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Dead bodies of Freedom fighters will be burried in unmarked graves, won't be handed over to families

Sounds like you are projecting your sister's experiences on to me, secular kanjar.
See what a hypocrite you are ,a while ago you were cursing me for using the same words for your mother.You were saying why i abused your mother instead of you.
A working class scum like you would do anything over there to survive.Go pimp your mom and sister to put food on your table or drive a taxi or clean feces.

sea burial ek behtareen upay hoga mohtaram :enjoy:
or burn them at varanasi city and later throw their remains at the river so the dogs and crows can feed :enjoy:
See what a hypocrite you are ,a while ago you were cursing me for using the same words for your mother.You were saying why i abused your mother instead of you.
A working class scum like you would do anything over there to survive.Go pimp your mom and sister to put food on your table or drive a taxi or clean feces.

or burn them at varanasi city and later throw their remains at the river so the dogs and crows can feed :enjoy:

Working class is still better than a kanjar thief like you. LMAO
Working class is still better than a kanjar thief like you. LMAO
Yea left your country to become a working class in another country and feeling pride in it and calling himself a last of the patriot :lol:
Seriously you do not worth my attention. Your existence has no purpose jump off the clip and end your pathetic life.
Yea left your country to become a working class in another country and feeling pride in it and calling himself a last of the patriot :lol:
Seriously you do not worth my attention. Your existence has no purpose jump off the clip and end your pathetic life.

Nice engrazi there, kanjar. Dub maar kisay paasay.
They would actually make an excellent fertilizer material for the fields and agricultural areas in the state. I don't understand the logic of putting an unmarked stone on top of these burials. Instead, they should be simply buried down in random areas and let the soil fertilize so that over time, agriculture can be raised there and the local people actually benefit from these loonies.

That way, more area becomes arable, people get a source of income and agriculture in J&K can become 100% organic instead of using harmful chemicals and artificial fertilizers.

They would actually make an excellent fertilizer material for the fields and agricultural areas in the state. I don't understand the logic of putting an unmarked stone on top of these burials. Instead, they should be simply buried down in random areas and let the soil fertilize so that over time, agriculture can be raised there and the local people actually benefit from these loonies.

That way, more area becomes arable, people get a source of income and agriculture in J&K can become 100% organic instead of using harmful chemicals and artificial fertilizers.

lol Your post reminded me of a short movie.

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