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Deadline for war: August 19

:rofl::rofl: So this was the kind of war eleven was saying? @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @Beast
Does a Brahman shoot dead a Dalit for blocking sunlight? No. Sometimes a beating is enough. If that is not enough, then more repeated beatings. We are only showing the superiority of our people over inferior Indians. No need to open fire right away. Beatings are enough for now.
@Feng Leng today is 19th August. When is the missile coming?


Yes buddy, he launched 300 Mt super zupar ultra nuke frat... It is on the way.. we all are doomed..

Please add the year to the title . 17, 18 ...like when ?

7017 I think? Probably
Does a Brahman shoot dead a Dalit for blocking sunlight? No. Sometimes a beating is enough. If that is not enough, then more repeated beatings. We are only showing the superiority of our people over inferior Indians. No need to open fire right away. Beatings are enough for now.
The war has already begun. Indians took casualties. Show some respect to your jawans.

Casualties ? - how many Indian soldiers died in Ladhakh?
During the Pangong lake incident, the Chinese troops had started hurling stones at the Indian border guards and situation was brought under control only after the two sides observed the banner drill and went back to their respective positions.

You said it will begin by Nuclear decapitation of Modi. I didnt know that it meant stone pelting in Chinese
Casualties ? - how many Indian soldiers died in Ladhakh?

You said it will begin by Nuclear decapitation of Modi. I didnt know that it meant stone pelting in Chinese
We beat your soldiers with iron rods. They admitted it. Go ask your army how many casualties they suffered.

Yes, there will be a nuclear decapitation of Modi. I thought Indians would be brave and open fire in Ladakh. But Indians were cowardly. Took the beating instead. So the decapitation will wait until the next escalation of conflict. I am sure India will not disappoint.
The war has already begun. Indians took casualties. Show some respect to your jawans.

"Indian agencies have assessed that after Ladakh, Chinese Army will try to do more such incidents in Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal sector. The troops have been asked to remain on alert and thwart any such misadventure by Chinese. However, the security agencies have been told not to be provoked and deal the situation with calmness to prevent any escalation," government sources said here.

During the Pangong lake incident, the Chinese troops had started hurling stones at the Indian border guards and situation was brought under control only after the two sides observed the banner drill and went back to their respective positions.

During the scuffle, the Indian troops had suffered minor injuries also but fortunately, the confrontation did not escalate much.

We came to India. Beat some Indians. They could do nothing about our beatings except say "Thank you. Come again."
we expected More but this childish chin thrown stone, we never seen such a war n the History
for this kindly of war only you guys are barking daily through News agency
China is Created another History:fans::fans::fans::fans::fans::fans:
Can't seem to find the news anywhere else. Indians aren't reporting it either. Is this an official deadline?
Breitbart is American alt right news outlet. Not credible for China affairs. If you intend to go to war, what advantage is it to you to announce a date?
Nobody barks better than Indians.

Let the history explain:



Can not fight Pakistan, and India is out to fight mighty China.

On the contrary the recent beef exports to Pakistan is akin to extending a friendship hand to Pakistan in a subtle message to Pakistan "Yaar war ho tau tum log dusri taraf se attack nahi karna"

India is afraid to attack Pakistan due to its nukes.

Thats why no revocation of MFN/IWT.
Pakistani comedians still working in India displacing Indians.
Samjhauta express running as always.

Coward Indians, coward Modi, good only for bragging.

Modi = All foam, no beer.


We beat your soldiers with iron rods. They admitted it. Go ask your army how many casualties they suffered.

Yes, there will be a nuclear decapitation of Modi. I thought Indians would be brave and open fire in Ladakh. But Indians were cowardly. Took the beating instead. So the decapitation will wait until the next escalation of conflict. I am sure India will not disappoint.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol I think your army needs to be matured . Even looney toons don't argue like this..
:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol I think your army needs to be matured . Even looney toons don't argue like this..
A bunch of so-called Brahmans do not understand the message. Indian media is saying Indian Army soldiers have been told to keep calm when beaten by PLA. The rhetoric in a India is being prepared for the ending where PLA will beat the fourty Indians in Donglang and they retreat and Modi will say the soldiers are brave to keep calm when beaten by PLA.
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