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Dare not try and come anywhere near LoC: Indian Army to Pak

What if the Indians are getting tired of putting up with that?

71 years (since 1948) is long time to suffer then say that they are tired. One get used to it. And if they cant put up with the suffering, they must leave and vacate.
If they were not trying them, then what in the world will make them try? Nuclear bombs on Delhi?
Modi is toughing up the populace, I think.

It's no secret that you hate Muslims -
Are you claiming I hate ALL Muslims or just one or two? If the latter, you should be specific. If the former, you should be ashamed!

Pakistan was the winner in every aspect of the February incident.
And the U.S. American weapons are great!
Modi is toughing up the populace, I think.

Are you claiming I hate ALL Muslims or just one or two? If the latter, you should be specific. If the former, you should be ashamed!

And the U.S. American weapons are great!

And modi was soundly humiliated. So much so that he had to make up lies and Indian lapped it up like dogs.

Ashamed.... Says the islamophobe

And typical white man, claims every victory as his own.

You and I both know that you know the truth of how only jf17s were used. You are just desperate to find anyway to brining pakistan down a notch.
And modi was soundly humiliated. So much so that he had to make up lies and Indian lapped it up like dogs.
No argument here.

And typical white man, claims every victory as his own.
Inane comment.

You and I both know that you know the truth of how only jf17s were used. You are just desperate to find anyway to brining pakistan down a notch.
Bringing Pakistan down a notch??? I'm cheering it for providing an example of the effectiveness of American weaponry. (So what if F-16s were used? It was a defensive deployment over legally disputed territory.)
No argument here.

Inane comment.

Bringing Pakistan down a notch??? I'm cheering it for providing an example of the effectiveness of American weaponry. (So what if F-16s were used? It was a defensive deployment over legally disputed territory.)
With well wishes like you, who needs enemies.

Also, where is your source of F16 being used?
(No doing you will resort to Indian source... Or just make up more lies)
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