies in torphy poses?
Because they don't do that sh!t.
You want people to stop their anit west comments? Then stop killing their people and raping 12 year old girls.

Now go crawl back into cave and of racial superiority while making out with a picture of Hitler and leave the rest of us sub-human brown people alone.

Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms", we hate the "freedom" OFF life you inflict on others.

Most of the soldiers who take pictures like these are punished when found out. It is not right to try and demonize the whole US military for isolated incidents and doesn't deserve a whole thread to prove some sort of point.
Most of the soldiers who take pictures like these are punished when found out. It is not right to try and demonize the whole US military for isolated incidents and doesn't deserve a whole thread to prove some sort of point.

I beg to differ.
only when these images get out into the media do the people get punished.
How many times have you heard of people getting prosecuted for this things when the pictures are not leaked to the world?
I don't think I have even one example of this.

The policy is "go them them sand N!ggers and do what ever you want, but if you pictures get out we have to give you a slap on the wrist"
I beg to differ.
only when these images get out into the media do the people get punished.
How many times have you heard of people getting prosecuted for this things when the pictures are not leaked to the world?
I don't think I have even one example of this.

The policy is "go them them sand N!ggers and do what ever you want, but if you pictures get out we have to give you a slap on the wrist"

That is not the policy, I have family in the military. You are just assuming they tell everyone to take pictures as if it is some sort of wedding event, that is not the case. It is unreasonable for people to expect the superior officers to be able to monitor every single soldier in the field. Of course they will punish people who get caught doing such things, they cannot punish people otherwise. It is illegal to break laws but you can only be punish when you get caught breaking said laws, it really is that simple.
A lot of the Muslim countries and Muslims in general commit a lot of violence and atrocities against weaker groups. But when any group attacks them back they play the innocent victim card and involve in world wide propaganda. Please do something good with your brotherhood.
It's not that Pakistanis don't realize or take responsibility of the mistakes they made (not talking about internet warriors). You aamy have seen Pakistani generals articles about Kargil fiasco, blunders and failures of 1971, Afghan war, religious fanaticism, etc, etc. SSO it's wrong to assume/ say that Pakistan does not recognize/admit its mistakes.

Did you even read my post ?

I already said India has done many bad things and we are paying for it.

I openly said that Indian Govt. oppressed people which led to rise of internal insurgencies. That means cases like Naxalite,

I also said we have paid price for our involvement in riots. We lost our Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi because of it. But we are not happy as those Sikhs haven't got justice by Court of Law.

I also said we funded LTTE and when Rajiv Gandhi sent IPKF to fight against them, they killed him. We again paid the price.

I would like to say that Muslims started Godhara riots by burning Hindus in train. We had Muslims and Hindus killed in those riots. Court imprisoned Hindu leaders and Muslims in that case. Justice was served.

I can go on and on. My point is we accept our faults. Other people don't.

I am taking responsibility of all the mess in my country and I blame India and Indians only. So instead of bashing me, you should have tried to understand the purpose of my post.

Purpose is - Why just blame US ? Why not take some responsibility as we are also culpable in this mess.
That is not the policy, I have family in the military. You are just assuming they tell everyone to take pictures as if it is some sort of wedding event, that is not the case. It is unreasonable for people to expect the superior officers to be able to monitor every single soldier in the field. Of course they will punish people who get caught doing such things, they cannot punish people otherwise. It is illegal to break laws but you can only be punish when you get caught breaking said laws, it really is that simple.

The question I have is that why is it that the punishment only gets met out when the pictures get leaked and the public gets upset?
Many times the military knows that this kind of things are happening but don't take action until the media gets involved.
If they truly cared about justice and all that, they would prosecute anyone who does this without the need for the media to get involved.
It's not that Pakistanis don't realize or take responsibility of the mistakes they made (not talking about internet warriors). You aamy have seen Pakistani generals articles about Kargil fiasco, blunders and failures of 1971, Afghan war, religious fanaticism, etc, etc. SSO it's wrong to assume/ say that Pakistan does not recognize/admit its mistakes.
From Karachi violence, to suicide attacks and bomb blasts, floods, economic dip, many people just believe that entire world is conspiring against them. US, Israel, India etc. are blamed over everything.

I can post videos, articles etc. which reflect this blaming entire world except themselves.
From Karachi violence, to suicide attacks and bomb blasts, floods, economic dip, many people just believe that entire world is conspiring against them. US, Israel, India etc. are blamed over everything.

I can post videos, articles etc. which reflect this blaming entire world except themselves.

We have plenty of people who blame our own society so lets not get carried away here in your hatred.
The fact remains that the reason this makes good propaganda is because it is actually happening.
I mean in India more people die on the roads every day than the population of a small country but you guys get all frenzied and foamy mouthed at the alleged beheading of a single solder.
How about you put even 1% of that rage into improving road safety and save the lives of thousands of people in a single day?
We have plenty of people who blame our own society so lets not get carried away here in your hatred.
The fact remains that the reason this makes good propaganda is because it is actually happening. I mean in India more people die on the roads every day than the population of a small country but you guys get all frenzied and foamy mouthed at the alleged beheading of a single solder. How about you put even 1% of that rage into improving road safety and save the lives of thousands of people in a single day?
Do you know how idiotic you sound ?

Tell this to Americans where more people are killed in Road Accidents in one year than total people killed in 9/11 for which they invaded 2 countries.

In Pakistan, more Muslims are killed due to Gas cylinders explosion, then why blame Indians for BLA who have killed very less number of people ?

So don't give me these idiotic logic.
Do you know how idiotic you sound ?

Tell this to Americans where more people are killed in Road Accidents in one year than total people killed in 9/11 for which they invaded 2 countries.

In Pakistan, more Muslims are killed due to Gas cylinders explosion, then why blame Indians for BLA who have killed very less number of people ?

So don't give me these idiotic logic.

so hold on, it is okay for you to start talking about suicide bombing and target killings and other things that don't relate to the topic but then when I do it you get your panties in a knott?

I know it is in your very nature to be hypocritical but seriously man, look at your post above mine.
In fact I was actually parodying you, but you need an IQ size bigger than you shoe size to realize that.

now stop diverting from the topic and making excuses for your beloved Americans.
so hold on, it is okay for you to start talking about suicide bombing and target killings and other things that don't relate to the topic but then when I do it you get your panties in a knott?I know it is in your very nature to be hypocritical but seriously man, look at your post above mine.OU DID THE EXACT SAME THING YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF DOING!
In fact I was actually parodying you, but you need an IQ size bigger than you shoe size to realize that. now stop diverting from the topic and making excuses for your beloved Americans.
I talked about should we blame US only or ourselves too. I also posted against India. You ignored it.

We thing is you are just cherry picking about what I said about your country but when I said against my country you ignore.

Read my first post on this thread. And ask anyone who thinks am I posted on topic or off topic.

I blame US as much as other countries for all this violence. I bash US because they supported a nation that sent terrorists in my nation.
Do you know how idiotic you sound ?

Tell this to Americans where more people are killed in Road Accidents in one year than total people killed in 9/11 for which they invaded 2 countries.

In Pakistan, more Muslims are killed due to Gas cylinders explosion, then why blame Indians for BLA who have killed very less number of people ?

So don't give me these idiotic logic.

well its just like that a person killing himeself and other killed by a thief etc...
and u suppose there isnot any difference in b/w them??
and those who die due to explosion of gas cylinders its their choice while those killed by BLA is act of terrorism.....
i can say same about mumbai attach what u proposed theory about BLA.....
wt u say??
roads accidents r natural cause sir..
don't drag natural causes...
in 2nd post u will be saying in Pak more people die in earthquake than all died in 9/11...
its insane truely... :coffee:

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