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Data from seized GPS set shows Uri attackers did travel from Pakistan - Indian source

We have been on the receiving end for a long time already.

Don't you know the CIA already declassified their Secret War in Tibet? In the 1960's when the Tibetan Government in Exile was based in India (as it still is)?

The Tibetan Government in Exile has already openly stated that they carried out militant attacks in China in the 1960's, go and look for their own admission in the New York Times.


All based out of Indian soil, just like when Indira Gandhi trained the LTTE.
Nair, my view is that all governments in the world are equally bad. Anyone who claims that theirs is a saint is delusional.

My problem is with people who try to get on a moral high horse, especially when the facts point in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately that's exactly what the majority of Indian members here claim when they are arguing on this topic, especially with regards to China asking for more evidence on Mazhoor in the UN. That China is a terrorist supporter and India would never do anything like that (like the LTTE or anything).

Geopolitics is simple, countries work to further their own national interests. Trying to get on a moral high horse is not only pointless but utterly hypocritical.

Geopolitics has nothing to do with morality, a fact that Modi himself knows very well. Though from speaking to Indian members here, it's almost as if Modi is some kind of saint who has never done anything wrong.

why wasting time writing a lenghy post ,in support of pakistani terrorists...
just use veto.....
Nair, my view is that all governments in the world are equally bad. Anyone who claims that theirs is a saint is delusional.

I do not believe my country is a saint country, Everyone makes their own mistakes, and learn from it.... We have learnt our mistakes long back, even the things you mentioned happened in early 60's..... How much involvment India has is a debatable matter, but the point i am making is its an old issue....

My problem is with people who try to get on a moral high horse, especially when the facts point in the opposite direction.

Nothing new, and you can see this from all the nationals, You may see more from Indian side, because of your interests and ignorance towards the other side, It is country specific, I agree that Indians do display such behavior, But....
Unfortunately that's exactly what the majority of Indian members here claim when they are arguing on this topic, especially with regards to China asking for more evidence on Mazhoor in the UN. That China is a terrorist supporter and India would never do anything like that (like the LTTE or anything).

Thats an interesting point you made.... A man arrested and jailed in India, got released thru one of the worst hijack drama's reported in recent times, with the help of a govt which is known to have supported terrorism and acts like 9/11, and currently having a madrassah and terror factory in Pakistan....... Yes You need "Proof"..... You can always close your eyes and say it is 12 am........I do not blame you, It is always good to support your friend however wrong he may be..... But There will be a day when the same azhar turns up his arms against you, that time you will not ask any proof.......

Actually it is good to have Masood Azhar, HS,ZL roam around in pakistan freely..... By the way i do not know if you heard of some one called Ilyas kashmiri.... He was a strategic asset once, and believed to have presented a trophy to mushraff (the trophy was an interesting one by the way)....... Ever heard what happened to him after that???

eopolitics is simple, countries work to further their own national interests. Trying to get on a moral high horse is not only pointless but utterly hypocritical.

Exactly my point..... Just say We dont care who masood Azhar is, But we cant support him to declare as terrorist, because he is a strategic asset of my friend......Move on....

Geopolitics has nothing to do with morality, a fact that Modi himself knows very well. Though from speaking to Indian members here, it's almost as if Modi is some kind of saint who has never done anything wrong

You are judging based on the numer of RW guys here, they do not represent Indian population, Indians will support modi if he is doing good the the country (look at demonotization) The day they find him doing something wrong, his fate also will be sealed.... MMS was doing good during UPA1, and we all know what happened in UPA2.....
Maybe you are in denial, since you couldn't argue against the point I made my post, and instead immediately resorted to ad hominem attacks. :P

Now what do they say when you resort to ad hominem attacks instead of making a counter argument?
Ok lets for sake of argument say you are correct. Indians are in denial. Then how can you explain last decade of terror attacks on Indian cities? You would have to understand that sometime or the other every indian has a friend or a relative who was affected by these attacks. If Pakistan is honest and had nothing to do with URI then it should have rejected the allegations and come ahead in good faith and helped India nail the culprit... But instead they stopped at rejecting allegations and start with name calling. Moreover there was no official statement opposing the attack. So what should we make of the silence?
We have been on thepe receiving end for a long time already.

Don't you know the CIA already declassified their Secret War in Tibet? In the 1960's when the Tibetan Government in Exile was based in India (as it still is)?

The Tibetan Government in Exile has already openly stated that they carried out militant attacks in China in the 1960's, go and look for their own admission in the New York Times.


All based out of Indian soil, just like when Indira Gandhi trained the LTTE.

If they did that they have done it from their bases in european countries. They are refrained from any political activities in India.
If they did that they have done it from their bases in european countries. They are refrained from any political activities in India.

Yes that makes a lot of sense, the Tibetan Government in Exile which is based in India, right NEXT to the border with Tibet, decided to send their guys halfway across the world to Europe, then took a plane ticket to Beijing, whereupon they trekked thousands and thousands of kilometres back to Tibet.

Or maybe not, since they were right next to Tibet to begin with?

Go and check out the CIA's declassified report on their Secret War in Tibet, they mention several times they were operating their planes out of bases in India during the 1960's.
Till date Pak Army regular troops don't know what GPS is or use them except for the Aviation guys and the Freedom Fighters are using them. wow.

Strange thing about all these attacks, Uri, Nagrota, Mumbai, Pathankot is that these locations are KMs away from border, these attackers are supposedly entering for first time and travel miles fully loaded with weapons with no one seeing them and just with help of GPS they reach their destinations knowing what security features are there and attack successfully and then leave behind evidences. Strange.

Hell, we had dozens of such attacks on our installations and much more successful when compared to Indian ones but they all got support from locals.

I am simply amazed with the level of skill these guys show with just having GPS with them. I bet no special forces in the world can match their expertise & skills.

Our SSG guys should learn something from them.
Yes that makes a lot of sense, the Tibetan Government in Exile which is based in India, right NEXT to the border with Tibet, decided to send their guys halfway across the world to Europe, then took a plane ticket to Beijing, whereupon they trekked thousands and thousands of kilometres back to Tibet.

Or maybe not, since they were right next to Tibet to begin with?

Go and check out the CIA's declassified report on their Secret War in Tibet, they mention several times they were operating their planes out of bases in India during the 1960's.

When I said you are in denial about Uri attack you refused to believe the evidence and thought it was planted. You refused to believe that militants crossed the LOC to attack Uri base. Now when it comes to Tibet you want believe that they operated from India because it is close to Tibet. Sure plausible deniability does not work for us because what you say is sacrosanct.
When I said you are in denial about Uri attack you refused to believe the evidence and thought it was planted. You refused to believe that militants crossed the LOC to attack Uri base. Now when it comes to Tibet you want believe that they operated from India because it is close to Tibet. Sure plausible deniability does not work for us because what you say is sacrosanct.

No because the CIA declassified their Secret War in Tibet and the Tibetan Government in Exile openly admitted it to the New York Times (check the links). They admitted that they carried out militant attacks against China in the 1960's when they were based on Indian soil.

Unless you are saying they are lying?

New Delhi | Updated: December 1, 2016 5:25 pm

Last month, the Lashkar-e-Taiba admitted responsibility for the attack, naming one of the four terrorists involved in the operation as Muhammad Anas, who operated under the alias Abu Siraqa.


During the attack on 12 Infantry Brigade HQ in Uri. (Express File Photo)

Forensic experts have established that the terrorists who attacked the 12 Infantry Brigade headquarters in Uri began their journey at a base in Pakistan, highly-placed sources familiar with the investigation have told The Indian Express.

The findings, the sources said, are based on digital data recovered from a severely-damaged Global Positioning System (GPS) unit recovered from the terrorists after the September 18 fighting that claimed their lives.

The data, recovered from the Garmin eTrex GPS unit carried by the terrorists, show the men travelled by road along the Muzaffarabad-Srinagar road towards the Line of Control on September 17, before beginning to hike into the mountains short of Chakothi, the official border point.

Following their penetration of the Line of Control south of Chakothi on the night of September 17, the men continued to walk eastward, traversing three ridgelines before climbing towards the village of Darah Goolan. They rested there before assaulting the 12 Infantry Brigade headquarters in the bowl below.

“It’s clear from the timeline of the terrorists’ movements, which we now have, that they were able to penetrate the three-tier defences on the Line of Control with relative ease, and evade Army patrols deeper inside Kashmir as well,” a source familiar with the case said. “This is an obvious source of concern.”

From data recorded on the set, investigators have determined it was first powered-up on September 4, a fortnight before the attack, at a known Lashkar-e-Taiba facility in the Leepa Valley — one of the areas later targeted by the Indian Army in the cross-Line of Control strikes in retaliation for Uri.

There has been no official investigation into how the four attackers succeeded in penetrating the Line of Control defences to cause the Indian Army’s worst single loss in the insurgency in Kashmir, but military sources said it is believed they used ladders to scale the barbed-wire fence.

GPS sets, which have a wide range of commercial applications, rely on radiowave signals from a network of satellites to guide users through unfamiliar terrain. The terrorists who attacked Uri were carrying two sets, but one was too badly damaged during the fighting for data to be recovered.

Last month, the Lashkar-e-Taiba admitted responsibility for the attack, naming one of the four terrorists involved in the operation as Muhammad Anas, who operated under the alias Abu Siraqa.

Posters that the organisation put up in his home town, Gujranwala, invited townspeople to join funeral prayers for “lion-hearted holy warrior Abu Siraqa Muhammad Anas, who sent 177 Hindu soldiers to hell at the Uri Brigade camp… and thus drank from the glass of martyrdom”.

National Investigation Agency detectives had also recovered syringes, painkillers, other medications and packets of ready-to-eat food bearing markings of Pakistani manufacturers from the terrorists killed in the operation.

Pakistan is yet to initiate criminal proceedings against either members of the organisation, or individuals involved in planning the operation.

In September, responding to a question, Pakistan Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said “when Indians themselves have no proof, then what kind of action can Pakistan take? They have only levelled an accusation, and that too only to defame Pakistan”.

Indian government sources said that no information has emerged to corroborate claims that two Pakistani men who were later arrested were linked to the attack. The claims had formed the basis of a dossier handed over to Pakistan, asking for follow-up investigation by that country into the Uri attacks.

Faisal Husain Awan, a resident of Halka 4 in Potha Jandgran near the village of Koomi Kote, and Ahsan Khursheed, of Mohalla Kidri in the village of Khilayana Khurd in Muzaffarabad’s Hattian Bala tehsil, had been held on suspicion of aiding the four terrorists, involved in the Uri attack, cross the Line of Control.

Government sources said the two men, both students, are now believed to have strayed across, not an uncommon feature in the Uri area where populations reside close to the Line of Control. “No evidence has emerged so far that the men knew the attackers,” an official said.
Makes a great Bollywood Plot:enjoy:

Reminds me of this scene from Bruce Almighty, Jimmy Hoffa's body found along with all credentials :woot:
The entire point of using non-state actors is "plausible deniability". Countries have been playing this game for a long time, and it works because it's relatively easy to make sure there is no evidence left behind. Hence plausible deniability.

Yet somehow these attackers always seem to have their ID cards, passports, food and ammunition with markings pointing to a specific country, GPS devices, and everything else you could ask for.

We never left any evidence against soviets but we are generous against india. we leave behind notes,ID cards,make in pakistan marked weapons,GPS systems.
we leave behind other methods like not carrying ID cards,used weapons of soviet or indian origin easily available from afghanistan, give them maps instead of GPS.
Reject all you like ... The issue is nobody in the world believes you

And you know why nobody believes you too

ASK USA if they believe you people

URI attackers came from Pakistan is a fact

URI attackers are supported by ISI a fact

Surgical strikes did happen is a fact

The Indians are giving you people TIT FOR TAT and worse
but its being long coming modi is the first to deal with the indo pak issue with bullets rather than just talk

well, your best friend Russia wiped its backside with your so-called fact and came to train with us just 2 or 3 days after the Uri drama
So the Pakistanis here think that Indian RAW planted the GPS devices in the backpack of the terrorist without their knowledge.

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