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Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

Well, since Arabs do it with fellow Arabs, we can now dump the bodies of 'palestinian' terrorists with trash too. :coffee:
I know kid, Islam says punish(kill) the murderer, then offer his Janaza prayer and bury him.
Can you bring any thing opposite to it in Islam ?

The prayer is performed in congregation to seek pardon for the deceased Muslims, this is trash not human or Muslim for that matter and nobody is about to offer prayers for trash disposal
make an example out of him?
like Hajjaj Bin Yusuf did?

Islam doesn't come from Hajaj, it's from Allah and example to follow is his Prophet. It's not about our wishes or wishes of anyone else like daesh. If you do same what daesh is doing, what's the difference ?

The prayer is performed in congregation to seek pardon for the deceased Muslims, this is trash not human or Muslim for that matter and nobody is about to offer prayers for trash disposal

Criminal remains a Muslim, if he/she has not committed act of kufr. People were stoned to death for their acts then Prophet prayed their janaza and buried them. Islam is not about our wishes, our dislikes and likes, our love and hate.

If you people claim to be Muslim (Follower of Prophet (P.B.U.H)) then follow his way, otherwise there is no difference between you and daesh.
not even dogs would do such a thing... doing such things wich you blame isis for does not make you better than isis..

there is nothing wrong in mass graves.. actually I would not be surprised if they would do more inhuman things to the corpses..

Aren't you the guy that says he'll buy chocolate for kids for the killing of the Russian ambassador? Not even a dog would make murder a celebration and pull kids into such an act.

Now we have people here playing civilised with pretentious high morale safely from their homes, these foreign terrorists don't deserve a burial on soil they've terrorized to start with, trash disposal is the proper way.
Take out any useful organs from their body and then dump the body respectfully.
Use these organs for the needy ones.
Aren't you the guy that says he'll buy chocolate for kids for the killing of the Russian ambassador?

No Mr taqiyya,

But somehow your nickname seems to fit you :-)

Take out any useful organs from their body and then dump the body respectfully.
Use these organs for the needy ones.

Islam doesn't come from Hajaj, it's from Allah and example to follow is his Prophet. It's not about our wishes or wishes of anyone else like daesh. If you do same what daesh is doing, what's the difference ?
Hajaj was a very successful administrator, so why not follow him a bit
Lol I don't agree with this though. Even here in the West, we don't dumb death ISIS Terrorists(even those who have committed attacks here) bodies in thrash. That's not acceptable, a death body causes no harm, so what's the point of this barbaric method. Iraqi government should reign on their militias.
I would have thought religious countries in the region will be even more tolerant than less religious countries in the West.
Anyway, I disagree with this method.
First of all, those are unconfirmed rumours.

Secondly, the case can be made that since India has fired at our school buses your soldiers shouldn't be treated well. At least ISIS doesn't target children. Therefore I can understand the case those people are trying to make.

But I personally think that the body should be respected after death. Under certain circumstances I can understand mutilation, but I don't support it.

You can make a case, and You would lose in court.
If You kill or maim a POW, you will become a war criminal.

If someone fires on a pure civilian target which knowingly has no military value, then that is also a war crime.
Reports from the incident claims that 3 Pakistanis soldiers were killed in the same shelling.

And where did You get the notion that ISIS does not target children.
10 Children were killed in Nice.
You can make a case, and You would lose in court.
If You kill or maim a POW, you will become a war criminal.

If someone fires on a pure civilian target which knowingly has no military value, then that is also a war crime.
Reports from the incident claims that 3 Pakistanis soldiers were killed in the same shelling.

And where did You get the notion that ISIS does not target children.
10 Children were killed in Nice.

I don't care, most international laws are hypocritical anyway.

That doesn't excuse the attack.

Didn't know ISIS has targeted civilians, that's really depressing.
I don't care, most international laws are hypocritical anyway.

That doesn't excuse the attack.

Didn't know ISIS has targeted civilians, that's really depressing.

Murphys Law: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.
Murphys Army Law: If something can go wrong is has gone wrong.

Shelling which results in the death of soldiers is not targetting civilians.
In order to avoid civilian casualties, a part must separate their military forces from their civilians
according to the Geneva Convention.

ISIS does not care about any humans, civilian, women or children.
ISIS is mainly targetting civilians in Europe.

Compare this with US forces bombing a hospital in Afghanistan, then spending millions on rebuilding it.
I don't have time to read your newspaper

That Word Describes the ISIS Very Well!

As well as Wahhabi Salafists and the Pan Turkish "Historologians" as yourself very well when your brothers in the battle field shout allahuakbar and cut heads off, stab pregnant women to death, and then blow themselvs up.

keep shouting taquiya or some other nonsene word that may fuel your wahhabi/salafi pan arab/pan turk mentality, and just watch as I said 5 years ago... just watch as we mop the fileld with your ISIS guys blood and gore..we will wipe the ISIS off the map, then it will be turn of the 3 satans in the region,

Dont get me started,
I have seen your type, You are all like the Hippy, Just changed the words you repeat to Islam Islam Islam..
We think logical, we think human, we think good and bad, love or hate, not always everything to please a god.

I am not going to go prey over the bodies of men who killed my family, children, brothers or loved ones! And just because I wont do that, does no way make me a bad human being.

Not every single thing I do, I think of making a god happy, In that case I would been not made human but an angle. Now I know good from bad, and god does not need a tiny ant insignificant human being to make him happy, as said "and Allah Knows best".

Your types come off as preaching all holier then the popes and prophets! Well not every one has the patience and forgiveness of the prophets,

Its maybe the job of the prophets and holy men to forgive; But its the right of a person to not want to avenge or least not pay respects to the killer of their innocent families, brothers, sisters, childrens, mothers, fathers, wives or husbands..

When ISIS or somebody kills somebody from your own, does such savagery, then YOU come back and tell us what you did, how you forgave, and then how you attended and prayed for the soules of the Killers, and Tormentors and Zalimis.

Ah can it you illogical fool. Sunni Sunni Sunni.. Can it.. You are just babbling on because of some Sunni supermacy. you cant see past your own sect or your religion.

HOW IS Killing Armed ENEMIES giving them Excuse to KILL, Behead, Bomb Random Civilians

Tell me, if some RAW/Indians Invade your sunni pakistan tomorrow, try to enforce hinduism and what not, kill your people and destroy your country for no reason but some religious excuse of mental illness,

These ISIS is not different then some Invader, How are people who randomly go wage wars, kill based on sect, force islam, kill random people, destroy a country, and opposing this satanic filth is some how an anti sunni thing where shiah is causing suffering to you?

Just because the ISIS shares your Creed, or Sect (this is not sunnah) means you keep supporting crimes?

Just because a Criminal is a Muslim or X Creed or X Sect means he is superior. Fool.

These Mass Murderers who shout Allahu Akbar give Band Bomb and Got a Well running country into a graveyard with Uncle Sam and Saudi Arabian Petrol Money should not be treated with any respect.

You want to celebrate random Beheadings because some dead ISIS Rat Terrorists bodies are dumped on human feces, They should be thrown to animals or burried with swine!

Muslims like you give a bad name to Islam.

Your types should be kicked out of EU,
You Should be Kicked out of Pakistan as well..

So you can go Join your Jihhadi Sunni Empire brothers in ISIS. Keep crying, no guy is dropping out of the sky to save your Al yahudi Caliph, you wont ever have an sunni empire with ISIS here in our backyard. not gonna happen. worry about your own self and your own country men and humans, whens the last time arabs cry when a sunni pakistani is pushed around or killed? and here all you do is sunni this shiah that.. fool with religious illness.

You just have to slip in the filthy Pro FEMINIST Agenda everywhere dont you?

Palestinians who wont accept Israel occupyers are = "Anti Semite"
Muslims who wont Accept ISIS are = "Kufar"
Shia who speaks something to wahhabi = "taqiya"
Jiyarat/Visiting Graves of Family = "grave worshipper"
People who wont Bury killers of their children/families are = "unislamic and cruel"

Men who wont accept misandry anti male agenda of feminism, Gay LGBT, Womens right of whoredom, women being banged around by tens of guys "because its their choice" sold under equality nonsense are = misogynist

Well if you have the right to practice filth, we have the right not to accept your feminist zionist, isis, lgbt filth without being labled names.

You Turko Israeli Shill Propagandist Brainwashed nonsense..

Feminist/LGBT/ISIS/Taliban/Zionist = no difference. trying to change and make wrong right.

I hope to see the day where we treat your kind of Feminists whore enablers "equally" treated and bodies dumped as these ISIS Terrorists.

No mercy for such dishonorable human filth, using religion or some rights banner to destroy humanity to the core.

Be-aware this Stupid Woman, Kuwaiti Girl/AKA TurkoPersian is a FEMINIST Scum, HASBARA..who Encourages Western womens sexual revolution and gay marriages, she supports LGBT agenda, a Western Shill, a Israel Supporter, a Shah Supporter, She was Banned from out old Irani forum for this reason. AKA turkopersian. She will speak tunes of ISIS if ISIS was Feminist.
I don't have time to read your newspaper

No you Just dont have a good come back.

So let me make this simple, to your not having time point, boy.

We Dont have time to Bury and Prey over souls of your Dead ISIS Terrorists Rats.

Please go and prey for them yourself when they kill your family.

We dont have time to Burry And Prey Over Souls of Your Killers, Invaders, Head Choppers, Barbarians, Murderers, Rapist, Slave Traders and Suicide Bombers, Baby Killers ISIS terrorists, ISIS is a Cancer, a Prostitute..All we can do is send them to Allah.

We dont care if they are muslim, what they do certainly takes them out of the bounds of islam and if not, then you go and do act upon which you preech when they kill your family.
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