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DAPRA going for Unmanned Sub Stalker

Somebody pointed out in the link in #1 and I agree, ACTUV is knee-jerk reaction to the GOM incident. Once the P-8s are operational 2013, there would be no ASW capability gap in US navy and no need for such unmanned vessels.

However, research going into this could, and probably would be conveniently diverted to CIA's future submarine stealth toys east of the Suez.
The Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) would not detect the submarine, but would relieve ASW forces of the task of keeping tabs on the boat once it has been picked up. The DARPA program aims to demonstrate an autonomous vessel that can track a quiet diesel-electric submarine overtly for months over thousands of kilometers with minimal human input.

Why would you OVERTLY want to track an opponents sub!?!?!
USN HAS also created robot jelly fish to spy underwater mines!
Why would you OVERTLY want to track an opponents sub!?!?!

Why Indeed ?? :unsure: maybe its a typo error and they missed a C or maybe "Covertly" may be relatively costly for what some may percieve to be a Low Priority thing.
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