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Data from seized GPS set shows Uri attackers did travel from Pakistan - Indian source

There are videos and entire proof available which will be shared. They show the true picture of Pakistani designs.
Can you release videos of the surgical strikes while you're at it?
Instead Of Blindly Posting A link of The Telegraph did You Even Bother To Read That Article.The Only Man Criticising
Chuck Hagel Is B Raman An Indian.

Dana Rohrabacher give me a break??????He is Nothing but A BLA tout.He Likes One Type of Terrorists Over The Other

Before Mentioning Ahmad Rashid Why Don't You Look At Your Own Country



Oh really?
Check the rankings of India and pak in Press Freedom Index.
Pakistan is far below India.
My point being, you have like 1 person (who by the way is an ANTI SEMITE so there you have his leanings)only who is critical of India in like ever, whereas Pak has so many its hard to count.

More people than just B Raman.
And this is what happened to Hagel after the remarks, which proves no one agreed with him,

Hagel's are just allegations if not just mere OPINIONS, which have no results in real life except for the fact that his nomination was stalled since no one agreed with him on his foolish stance; where as UN CONFIRMED DAWOOD'S PRESENCE IN PAK.
Oh really?
Check the rankings of India and pak in Press Freedom Index.
Pakistan is far below India.
My point being, you have like 1 person (who by the way is an ANTI SEMITE so there you have his leanings)only who is critical of India in like ever, whereas Pak has so many its hard to count.

More people than just B Raman.
And this is what happened to Hagel after the remarks, which proves no one agreed with him,

Hagel's are just allegations if not just mere OPINIONS, which have no results in real life except for the fact that his nomination was stalled since no one agreed with him on his foolish stance; where as UN CONFIRMED DAWOOD'S PRESENCE IN PAK.

Press Freedom???You Really Are A Joke India Is Third Most Dangerous Country
for Journalists Even Ahead of Pakistan


And You Really Are A Blind Troll Who Does Not Even Bother To Read The Links You Post.The Only Man Criticising Hagel in The Free beacon Article Is An Indian Named Dhume.He Did Not Resign Because He Exposed Indian Terrorist Activities He Resigned For Other Reasons


Times of India????Gimme A Break

Dawood in Pakistan Wow You Indians Really Are Amazing Dawood Is In London


Commandos stand guard at Indian Air Force station in Pathankot. NIA has accessed the Facebook account of the attackers’ handler, which reveals his involvement in other attacks. (Sameer Sehgal/HT File Photo)
Kashif Jan, the handler of Pathankot airbase attackers and a top Jaish-e-Mohammad operative, had masterminded attacks on a police station in Kathua and an army camp in Samba of Jammu and Kashmir on March 20 and 21 last year.

The revelation came following the scrutiny of his Facebook chats that the National Investigation Agency (NIA) is likely to submit as part of its soon-to-be filed chargesheet in the Pathankot airbase attack.

Besides Jan, the NIA will press charges against Jaish chief Masood Azhar, his brother Rauf Asghar, another handler Shahid Latif and the four dead attackers.

In Facebook chats with Jaish operatives on March 20 and 21, 2015, Jan admitted to planning the attacks in Kathua and Samba the same day and named the four who attacked Kathua and Samba, saying they were ‘Mujahideen’, sources said.

Five persons were killed in an early morning attack on a police station in Kathua while three Army men were injured in the Samba attack. The NIA teams had visited Kathua and Samba during its probe into the Pathankot airbase attack.

“The NIA managed to procure the chats from Facebook through formal legal assistance from the US authorities,” a home ministry official said on condition of anonymity.

The agency managed to crack Jan’s Facebook account as it was linked with a mobile number (+923453030479) on which the four Pathankot attackers frequently called before and during the attack for guidance.

A review of the chats also showed that on January 2, while the operation to neutralise to the terrorists at Pathankot was on, a Facebook user in Pakistan named Ahmed Zarquari uploaded the photo of Nasir, one of the attackers who entered the airbase.

Till then no one in India had a clue about the real names of attackers.

Jan immediately sent a message through Facebook chat to Zarquari to delete the photo. But Zarquari told Jan that he had merely shared the photo, which was originally uploaded by another Facebook user by the name of Waseem. Following instructions from Jan, both Zarquari and Waseem deleted Nasir’s photo.

In another chat on January 2, a Facebook profile named Hamja Mehmood Shakir asked Jan whether the attack had ended as claimed by an Indian news channel, to which the handler replied in the negative.

Later, another user named Mohammad Zia asked for an update on Pathankot and Jan told him it was over.

A Facebook profile named Martyr Saddi Shah then asked Jan about the damage to the airbase while another user, Mohammad Ashir congratulated Jan on the attack.

Records showed that Jan’s mobile number was registered with the Facebook account on October 30, 2012 and the account was deactivated on January 5, 2016—immediately after the Pathankot attack was over.


Army soldiers take position on the perimeter of an air force base in Pathankot.(HT File Photo)

The National Security Guard (NSG) “didn’t pay heed” to pleas for rescuing defence guards under fire from gunmen during last year’s Pathankot airbase attack, an air force officer’s statement to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has revealed.

“I heard an RT (radio transmission on a wireless set) in which some DSC (defence security corps) personnel was yelling ‘one is dead and two are wounded, please somebody come (to) evacuate us, else we would die.”

I then asked Brigadier (Gautam) Ganguly (the NSG officer leading the commando team) to get one team prepared for rescue to which he didn’t paid (sic) heed to,” said the officer, wing commander Abhijit Sarin, who was asked to guide the NSG team sent to neutralise the attackers.

DSC is under the administrative control of the defence ministry and guards installations under it.

The NIA charge sheet, filed in a special court in Mohali recently, didn’t delve into what appeared to betray differences between the NSG and the Indian Air Force personnel in their operational strategies.

The charge sheet contained statements by Sarin and many other IAF officers who were witness to the January 2 attack that left six IAF personnel and one NSG officer dead.

Four attackers crossed over from Pakistan on December 30, 2015, and waited at the border for a day before entering the airbase early morning of January 1.

They remained hidden in the airbase for the next 24 hours and launched the attack around 2.45am on January 2. The army reached the airbase around 4.15am.

The NSG unit was moved to Pathankot following alerts by superintendent of Punjab Police Salvinder Singh, who was kidnapped on December 31 and released some distance away from the air base.

The attackers sped away with his vehicle after dumping the SP.

When contacted by HT, wing commander Sarin refused to comment on his statement. Brigadier Ganguly said he would speak only after getting permission from his superiors.

NSG sources, however, denied Sarin’s claims. “There was a chance of friendly fire. The air force personnel were firing and running ‘helter-skelter’. And it was the

NSG that rescued people. The statement gives one-sided view of situation. Besides, there were foreign students as well as families residing in the airbase area. The NSG had to secure everyone,” said an NSG source who was involved in the operations at Pathankot.


Indian army vehicle passes by a checkpost following firing and alleged bomb explosion inside the airbase in Pathankot on January 03, 2016.

In his statement to the NIA, brigadier Ganguly said that firing (at the airbase) was continuously shifting and moved towards the DSC line area. Later an army team headed by brigadier Anupinder Bevli reached the air base and surrounded the area with the NSG team. “By the first light (January 2), NSG and Army had cordoned off all DSC line area including open bushy area but we were not sure where the terrorists are (sic) actually hiding. It is to mention here that by this time one of the terrorists had got killed in a scuffle with DSC sepoy Jagdish Ram near DSC lawn area,” he said.

It was not clear from brigadier Ganguly’s statement whether the NSG team waited for the army team to secure the area or a rescue team was sent to evacuate DSC personnel before the army reached.

But brigadier Bevli’s statement to the NIA seemed to offer some clarity. “One column (around 90 to 100 soldiers) with mine protected vehicle was used to evacuate the

DSC personnel on the request of the IAF officer,” he said in his statement. He didn’t name the officer.

Wing commander Sarin stated that when the army team reached the Pathankot airbase, he was withdrawn and asked by air officer commanding JS Dhamoon to reach the VIP cottage area and “get the AOC-in-C secure”.

“Then I left my team and went to the cottage to guard our AOC-in-C. Then after completing it I went to my quarters. Later I heard that three (more) terrorists were gunned down by the NSG in the open area near DSC lawns.”


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