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Deadly Blast at Gathering in Pakistan

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Deadly Blast at Gathering in Pakistan

A suspected suicide bomber attacked a gathering of people receiving aid in northwest Pakistan Saturday and at least 12 people were killed, government officials said.

"The attack took place when hundreds of people were gathered to receive food rations for people displaced by fighting," said Wisal Ahmed, a government official in the Bajaur region on the Afghan border.

Others officials and witnesses said the death toll could be much higher.

Blast in Bajaur kills at least 25

PESHAWAR: At least 25 people were killed on Saturday in a bomb blast at a World Food Programme ration distribution point in northwestern Pakistan’s Bajaur tribal area, officials said.

The blast took place at the food distribution point in Khar, the main town of Bajaur.

“The attack took place when hundreds of people were gathered to receive food rations for people displaced by fighting,” said Wisal Ahmed, a government official in the tribal region.

Other officials and witnesses said the death toll could be much higher.
Damn these suicide bombers blowing themselves up at religious places and amongst innocent people are brainwashed to their core .... How in the blue hell could anyone justify these actions ???
Isnt it moronic to bomb yourself amongst people who came to receive aid?

You dont know dude, these terrorists exteremist are soulless & followers of devil shaitan, they have no heart, for them killing innocent lives is fun. The poor who came to receive aid would be some ones father,mother or husband etc. How very sad.
Isnt it moronic to bomb yourself amongst people who came to receive aid?

Not if you are motivated by the wahabi/salafi/Takfiri ideology - see these people believe that they are Muslims and the rest of us are apostates and are worthy of murder -- you may hear about "diversity" and how we need to respect these people and their God of suicide and murder, their God of fashion and culture (lack thereof), feel free to judge them not by their words but by their deeds - if the likes of these are Muslims, then I am not one, and indeed cannot imagine why anyone sane could possibly be one of them -- and if we are Muslims, then these people cannot be Muslims and must be exorcised from the Muslim body--It seems Pakistanis are having a very difficult time coming to their senses, perhaps they may not ever come to their senses.
It's FATA, the most undeveloped and illiterate part in Pakistan. There are no universities either. The Taliban act as the authority here because this region does not even have a proper police.

We should mine the border so these bad elements from Afghanistan can never cross here and spread terrorism.

RIP to the dead.
Incidents such as this are unfortunately almost a daily occurrence in Pakistan
Dozens die in Pakistan suicide bombing

BBC News - Dozens die in Pakistan suicide bombing

At least 40 people have died after a suicide bomb on a large crowd receiving food aid in north-west Pakistan.

The blast took place in the town of Khar in the Bajaur region, in tribal areas close to the Afghan border - a Taliban and al-Qaeda stronghold.

About 1,000 people displaced by fighting had been receiving food at a distribution centre.

Reports say at least another 50 people have been injured and the death toll could rise.

Saturday's bombing was the latest in a string of recent attacks in Pakistan's unruly north-west.

No group has so far said it carried out the attack, used by the World Food Programme and other aid agencies to distribute food to conflict-affected people in the region.

"I myself have counted 40 bodies but the death toll could rise as several wounded people are in critical condition," Dosti Rehman, an official at the main government hospital in the region, told Reuters news agency.

Dozens of injured people are being taken to hospital by helicopter.

Most of the victims are believed to be civilians who had fled the fighting between Taliban militants and the Pakistani army, the BBC's Aleem Maqbool in Islamabad reports.

The tribal district of Bajaur, where the attack took place, has seen several military operations to clear it of insurgents - the army had previously declared the operations a success, and the area safe for the displaced to return to, our correspondent adds.

Among recent other attacks, at least 11 Pakistani soldiers and 24 militants were killed on Friday after some 150 Taliban fighters attacked five Frontier Corps checkpoints in the neighbouring Mohmand tribal region.

Earlier this month, a suicide bomb attack in Mohmand left at least 40 people dead.

A double suicide bombing in Mohmand in July killed more than 100.
Lets not rule out the possibly of american using these brain washed agents as double edge sword. No person no matter how disgruntled at his homeland will take such measures against his own country or people. These are 100% foreign trained or foreign origin elements targeting the Pakistan state.
pakistanis are back to their normal tendency..blaming others for everything... if u are so sure then take action against them and provide concrete evidence to world... don't feed us with hollow words... this psychic is holding u back... "world owes u"...

i hate to say that but another shameful response by pakistanis (on PDF) on the dead of innocent pakistanis.... very few remorse and condolences on the death.. they are enjoying india china thread and masooqa thread rather than the burning core issue thread.......i like the iranian president response after the deadly blast in iran...

"nobody cares about pakistanis even they don't care" disappointing
Not if you are motivated by the wahabi/salafi/Takfiri ideology - see these people believe that they are Muslims and the rest of us are apostates and are worthy of murder -- you may hear about "diversity" and how we need to respect these people and their God of suicide and murder, their God of fashion and culture (lack thereof), feel free to judge them not by their words but by their deeds - if the likes of these are Muslims, then I am not one, and indeed cannot imagine why anyone sane could possibly be one of them -- and if we are Muslims, then these people cannot be Muslims and must be exorcised from the Muslim body--It seems Pakistanis are having a very difficult time coming to their senses, perhaps they may not ever come to their senses.
Dunno if i'm eligible to comment on your status dude...but you are worth to be a think tank :)
You dont know dude, these terrorists exteremist are soulless & followers of devil shaitan, they have no heart, for them killing innocent lives is fun.
Huh..fun! Why not have that "fun" by bombing amongst themselves so that we also would be having fun :)

The poor who came to receive aid would be some ones father,mother or husband etc. How very sad.
A father,mother or husband is same to both poor and rich...and a suicide bomber doesn't differentiate between them.
Lets not rule out the possibly of american using these brain washed agents as double edge sword. No person no matter how disgruntled at his homeland will take such measures against his own country or people. These are 100% foreign trained or foreign origin elements targeting the Pakistan state.

No they are not foreign agents or origins..unfortunately these are the same people which the establishment created and have now turned against the same hand which fed them. As no foreign agency in their right mind would want to have Taliban state with Nuclear weapons..

Targeting these groups will not succeed unless the underlying foundations and centers of support and money such as madrassas and supporting organisations are allowed to function. This foundation which was created in the process of supplying Mujahids for the the Afghanistan against the Soviets the whole society is radicalized and the undoing will take a long as no politician nor the army can just de-radicalize the society over night as the repercussion of these groups will be severe.

However one has to keep hope and sincerely try or take the small step in the process of de-radicalization which does not seem to have been taken yet.

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