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domain-b.com : Lockheed signs MoUs with 30 Indian cos; says Navy interested in F-35 JSF

America's biggest defence contractor, Lockheed Martin Corp, said it has signed about 30 initial agreements with Indian companies aimed at meeting the country's industrial and military offset requirements for an $11 billion, 126 medium range multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) tender for the Indian Air Force (IAF).

Under the offset provisions, the Indian government requires the winning bidder in a military tender valued at more than $300 million to source production and services of at least 30 per cent of the contract value through local vendors. In the case of the MMRCA contract the offset requirements are higher – at least 50 per cent.

Lockheed has offered its scaled up Block 60 F-16IN fighter in the competition which also features Boeing's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company's Eurofighter Typhoon, the Swedish Saab Gripen's JAS-39, the French Dassault's Rafale and the Russian MiG-35.

"We've signed these memorandums of understanding with the Indian industry in anticipation of the Indian Air Force's medium multi-role combat aircraft order," Orville Prins, Lockheed's vice-president for business development in India said.

Lockheed's agreements include developing a simulator for the C130J Hercules transport aircraft with Mumbai-based Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, a top Indian utility vehicle maker. The IAF has already contracted for the supply of six of these classic military transporters with options for at least six more.

The $1 billion deal was of immense significance for the US government and contractors as it broke a decade's long drought of near-zero sales by American companies to this country.

Lockheed said it is also developing a flight refueling system with state-run Hindustan Aeronautic Ltd. Other foreign partners on this project are Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. and Sargent Fletcher Inc.

"In Asia, India is the most significant opportunity," said Ralph Heath, executive vice president at Lockheed Martin and president of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.

"The Border Security Force has expressed interest in one or two C130J planes," Heath added.
He also said that the company was looking at partnering Indian companies in developing products for the global market. "There is technical expertise here that will add value to Lockheed Martin's products...so we are seeking a two-way partnership to benefit all," Heath said.

"In fact, the Indian Navy has expressed an interest in the F-35B which has short-takeoff and vertical-landing capability for aircraft carrier operations," Prins informed the media. "It (the F-16) is the bridge to the F-35 for India."

The fifth-generation F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter is currently being developed with first deliveries slated for 2010. Lockheed, Pentagon's biggest contractor by sales, is also looking at civil contracts from the Indian government.
I think india is looking for a supplier which have bigger shphere of defence technology ranging from nuclear technology, armed vehicles incl. tanks, knowhow of engine, radar, missiles etc.
All these features are located either in France or US. Sweeds are definate looser on these grounds.

All this talk of technical evaluation is a joke.

The problem is that we don't know what the Indian Gov really wants. If they look for the best package, I think you are right. If they look for a MRCA between the LCA and the SU 30 MKI, I also don't think that Gripen NG and the F16 IN has no real chance. But the Gov invited the Gripen NG specially, so there must be a reason why.
We have to replace the Mig 21 and the LCA is not ready yet. The next to replace might be the Mirage, or Mig 27. Even they are, or will be upgraded, they can only stay in service for 10 to 15 years. So just to give the LCA more time to develop and produce in numbers, wouldn't it be also a possibility to get the Mirage/Mig 27 replacement now?
In that case Gripen NG and the F16 IN would be perfect to take the A2A role of Mig 21 now and replace the Mirage as a MRCA later if the LCA is service.
I'm not an expert in Aviation and maybe this is a stupid idea, but I think it's worth to think about it. Maybe it's the cheapest way to keep the numbers of IAF squads while developing LCA, get rid of many old Migs and getting new Western technologies.
I think India will eventually select the country that has wide ranging advantages (nuclear, tanks, airforce, radar etc.) Therefore, US and France are front runners (please note recent nuclear deal between France and India).

India will also give the weight to the country that (in addition to the above) can help the LCA - Teja project as well.

From diplomatic point of view and international connections, U.S. is the front runner (given the Israeli angle to U.S. as well).

A deal with U.S. will definitely piss-off Russia.

Potentially, this can be good news for PAF. We can approach Russia or Sweden for Gipen NG. Any thoughts !!!!

NEW DELHI: India will soon begin long-awaited trials of aircraft competing for the world’s most lucrative fighter jet contract, the air force said on Wednesday.

The announcement ended months of uncertainty over India’s plans to open the race for six global aeronautical giants to grab the $12 billion, 126-jet deal. Indian Air Force chief Fali Homi Major told reporters in New Delhi that summer trials of the six contenders, in India and abroad, could begin by April or May. “It is going to be a long process,” he said.

US-based Lockheed Martin, offering F-16, and Boeing’s F-18 ‘Superhornet’ had emerged as the front-runners, industry sources said. The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company has offered its Typhoon Eurofighter, and French Dassault, which builds the Mirage, has put forward its Rafale. Russian manufacturers of the MiG-35 and MiG-29, as well as Sweden’s Saab, which is hawking its Gripen fighter, are also in the running for the biggest fighter jet contract in 16 years. The contract includes the outright purchase of 18 fighter jets by 2012 with another 108 to be built in India.

India also has an option to buy 64 more such jets. The airforce chief also unveiled plans for the modernisation of 50 MiG-29 jets at a cost of more than a billion dollars and said five had been already sent to their Russian manufacturers. India plans to spend up to $30 billion by 2012 to upgrade its million-strong military. afp
India To Begin Fighter Jet Trials For $12B Deal
Published: 4 Feb 12:56 EST (17:56 GMT)

NEW DELHI - India will soon begin long-awaited trials of aircraft that are in the race to grab the world's most lucrative fighter jet deal, the air force said Feb. 4.

The announcement ended months of uncertainty over India's plans to go ahead with the $12 billion 126 fighter jet contract for which six global aeronautical giants are in the race.

Indian air force chief Fali Homi Major said summer trials of the six contending jets would begin within two to three months.

"I reckon that they may start by April or May," Major told reporters in New Delhi.

He said the tests would be conducted in India and abroad.

"It is going to be a long process," the air force chief said.

"Technical evaluation of six top-of-the-line fighter aircraft is a very complex job," he added.

Major last February extended by two months a deadline for the contenders to bid after at least two of the bidders sought more time.

U.S.-based Lockheed Martin, which is offering F-16, and Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet have emerged as the front-runners to clinch the Indian deal, industry sources said.

The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company has offered its Typhoon Eurofighter and French Dassault, which constructs the Mirage, has put its Rafale in the competition.

Russian manufacturers of the MiG-35 and MiG-29, as well as Sweden's Saab, which is hawking its Gripen fighter, are also among the six bidders for the biggest fighter jet contract in 16 years.

The Indian contract includes the outright purchase of 18 fighter jets by 2012 with another 108 of the same planes to be built in India.

India also has an option to buy 64 more such jets.

India, the largest buyer of military hardware among emerging nations, plans to spend up to 30 billion dollars by 2012 to upgrade its million-strong military.

India To Begin Fighter Jet Trials For $12B Deal - Defense News
Where's the money, honey??

Don't worry about money.

JF-17, FC-20, F-16, Spada 2000, Saab 2000 Erieye, Augosta 90, F-22 Frigates, Z-9C helicopters, there is the money. Get it.
beleive me usa wont allow you to get gripen . i dont think that you will get anything above that f-16 block latest(52-60) .
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Gripen promo addressing the Indian MMRCA competition.

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yeh this is the most advanced aircraft and technology - looool , baki sab to tail lene gaye hain!
good commercial could have been much better.
Bloody SAAB is really trying hard for the deal. The ads, office in Delhi, ads on bus stops they have also offer help for Tejas.

On the other hand Booing says F/A 18 will open doors for JF35 stealth fighter.

Actually It was Lockheed that is offering the F 35...that is lip service...:sniper:

If we compare the E.F price , isn't it almost possible to go for f-35 instead. and maintainance cost of European product wont be that far from f-35. EF will take almost same amount of time as f-35 to be included, may be India should think of that channel as well.

arent those UAE f-16 block-60 aircrafts on the sides of LM aircrafts

finally a chance to see them in bare skin :yahoo:

you can also see tho super hornets:smitten:

and in the far end a DC-10 areal refuler is seen landing at AF station yelahanka bengaluru

waiting to see rafales

Honestly every aircraft except for the Mig-35 is a serious contender.
The Eurofighter is the real dark horse in this competition IMO. Yeah it costs a lot of money but it's well worth it. Its A2A capabilities are second only to the Raptor. And considering Pakistan and china won't have anything close to it for years its a wise investment. Also it would relieve a lot of pressure off of the SU-30 MKI in the A2A role allowing the Su 30MKI to preform the A2G roles which currently the Eurofighter does not excel in. Britain and Italy I believe are trying to reduce the amount of fighters they have to buy. So India would be able to receive aircraft quicker. And as a full partner in EADS they would not only get TOT but they would be able to develop future projects aswell.
But since politics always have a play in this i think that its down between the Super Hornet (incredible armament package, best active AESA besides Raptor) as a thank you for the Nuclear Deal or the Rafale (Full TOT, french need the contract badly). The Indian government cant be stupid enough to give it to Russia they will just double the price of the Mig-35 (ex. Mig 29K,Mi-17 etc.)
Hopefully the Eurofighter wins
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