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Dassault bosses in India to seal 'mother of all defence deals'

Realistically it will come after elections. AAP has already challenged both parties and making any move in any direction means possibility of opposition. If you sign the deal, you get criticism of wasting money at the time India needed internally and when domestic products were on the horizon and if you don't (or refuse to sign), the opposition rant would start claiming Government is not serious enough about Indian defense. politics is a fairly deep $hit and from every angle you see it is the same.

Recent indication that India may undergo an interim agreement of 18 jets is perhapes a middle ground which wouldn't make government get blame for wasting money but will also show that Congress takes Indian defense as seriously as needed.

You don't have any idea of our political set up. Expect this deal signed in 45 days.BJP or AAP none would object it.
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