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Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

Very sad and really ashamed to be called a human beings after reading all these.

But all those who call for respecting the dead body of the IS fighter, I never read or heard a sane voice from Pakistan about beheading of Indian soldier, why Hindu dead bodies don't deserve respect ?? Shame on your double standards. :(
don't agree with this, I'm all for ruthlessly exterminating them like rats, but dispose of their filthy corpses in a somewhat civilized manner, dig a grave and throw them in it, be done with it quickly.

not moralizing, I couldn't care less about the ethics of it but killing them is already the ultimate victory, why waste time dancing on their graves when there are more rats to hunt, right ?
This isn't right? Have you any idea what those Isis b astards are doing to innocent human being in the name of their brand of Islam?

I think it's a good example of what happens when you defame our religion. Most of these Isis fighter in Syria and Iraq are actually Israeli commandos. Or other non muslims since they hide their faces most of the times.

If a Muslim is not afraid of dying why do u think he'd hide his face. There countless videos on the internet where they are treating injured Isis soldiers in Israel. On one hand their killing Palestinians on the other treating muslims? Sounds fishy don't it?
All you are doing is JUSTIFYING isis when they slaughter

If they did the same to Shia tomorrow should we all celebrate

Has there been any process to determine guilt or is just any sunni suffering this fate?

This is why should we bother shedding tears for yazidia or shias or alewites or anyone else they just commit the same crimes
Life unworthy of life!
Had hitler been alive these people would not be Islamic State fighters but victims of concentration camps!

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