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Deadly attack on Pakistani troops in NW

Above picture prove these people are weak, weak enough to show their faces....they know they are doing something wrong, against society will...
I think the first thing Pakistan needs to do is remove of weapons from the street. I am surprised at the amount of firepower Lal Masjid militants had. Amazing.
By Sher Baz Khan

ISLAMABAD, July 13: Weapons smuggled to Balochistan from Afghanistan via the tough terrain of Koh-i-Sulaiman were delivered in fruit crates to Lal Masjid. Two arms merchants based in the Rajanpur and Faazilpur areas of southern Punjab had nexus with arms dealers on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghan border and they started supplying arms to the mosque-seminary complex more than two years ago, well-placed security sources told Dawn on Friday.

The arms were smuggled to Sabzi Mandi in Islamabad in trucks carrying fruits and vegetables. The arms, mostly AK-47 rifles or Kalashnikov and automatic pistols, were delivered to the complex in crates.

The process had taken months, the sources said. And security agencies knew at least a year ago about the stockpiling of arms inside the mosque but could not take any action, they said.

It could not be confirmed from the sources whether heavy weapons like rocket launchers which the government showed to media people during their post-operation visit to the mosque on Thursday, had also been provided by the same arms dealers or if such arms had been procured by the mosque administration at all.

The sources believed that two arms dealers from Rajanpur — Ghulam Qadir and Farooq Usmani — had developed links with the Lal Masjid administration after the US attack on Afghanistan in 2001. They said they also had information about the mosque administration’s links with another well-known arms smuggler from Balochistan, Alla Lashari.

The mosque administration had enough resources to purchase such weapons, they said.

The sources said it was not known if the Rajanpur-based arms smugglers had any soft corner for the militants, but they were certainly against peace efforts in the neighbouring Afghanistan – a haven for arms and drug smugglers.

The sources said the Koh-i-Sulaiman route had fast replaced traditional routes of arms smuggling into tribal areas, apparently because of lower transportation charges and being relatively safe. They said weapons were normally smuggled on mules and camels to Balochistan at considerably low cost. The weapons were later smuggled to Punjab and Sindh, they said.

They said a Kalashnikov cost from Rs20,000 to Rs35,000, which included transportation charges. A pistol cost Rs5,000 to Rs7,000.

During the Afghan war and the Taliban reign, Peshawar was the main centre of weapons trade, but smuggling was more concentrated in the tribal areas.
24 Pak troopers were killed in a suicide bomb attack.
I heard about this from BBC World channel this afternoon when talking with clients at a cafe.

Along with Chaudhry's challenge, the Paksitani government is now in real dilemma.

sail on Pakistan, in the troubled water!:pakistan:

think it is time that the 98% clean up the 2% for the sake the country that 98% live in.
The 98% have more right over Pakistan than the 2% who want to enforce their view.
It would sad if the 98% give so easily.

Look at the picture above.these people wants to spread there kind of religion.but there believe is so strong in there cause that they to hide there faces.only a thief hides his or her face cause they don't wanna be recognized.

you see there is a saying''laton ke bhoot batoon see naheen mante''meaning if some is used to of listen with can of a.s.s. whopping they wont listen to any reasoning.
Now that Pandora's box is open.i hope government don't back down.iam hopefully that these mullahs will not win any election again.
24 Pak troopers were killed in a suicide bomb attack.
I heard about this from BBC World channel this afternoon when talking with clients at a cafe.

Along with Chaudhry's challenge, the Paksitani government is now in real dilemma.

sail on Pakistan, in the troubled water!:pakistan:

Actually boat just got directed in the right direction.
Pakistan militants end truce deal

Pro-Taleban militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan region say they have ended their truce with the government.
In a statement issued in Miranshah, the main town, the militants accused the government of breaking the agreement.

On Saturday, a suicide bomber killed 24 soldiers in North Waziristan in an attack believed to be linked to the storming of the Red Mosque last week.

Last September's truce ended two years of clashes and was aimed at stopping cross-border attacks into Afghanistan.

"We are ending the agreement today," the Taleban Shura or Council said in pamphlets distributed in Miranshah, the capital of North Waziristan.

The council leaders released the statement Sunday amid growing tension in the area.

In the second deadly attacks in as many days, at least 10 Pakistani soldiers were killed in the Swat area of North West Frontier Province.

The attacks follow a week-long army siege of radicals in the Red Mosque in Islamabad that left 102 people dead and sparked fears of militant reprisals.

I bet now nobody has a problem with NATO forces crossing into pakistan to kill people.
Pakistan troops die in new attack
At least 10 Pakistani soldiers have been killed by militants in the country's north-west, the second deadly attack in as many days.

Deadly attack on Pakistani troops
The number of soldiers killed in a suicide attack on a military convoy in north-western Pakistan has risen to 24, a Pakistan army spokesman has said.
Twenty-nine others were also hurt when the convoy was hit in the remote tribal region of North Waziristan.
Major General Waheed Arshad admitted the attack could be linked to the storming of the Red Mosque this week.

Pakistan deaths in tribal region
Separately, three paramilitary troops died when their vehicle hit a landmine in North Waziristan, the military said.
Three soldiers were also injured.

Pakistan troops killed in blast
At least three members of Pakistan's security forces have been killed in a roadside bombing in the tribal area of North Waziristan, the authorities say.
Military spokesman Shaukat Sultan said nine others were hurt, some critically, in the apparent suicide attack.

I bet you still think it was okay to attack lal masjid and not think of the consequences of your actions.

"The lal masjid is in the heart of islamabad and you are telling me the military did not know what was going on? If they are that incompetent in there jobs how can we trust them to know what is going on in india if they do not know what is going infront of them."
Please do answer my question!
Or is all this part of a process to turn the pak population against the madrassas and let NATO forces into pakistan.
16 killed in bomb attack in Pakistan

Sunday, July 15, 2007
15:44 IST

Blog this story

Islamabad: Twelve security personnel and four civilians were killed and scores injured on Sunday in a powerful bomb attack in north-western Pakistan, a day after a suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden car into a military convoy in the restive tribal region leaving 24 soldiers dead.

Army spokesman Major General Waheed Arshad said three improvised devises exploded on Sunday when an army convoy was heading to Matta town, some 25 km from Mingora, the largest city in the mountainous Swat valley in North West Frontier Province, the state-run PTV reported.

TV channels have put the death toll of security personnel at 12 while Arshad said four civilians were also killed in the blasts.

Besides, Arshad said, 29 soldiers were injured in the attack.

Earlier, the TV channels had said that it was a suicide attack, but the army spokesman denied such reports.

Arshad said that all the injured were evacuated from Matta and the area was cleared after the attack. The army convoy has now reached its destination, he said.

Six houses near the site of the attack were also damaged, TV channels said.

Some reports said that armed men fired at security forces from the nearby mountains after the blasts.

The government had sent soldiers to Swat and several other areas in the province to deal with the armed supporters of the pro-Taliban Lal Masjid, which was stormed by the army on July 10 to flush out militants holed up inside.

© Copyright 2007 PTI. All rights reserved.

I think a good article......


Obscurantism: silence is no option

By Aijaz Zaka Syed

View from Dubai

HOW does it feel to see a tragedy about to happen? Especially when you can do little to prevent it? Utterly helpless and impotent. Watching the Lal Masjid drama unfold in Pakistan over the past couple of weeks, you knew a catastrophe was about to take place. Yet you could do little about it. I had felt the same impotent helplessness on the eve of the Iraq invasion.

Perhaps, for once President Pervez Musharraf is right. The bloody siege of the Lal Masjid that dragged on for more than a week might not have ended in any other way. The general is right. It was indeed inevitable.

To be fair to the Pakistani leadership, it gave enough time and a long, long rope to the clerics inside the mosque to tie themselves with. It was as though the whole world knew what was going to happen to those inside Lal Masjid. Only those at centre-stage and in the thick of action didn’t seem to know it.

Why didn’t Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi see reason? Why did he have to give up his own life and play with those in his custody? What was he trying to prove? And what has he if anything achieved?

We may never know the answers to these questions. But what I know for sure is that the Lal Masjid episode has inflicted yet another deep wound on Islam’s already bruised and battered visage.

This is yet another example of how Islam faces the greatest threat from not some alien enemies but its own so-called followers. With friends like these, does Islam need any more enemies? My God, what an embarrassment for Pakistan and the whole of the Muslim world this whole sordid business has been.

How the name of a great religion that stands for peace has been dragged through the mud by the self-styled defenders of the faith. And all of us could do little about it.

Islam is one faith that has no concept of clergy. But most Muslims respect Islamic scholars or ulema as the intellectual and spiritual heirs of the Prophet (PBUH). But the antics of the Lal Masjid clerics did not exactly make you proud of these champions of the faith. The highlight of this tragicomedy had been the attempt by the older of the two brothers to flee in a head-to-toe veil.

It wasn’t always like this though. Many simple believers initially had a word of praise or two for Lal Masjid boys and girls when they ran an anti-vice campaign in Islamabad.

By cracking down on alleged prostitution rings operating from five-star hotels and posh neighbourhoods right in the capital the Lal Masjid administration had won itself many an admirer at home and abroad.

Okay, in their missionary zeal they might have ended up on the wrong side of the law. But they sought to do what Pakistani authorities had ostensibly failed to do. However, the Lal Masjid folks took matters a tad too far by turning the mosque into a fortress and taking on the state. Islam and its most noble Prophet would never have allowed young boys and girls to get entangled in an armed conflict like this, let alone use them as bargaining chips in a bloody and pointless confrontation with the powers that be.

I am no fan of Musharraf. Indeed, whenever possible I’ve added my voice, for what it’s worth, to the chorus against the Pakistani leader’s role in America’s absurd war on terror. The general has a lot to answer for; the widespread human rights violations on his watch being only one of them. Hundreds of innocents from Pakistan and Afghanistan have simply disappeared as men like Musharraf and Karzai bend backwards to ‘cooperate’ with their friends in Washington.

This, however, does not mean individuals like Maulana Ghazi should set up their own state within a state. That too right in the heart of the capital.In the end, what has the outfit behind the mosque drama achieved? Little. A large number of innocent people have died, the majority of them young religious students.

There are fears that hundreds could have died in Operation Silence. Desperate parents are still looking for their children. Your guess is as good as mine as to what happened to tens of hundreds of students or their remains, if they got caught in the crossfire. The day the curtain came down on the saga, a concerned host of a Pakistani television channel asked one of his guests what he thought of the armed conflict.

“Since both sides in the conflict happened to be Muslim, who would be considered martyrs?” wondered the TV host. “Pakistani soldiers storming the mosque or those inside?” Pertinent question, indeed. But the religious scholar on the panel understandably had a tough time answering it.

So were Maulana Ghazi and his followers true martyrs or misguided soldiers of Islam? I don’t know how the Lal Masjid heroes will face their Maker, especially after misusing His home and bringing so much suffering to those sheltered there. But the shame it has wrought on Pakistan and the irrevocable damage it has inflicted on the rest of the Muslim world will haunt us for a long time to come.

Increasingly, the extremists are using Islam’s fair name to pursue their agenda. From Pakistan and Afghanistan to Iraq and Palestine, Muslims helplessly watch as all kinds of thugs sully the image of their great faith and distort its teachings.I have been a strident critic of the US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq and its disastrous policies in the Muslim world, repeatedly confronting the Americans on the shame of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. At the same time though, I cannot shut my eyes to the barbarities Muslims are inflicting on fellow believers and others in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

How could anyone condone what is going on in Iraq? Recently, more than 150 people were killed in Iraq in a single day. In fact, on average 100 people get killed daily in the occupied Iraq. I know this war has been imposed on Iraq by the US. But what noble cause do the so-called insurgents serve by targeting those innocent men, women and children — all of them obviously Muslim?

Resistance of foreign occupation is fine. But what are the insurgents — or whoever they are — trying to prove by unleashing this murderous campaign against fellow Iraqis?

This is the same all across the Muslim world. The extremists have hijacked our faith, exploiting and abusing it to promote their hate-filled agenda. There are individuals and groups in the Muslim mainstream who are genuinely inspired by Islam and its liberating teachings. And they are agitated by the suffering of their fellow believers around the world. They use just, peaceful and lawful ways to register their protest.

But there is a dangerous fringe that will stop at nothing to achieve its objectives. More alarmingly, it seeks to speak and act on behalf of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. From targeting innocents in Muslim countries to unleashing terror on western targets, this fringe continues to invent new ways of distorting Islam’s humane message and teachings – turning the whole world against Muslims.

For years I have repeatedly argued that the centuries of western exploitation of the Muslim world and ongoing injustice in places like Palestine are at the heart of extremism in the Muslim world. I still stick to my stance. The world will continue to burn as long as the West ignores the sources that fan these flames.

That said, it is time for the mainstream in the Muslim world to assert itself. Muslim intellectuals, scholars, politicians, journalists and ordinary people must speak out — individually and in unison — against these attempts to distort and destroy their great faith.

After the July 7 bombings in the UK two years ago, I had pleaded with the Muslims around the world to assert themselves against the extremists, presenting the real and true visage of Islam. There had been few lone voices like mine then. Today it’s growing into a chorus. Following the recent failed terror strikes in the UK, British Muslims came out on the streets declaring: “not in our name”.

It’s time for all of us — every Muslim from Morocco to Malaysia — to say in one voice “not in our name.” Trust me, silence is not an option now. If we remain silent, Islam’s enemies will speak for us.

The writer is a Dubai-based journalist.
Musharraf has gone far enough to appease his masters in west from where his return or u turn looks impossible. He is pouring fuel on already burning fire. He is taking the nation towards destruction. What is happening on such a dangerous scale was not expected to such an extent. His exit from Pak politics is the only solution for bringing the peace back to the pakistan. He thinks that only his policies are the last words. Nobody need such a suicidal leader who is bringing destruction to them.
Ghazi Brothers of Jamia Hafsa are being ridiculed by number of people in Pakistan on the face of sad incident of Lal Masjid. However, much evidence exists to suggest quite the opposite is true. Have you ever stopped for a minute to see thier side of the picture. Over the spectrum of Islamic teachings, the standpoint of the two brothers is well endorsed by the Islamic scripture.

Both the brothers take present regime of Pakistan Government as hypocrite and ally of West, while the same is true so far the Islam is concerned.

9 : 29 Fight those who do not profess the true faith (Islam).

They believe present Government’s regime is an era of oppression and to fight back oppression is a cause good enough to entangle.

8 : 39 And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere.

They demand complete implementation of Islamic shria law in Pakistan . How a Muslim can ridicule one who demands so?

3 : 85 If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).

If the adherenst of Lal Masjid indulge in fighting, then indeed, fighting has been ordained in Islam. More or less 72 wars were fought during the life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

2: 216 Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you.

During fight, if people are killed then it’s none of killer’s act but Almighty Allah’s, because Allah wanted that way. Every occurrence of the universe takes into effect by the will of Almighty Allah. (Allah har chese pae qadir-e-mutliq hay)

8 : 17 It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah: when thou threwest (a handful of dust), it was not thy act, but Allah’s: in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself

Being a Muslim, you are clearly at fault to accept your father and brother as your protectors should they prefer something else over faith. The same very way a government can not be taken as protector of Muslims if it prefers Moderation, Enlightenment or somthing else above faith.

9 : 23 O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.

In spite of repeated reminders to the area authorities by the local inhabitants against the Chinese brothel house, much had been left to be done by the government. There upon, clerics had to go back and forth to eradicate the evils of society such as destruction of video shops and seizer of brothel house. See below the famous Hadis Shrif of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and this is what they did.

If you are seeing any false things then fight... (If Allah gives you the power)
If you don't have powers try to protest it with your voice...
If you don’t have that much energy then at least try to have belief that the thing is false...

Now in order to set your mind at rest “ N ” number of view points ( International relations, Geo political situation, National interest, International politics, Economic fundamentals, Religious extremism, Terrorism, Enlightened vision of prosperity, Law and order, Writ of the Govt, Incompatible theories of 1400 years old , …………………………etc. etc.) can be argued to counter any or all of the above-stated points. In Pakistan, majority do not want to comply by strict interpretation of Shria law, so as to live a life of their own style or at the worst contrary to Islamic belief. Please ask a question from very inside of your honest good self. Does a clash between living a life of convenience and a life by strict compliance of Shria law exist in the core of your thoughts? Be informed, same is the clash between Govt/People of Pakistan and Jamia Hafsa. Solution suggests, by the consent of public opinion, either Pakistan be governed by an Islamic government or by a secular one. The people of Pakistan have to adopt either way of political set up. The mixed approach or the middle way would take nowhere except to disasters such as Lal Masjid.

DISCLAIMER: By no means I personally endorse the Ghazis’ means to justify the end.

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - A new al-Qaida videotape posted Sunday on a militant Web site featured a short, undated clip of a weary-looking Osama bin Laden praising martyrdom.
The bin Laden clip, which lasted less than a minute, was part of a 40- minute video featuring purported al-Qaida fighters in Afghanistan paying tribute to fellow militants who have been killed in the country. It was posted by the group's media production wing.

Bin Laden glorified those who die in the name of jihad, or holy war, saying even the Prophet Muhammad "had been wishing to be a martyr."

"The happy (man) is the one that God has chosen him to be a martyr," added bin Laden, who was shown outdoors wearing army fatigues and looking tired.

few questions come to my mind reading above articles posted by few and the one i just posted .
1=who is financing them.
2)=what do they stand to gain from bad naming Islam.
3)=if osma claims being a martyr will make Allah happy.then why he and his friends hiding in some caves (or are they in caves and not playing golf some where)
4)=who is hosting the web site.and how is that company getting paid to host it.
5)=how are these tapes being added on to the websites.wouldn't you have the ip and no exactly where was it uploaded from.
6)=why every time Bush's war in trouble osama or his wacky friend shows up with some thing or another message.
7)=if these so called militants use satellite phones.who is paying the bill why are they still allowed to use those phone and not being blocked.
8)=uncle SAM is blaming Iran for supplying arms to alqaeda.and so called enemy of uncle SAM is threatening to attack Iran(i would think in there position they would want more friends then enemy)and enemy of my enemy is my friend.

i would appreciate some answers as iam just lost here.
Over the spectrum of Islamic teachings, the standpoint of the two brothers is well endorsed by the Islamic scripture.
Sorry dabong but every scholar have his own interpretation of Islam so it is impossible to enforce many different laws.
I think it is sensible enough to follow the state law and if some mullah don't like it than they should try to modify the law in a leagal way rather than enforcing his own.
Sorry dabong but every scholar have his own interpretation of Islam so it is impossible to enforce many different laws.
I think it is sensible enough to follow the state law and if some mullah don't like it than they should try to modify the law in a leagal way rather than enforcing his own.

I do not agree with ghazi's methods for one moment but i see the point he was making rightly or wrongly.
Should pakistan allow the sale of alcohol,prostitution in residential neighbourhoods,promotion of not wearing headscarfs and many other things.
Ghazi was not right in the way he went about things but it is a important question ,what is an islamic country ?if the foundations are not based on koran and sharia then pakistan has to be honest and say it is a secular country where islanm plays no part.

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