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Days After Yogi Adityanath's "Revenge" Remark, Shops Sealed Over Violence

I agree with your whole post, except for the first line. This phenomenon may go to certain extremes; but ultimately, it would backtrack. And the reason is simple that the ideology of Hindutva is not executable; since the biggest goal, which every elite Hindu has in his mind, is to maintain the unity of India, at all costs. My analysis is in an historical perspective. When INC adopted "secularism", as a cornerstone of independent India; it was not out of any moral consideration, but out of the political expediency that it was, even if sham and pseudo, necessary for preventing defragmentation of India. This BJP experiment, which was long overdue, is bound to fail and reversion again to a quasi-secular India is what I foresee.
Interesting point. I also think the ideology of Hindutva is 'non executable' as much as pan-Islamism is 'non executable' in Pakistan. Both are circles trying to find a perfect fit in a square. Not possible. However elites have and will try on both sides of the border causing much chaos, damage and suffering.

I also think Hindutavism is not just against Muslims. In fact it is not. It is merely modern form of popular Brahmanism that poses danger to those on the lower tier of Indian society. That includes Hindu Dalits, Muslims [mostly converted Hindu's from lower order Hindu castes], Christians [again converted Hindu's from lower order Hindu castes] and of course Hindu Dalits. The media attention is given to Muslims because of the Pak/India rivalry and the assumption that the driver of that conflict is Hinduism/Islam when that clearly is NOT the case. Witness UAE, Afghanistan, KSA having fantastic relations with Hindu India. On the other hand athiest China have very hostile relations with India. This alludes to other forces at play then just religion.

However just like Islamic nationalism created a mess in Pakistan. Expect the same mess to be created in Hindutwa India.

Millions of us have family there
Millions of us have family in Afghanistan, USA, UK, Iran. So? Go back to them if you love them so much. I think the Sindhi's will certainly be glad.
Why they did,only they should know..maybe they might have felt they belong to the people who hurled stones and petrol bombs at them.

They felt and destroyed private property.. very good. Keep it up.. you have much better police..

By the way, we faced some problem in Baluchistan a few years back, our forces never destroyed private property of any Baloch because it might belonged to a miscreant.
Muslims never felt hindus as brothers...they treated them as kafirs..killed them in lakhs...destroyed their temples...plundered their wealth...mocked national song...insulted martyred soldiers...supported the breaking of India...hindus like impotents tolerated all that...times have changed...they are no more willing to take all their violence and gaddaari....enough is enough.
That doesn't mean we are persecuting muslims...that is a lie..it's just that we have learnt not to put up with their violence..the recent protests are a good example of their nature.
NRC has not been announced...there are millions of hindus who don't have documents to prove they were here before 1971...govt has not come up with the criteria...but these goons took to streets and are indulging vandalism and violence.

If "Muslims never felt Hindus as brothers" then this discrimination law must have been initiated by Muslims against Hindus... don't you think? And shouldn't Hindus be on the roads protesting?

Hatred is coming from Hindus towards Muslims unless you want to say its Muslims who won Babri Masjid Case and its Muslims who are ruling Hindustan.
Koti Koti pranam to Yogi ji....Although the rioters can challenge this in court of law,and may finally get their property rights back,it is going to be years of roaming around the courts,paying the lawyers and corrupt police,it is going to be tough days ahead for these violent miscreants.

879 arrested, 5000 bound down, 135 cases registered, 15 dead : UP DGP

As many as 879 people have been arrested while 5000 were 'bound down' as a preventive measure in Uttar Pradesh, in the wake of the violent protests against Citizenship (Amendment) Act and proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC). "Adequate police arrangements have been made in all districts in the wake of protests. Police, Paramilitary, Rapid Action Force (RAF), PAC, Quick Reaction Team (QRTs) are patrolling the areas," said OP Singh, Director General of Police (DGP), UP. "Till now, 879 people have been arrested under substantive offences while 5000 persons who may instigate violence or vitiate atmosphere are bound down on the basis of suspicion," he added. "A total of 135 criminal cases have been registered against the miscreants. Fifteen people have died while 288 police personnel are injured," said the top cop.

India is a lost cause.
Well if indians and fake Muslims who are virulent enemies of Pakistan mean so much to you, you can always convert to hinduism and became an indian citizen..........:azn:...........Could not it care less if I offend those who are related to the sub-humans who call for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation.......:azn:.......Let the indian FAKE "Muslims" burn at the hands of their hindu "brothers".......:devil:.........:lol:

PS YOU call me a "pork-eater"?........better than indian FAKE MUSLIM women who worship hindu c**k/lund in front of indian FAKE MUSLIM men who are all eunuchs........:devil:......:chilli:.......:lol:
@Indus Pakistan @Retired Troll
Go **** yourself britboy no concern of yours
My family lives in both India and Pakistan unlike you Father Christmas worshipping pork eating pile of racist crap .

This doesn’t concern you go beat up some immigrants and rape some little girl all you British good for .

Millions of us have family there and you ain’t no Muslim you racist pile of crap Your British

You have no say only say you have is gay rights

While you sit comfortably in your cold damp dump in Britain

What a fucking clown you are declaring who is Muslim and who ain’t
You think your god ?

Knock it off right. No point getting angry with us Pakistanis here for not fighting your losing fights With your Hindu compatriots in India! Go do it yourself strong man. Afghan Pashtuns are get a hard time here too and they have been historically living with us in our areas for long as we can trace our past history. Indian Muslims and Bangladeshis What’s that got to do with us now! Stop fcking going about Pakistan It’s got nothing to do with Indian Muslims or Bangladeshis problems. 6 million Indians refugees running didn’t make my Pakistan. My ancestors were on the fUcking border fighting and defending it with Pakistan army
How do you counter the Pakistanis who are staunch believer in Indus Nationalism, and think Pakistan nationalism should not be diluted by having sympathy for the aboriginal black Gangoo Muslims?

Sympathy is one thing but some people go over the top. Pakistan isn't going to war over CAA neither is going to take any more Indian muslim refugees. This has little to do with white or black skin, majority of Pakistanis have similar opinion about Afghan refugees.

The reason is similar to Assam hindus.
They have been using guns on protestors. Imagine what they must have been doing in Kashmir where there was a complete communications shut down...

graveyards have been desecrated by violent mobs seeking muslim aliens to india

Nazi RSS ideology of mass fear and terrorisation.

It was already hard for muslims to find burial grounds and were burying their dead in their homes fearing vengeful desecration by their own neighbours.
Knock it off right. No point getting angry with us Pakistanis here for not fighting your losing fights With your Hindu compatriots in India! Go do it yourself strong man. Afghan Pashtuns are get a hard time here too and they have been historically living with us in our areas for long as we can trace our past history. Indian Muslims and Bangladeshis What’s that got to do with us now! Stop fcking going about Pakistan It’s got nothing to do with Indian Muslims or Bangladeshis problems. 6 million Indians refugees running didn’t make my Pakistan. My ancestors were on the fUcking border fighting and defending it with Pakistan army
U are Pakistani
I am Kashmiri

I am not a Pakistani nor am I Indian o come from the glorious earth in the whole world

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@terry5 bro calm yourself what's with all the curing and abusing and brining people's families into it? Accept there is a difference of opinion on the matter and either make yourself heard in a polite way or let it go.

That includes Hindu Dalits[

Nope it's embraced the dalits whole hearted. They will actually play a big part in the 'final solution' for the Muslim population. Most of the violence in Gujarat was completely spearhead by dalit tribes.
@waz no offence but those two English slaves are racist to the bone and promote aethiesm

Have to call out a spade as a spade and dirty racist aetheist as dirty aetheist
@waz no offence but those two English slaves are racist to the bone and promote aethiesm

Have to call out a spade as a spade and dirty racist aetheist as dirty aetheist

Bro let it go they're not slaves and you are one of us. I've already deleted some of the posts that talked about Indian Muslims deserving slaughter (tauba) and so on.

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