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Day after South Indian Occupied Kashmir boycott, Mirwaiz wants Srinagar, Baramulla to follow suit

Umair Nawaz

Sep 10, 2012
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Day after South Kashmir boycott, Mirwaiz wants Srinagar, Baramulla to follow suit
‘Elected Pro-India Leaders Sell Our Interests For Power’

Srinagar, Apr 25: Praising the people of South Kashmir by rejecting the polls, Chairman Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Friday said people have taught a lesson to pro-India parties by staying away from the poll process in South of Indian Occupied Kashmir. He also said that every election since 1947 have made JK more dependent on Government of India, economically, politically and all the powers that State had were bartered by the mainstream parties, who came to power through stage managed elections.
Addressing a Friday gathering at the historic Jamia Masjid here, Mirwaiz said elections have been taking place in Kashmir since past many decades but they have not changed the nature of Kashmir issue.
“Election becomes meaningful only when nations are free. Such exercises doesn’t suit a place, where military might looms large,” he said. He said people of South Kashmir have proved that they won’t ditch the blood of martyrs, who sacrified their lives not for electionsbut for resolution of Kashmir issue. “This should be an eye-opener for the mainstream parties, who left no stone unturned to seek votes in South Kashmir. People have slapped on the face of pro-India parties by rejecting the elections.
He said elections in JK since 1947 instead of empowering people politically and economically have resulted in disempowerment. “We lost our all resources, water, electricity, forests and what not. This happened due to the active facilitation of mainstream parties in power since past six decades. Today, Kashmir has nothing as all resources have been bartered and even constitutional powers, were transferred for the petty political interests by the pro-India leaders,” Mirwaiz said.
He said elections don’t suit Kashmir. “If we go by the international law, polls can be held in the nations which are free. This makes amply clear that Kashmir is not fit for elections and holding such exercises is nothing but a tactic to justify military might,” Mirwaiz said. He, however, said time will soon come when Kashmir would first decide its fate and then participate in the election process. “That time, all three regions, Kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh and even Pakistan administered Kashmir will take part in elections”.
He said Pakistan deserves appreciation for stating that elections in Kashmir can’t be substitute of plebiscite. “Pakistan has vindicated Hurriyat’s stand as we too have been stating that no election can be substitute of right to self determination,” Miwaiz said. He said the way people of Quebec, South Sudan, and East Timor were given a chance to decide their fate, Government of India should follow suit. “Two basic parties are ready for it, Kashmiris and Pakistan. It is only India which is the main hurdle in Kashmir resolution,” Mirwaiz said.
“I am sure the way people of South Kashmir have rejected elections, people of North Kashmir and Srinagar, Budgam and Ganderbal will do the same. Srinagar has been the epicenter of freedom struggle and has always shown the way,” Mirwaiz said ending his speech on the slogan “No election, no selection, we want freedom.”
Day after South Kashmir boycott Mirwaiz wants Srinagar Baramulla to follow suit Lastupdate:- Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
This election is turning out to be the most entertaining one in Indian history. :lol:
This election is turning out to be the most entertaining one in Indian history. :lol:
In my opinion, the most entertaining was the one in which Bajpayee was elected for the full term.This one is going to be a clean sweep, hardly any opposition.

South Indian Occupied Kashmir?o_O
All those south of the wall are southerners..;);)
Last time it was 27%. This time it is 28%. I hope next time it touches 40%..

If we break it district wise, Anantnag district recorded the highest 37.76% followed by Kulgam at 36.68%, Shopian 20.43% while Pulwama recorded just 6.32%..

The low turnout in pulwama district is the main reason or such low figures. Govt has to look at their problems and should try to solve them.
We Evil South Indians.

Last time it was 27%. This time it is 28%. I hope next time it touches 40%..
We are in no hurry let the % increse 1% every 5 years we can wait.
Its love ,i can wait 1000 yrs for the % to reach 100%.:D
‘Despite deceit, deception, brute force Kashmiris didn’t vote’
Salahuddin Hails South Kashmir For Boycott

Islamabad, Apr 25: Appreciating people of South Kashmir for staying away from electoral exercise, the Chairman of United Jihad Council Syed Salahuddin has said that Kashmiris have yet again conveyed a strong message to India as well as the international community that the freedom movement was dearer to them and they can never think of betraying the supreme sacrifices rendered by Kashmiri martyrs.
Syed Salahuddin made these assertions while addressing leaders of the UJC here on Friday. He said that despite enormous pressure, arbitrary detention of Hurriyat leaders, deception and deceit and use of brute force by Indian authorities and its “paid agents” Kashmiri people, as always, proved that they were ready to render every sacrifice to achieve the cherished goal
Extending heartfelt gratitude to Kashmiri people for boycotting Lok Saba polls the UJC chief termed the poll boycott as a great success of people, which he said was in fact a harbinger of big victory. “Mujahideen (freedom fighters) are hectically engaged on the military front and the struggle against Indian occupation would be further intensified with the passage of time”, he said adding that those who betrayed the cause would ultimately have to stand before the court of justice where they will have to repent bitterly. He expressed the hope that the people of Kashmir would boycott the forthcoming “farcical polls”.
Salahuddin also condemned the use of brute force by police against Journalists and peaceful protesters. “Though a section of media was speaking India’s language, majority of Kashmiri journalists represent Kashmiris’ aspirations”, he said.

Despite deceit deception brute force Kashmiris didn t vote Lastupdate:- Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

These reports burst the bubble of indian state propaganda of Kashmiris being voting in indian elections.
‘Despite deceit, deception, brute force Kashmiris didn’t vote’
Salahuddin Hails South Kashmir For Boycott

Islamabad, Apr 25: Appreciating people of South Kashmir for staying away from electoral exercise, the Chairman of United Jihad Council Syed Salahuddin has said that Kashmiris have yet again conveyed a strong message to India as well as the international community that the freedom movement was dearer to them and they can never think of betraying the supreme sacrifices rendered by Kashmiri martyrs.
Syed Salahuddin made these assertions while addressing leaders of the UJC here on Friday. He said that despite enormous pressure, arbitrary detention of Hurriyat leaders, deception and deceit and use of brute force by Indian authorities and its “paid agents” Kashmiri people, as always, proved that they were ready to render every sacrifice to achieve the cherished goal
Extending heartfelt gratitude to Kashmiri people for boycotting Lok Saba polls the UJC chief termed the poll boycott as a great success of people, which he said was in fact a harbinger of big victory. “Mujahideen (freedom fighters) are hectically engaged on the military front and the struggle against Indian occupation would be further intensified with the passage of time”, he said adding that those who betrayed the cause would ultimately have to stand before the court of justice where they will have to repent bitterly. He expressed the hope that the people of Kashmir would boycott the forthcoming “farcical polls”.
Salahuddin also condemned the use of brute force by police against Journalists and peaceful protesters. “Though a section of media was speaking India’s language, majority of Kashmiri journalists represent Kashmiris’ aspirations”, he said.

Despite deceit deception brute force Kashmiris didn t vote Lastupdate:- Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

These reports burst the bubble of indian state propaganda of Kashmiris being voting in indian elections.

CIA-RAW carried out today fidayeen attack in Kashmir, 3 militants and 3 indian soldiers have been killed. This use of a terrorist attack to divert attention from what I say about destroying the United States with nuclear weapons. The Americans now include Kashmir as a part of "Af-Pak", a term they coined to facilitate the expansion of their invasion and occupation from Afghanistan to Pakistan and then to India -- in which India's collaborator government collaborates. As a U.S. admiral testified to the U.S. Congress some months ago, the U.S. already has special forces teams "laid down" in India on the pretext of fighting the LeT which is controlled by the CIA via India's RAW and Pakistan's ISI which function as branches of the CIA -- WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom . The British Killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857; India's nuclear forces should start with the simultaneous nuclear destruction of Washington, New York and RAW and end with the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States. The first stage cannot wait. (March 4, 2013) Collaborators with the enemy are also enemies and everyone in New Delhi/ Delhi is a collaborator with the enemy, so it is immaterial how many are killed in the destruction of RAW. (March 5, 2013) Within four hours of my press release saying the above, the U.S. State Department announced the inclusion of the Delhi gang rape victim -- news photos showed the perpetrators of that gang rape also wore blue jeans and were proxies for the Americans -- in the list of ten women being given its annual women of courage award; according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of March 3, only four women were to receive the award, scheduled to be given to the recipients by the U.S. Secretary of State and the U.S. president's wife in a ceremony on March 8 in Washington and the awardees arrived in Pittsburgh on March 3 for a public forum featuring the women, but the list was expanded to ten on March 4 to include the Delhi gang rape victim as a psy-op (psychological operation) by the enemy in response to my press release because, as I have said, the gang rape itself, the humongous media coverage given to it in India and internationally and the mass demonstrations about it were staged by CIA-RAW in response to my earlier press releases about the Anglo-American rape of India; in the expanded list is also included an Afghan woman "First Sergeant, Afghan National Interdiction Unit" but you will not find any Afghans being honored for showing bravery in fighting the American invaders who are simply continuing the Anglo-American rape of India; in reporting the news of this award, Indian media are acting as instruments of American crimes against India just as the head of DRDO and Indian media, etc., celebrating Israeli military technology 'help' to India -- meant to cover up incomparably greater American and jewish injuries on India in science and in military, economic and every conceivable field -- act as instruments of their crimes against India.
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