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‘Dark’ Indian cricketer calls out racism

‘Dark’ Indian cricketer calls out racism
August 10, 2017

By: Samaa Web Desk

Published in Fashion & Life Style

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PALLEKELE: That racism is a centuries’ old social evil that exists even in the Indian society and in the sporting world is a well-known fact. On Wednesday night, opener Abhinav Mukund, currently touring with the Indian team in Sri Lanka, became the latest sportsperson to speak out on the issue when he posted an emotional tweet about fair not being the ‘only lovely or handsome’. The batsman reacted after being abused on social media for his skin colour, reported Times of India.

Recalling his past, Mukund, who scored 81 in the second innings in the first Test against Sri Lanka at Galle before being dropped in favour of the fit-again KL Rahul, wrote, “I have been playing cricket since the age of 10 and I have gradually climbed up the ladder to where I am right now. It is an honour to get the chance to represent the country at the highest level. I am writing today not to garner sympathy or attention but … with the hope to change the mindset of people on an issue I feel strongly about.”

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Abhinav mukund


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Speaking about how people were obsessed about his skin from a young age, the 27-year-old said: “I have been travelling a lot within and outside our country since I was 15. Ever since I was young, people’s obsession with my skin colour has always been a mystery to me. Anyone who follows cricket would understand the obvious. I have played and trained day in and day out in the sun and not once have I regretted the fact that I have tanned or lost a couple of shades. It is simply because I love what I do and I have been able to achieve certain things only because I have spent hours outdoor. I come from Chennai, probably one of the hottest places in our country and I have gladly spent most of my adult life in the cricket ground.”

Revealing that he had been subject to a lot of name calling, Mukund revealed: “I have laughed and shrugged it off because I had bigger goals! Affected young, I toughened up because this was never something that would pull me down. There were many times when I chose not to dignify these insults with responses.”

The left-hander from Tamil Nadu asserted that he chose to spoke up on the issue not just for himself but for many others who were subjected to racism, while pointing out that the advent of social media has seen an increase in racism. “With the rise of social media, it has gone to a magnitude that I see people hurling abuses left, right and centre at something I have absolutely no control over. Fair isn’t the only lovely or handsome guys.”

“Stay true, stay focused, be comfortable in your own skin”, he concluded.

In a series of tweets later, Mukund clarified that his tweet was in reaction to abuses directed at him on social media. “Guys please don’t turn this into something else, it has absolutely no connection to anyone in the team. It is mainly targeted at people who have been posting abuses about colour and saying absolutely derogatory things about the tone of my skin. That’s all!” he said tweeted, before clarifying further: “Please don’t turn this into something political, I just wanted to make a positive statement hoping to make a change. That’s all.”

Virtually all indians are dark skinned.......:lol:

The indians criticizing his dark skin on the internet are are probably darker than him
'The difference is Pakistanis don't look down on dark the way indians do'
This is what you said in your post BTW one of the reason behind creation of Bangladesh was due to there dark complexion pakistanis didnt respected them allot.
It had more to do with loyalty then skin color. We still have siddhi people in Pakistan who are far darker than bangladeshis and we also have fellow bangladeshis members on this forum who never complained about skin color discrimination.
A big problem throughout South Asia. Pakistanis are not any better. Yes the percentage of "fair skinned" (term is always relative) is higher in Pakistan, but many are dark and their experiences are not any different than this Indian cricketer. Two of my cousins who are siblings ended up with very different colors. The younger one who is darker was always ridiculed for his appearence in a "light hearted" way. I am sure he never felt the same way about it.
hence they come to Pakistani forum for their own satisfaction and get some self respsct
Last time I checked its an open forum accessible in India and it allows Indian members to join and present another set of perspective, other then the regular Chinese or Pakistani propaganda.

Got any problem why not contact webby. Should I tag him for you??
Internet trolls are becoming quite toxic everywhere. From Kaif, Shami to hardcore right wing internet trolls are venting their frustration everywhere. No idea Abhinav has been targetted. Playing for India through our domestic system is too tough and he has achieved than millions havent been to.

I was stupid enough to to tease my cousin who was black during our kids days. I realised my stupidity pretty early. Guess there are many others who are waiting to attain enlightenment.
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Aren't they all dark?
Brits passed on their disdain for dark skin onto indians and they still follow it till this day.
It's ironic how these same sadists accuse Pakistanis of being Arab or Chinese slaves. When they can't even look at themselves in the mirror.
In india those who look most like Pakistani's are considered handsome

Those who look like indians have to write letters to national newspapers

No need for holier than thou (or whiter than you!). You guys are neither Europeans nor Arabs. You are just as white obsessed as us. FACE IT !

In Pakistan, a disease called dark skin

The 'Kaali Pakistani' has to work doubly hard on her persona to leave any kind of social impact; her fairer counterpart, in contrast, will have many more doors open for her, even if she does not happen to be intellectually bright.


13 Struggles Only A Dark Skinned Pakistani Guy Can Understand


And just as racist as us.

Pakistani gangs are targeting us, say fearful black youths

In recent months Pakistani youths have threatened and assaulted dozens of Afro-Caribbean teenagers, according to leaders of the black community. Some have been roughed up; others seriously injured.

The town's 4,500-strong Afro-Caribbean population is increasingly concerned: they say that the attacks are racially-motivated and are becoming more frequent and more vicious

He faced racism on social media by trolls? I though it will be much worse.
India should just have split teams (Scotland / England) for future split


5 teams for future split
> Khalistan Cricket Team
> Tamil Cricket Team
> Gujrata-khand (Fundamentalist team)
> Bangla-Land (Western front)
> Central Zone
At least better.Nobody bomb out minorities here
Says the macaca Indian who would give a limb to look like a Pakistani. Dirty Indian.
I don't even need an adjective to be added. Calling you Pakistani is enough.

India should just have split teams (Scotland / England) for future split


5 teams for future split
> Khalistan Cricket Team
> Tamil Cricket Team
> Gujrata-khand (Fundamentalist team)
> Bangla-Land (Western front)
> Central Zone

We've tried that experiment by splitting Pakistan into 2 teams. Have to say Bangladesh is better these days.
It shouldn't be a problem they should all lighten up!
Obsession with fairness is centuries old in India.

Yashomati maiyya se bole nandlala
Radha kyu gori mai kyu kaala. :undecided:

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