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Danish women-led mosque holds first Friday prayers


Feb 21, 2012
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Danish women-led mosque holds first Friday prayers
COPENHAGEN: Scandinavia’s first female-led mosque has held its first Friday prayers in Copenhagen, a milestone for an “Islamic feminist” project whose founder hopes will help combat Islamophobia.

But there was also criticism that the project did not go far enough in promoting women’s rights.

The khutba, or sermon, was held in the Mariam Mosque in an apartment in a busy Copenhagen shopping street six months after it opened.

Temperatures soared inside on a balmy summer’s day as more than 60 women, around half of them Muslim, came to hear Danish-born imam Saliha Marie Fetteh.

Friday’s event was opened by the mosque’s founder Sherin Khankan, who is herself becoming an imam.

She said that she had originally wanted to open a mosque where female imams could preach on Fridays to a mixed crowd, but later changed her mind.

“It turned out that a majority of the community wanted a Friday prayer for women only,” Khankan, born in Denmark to a Syrian father and a Finnish mother, told AFP.

“Today I am very happy about the decision because when you try to create change it’s very important that you do it wisely and slowly,” she added.
Five Islamic marriage ceremonies have been conducted at the mosque, which has issued its own marriage contract.

Under the agreement women have the right to divorce, polygamy is prohibited, men and women have equal rights to their children in case of a divorce, and the marriage is annulled in the event of mental or physical violence.

The mosque’s aim was also to fight Islamophobia by showing Muslim women could “take the lead,” Khankan said.

Similar projects exist in a handful of other countries, including in the US where “The Women’s Mosque of America” opened in Los Angeles last year.
If it's all women mosque lead by a women Imam---what's the problem?

It's totally within the bounds of conservative-traditional Islam practiced globally everywhere in Muslim World and beyond.

It's not some stupid effort to make innovations in religion by liberals who aren't even Muslim to begin with in traditional sense.

@Zarvan your view?
If it's all women mosque lead by a women Imam---what's the problem?

It's totally within the bounds of conservative-traditional Islam practiced globally everywhere in Muslim World and beyond.

It's not some stupid effort to make innovations in religion by liberals who aren't even Muslim to begin with in traditional sense.

@Zarvan your view?
Are you that innocent that you can't see the plot here. West is trying to change concepts of Islam and in other words they are playing wity fire and are going to end up burning themselves. As for concept inside homes I think it can be done although I need to do some research on it.
Are you that innocent that you can't see the plot here. West is trying to change concepts of Islam and in other words they are playing wity fire and are going to end up burning themselves. As for concept inside homes I think it can be done although I need to do some research on it.

If it's an all women mosque...wouldn't it be BETTER to have a woman Imam? Do research and post here..
this is going to get a lot of criticism, even from Muslim women.
Yes because as per Islamic teachings women can't lead prayers and we are not allowed to make changes in religion.

According to Imam an-Nawawi, “If a woman leads a man or men in a congregationalprayer, the prayer of the men is invalid. As for her prayer, and the prayer of thewomen praying with her, it is sound.” Within the household, if no qualified man is present, is the one exception for women to lead men in prayers.
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If it's an all women mosque...wouldn't it be BETTER to have a woman Imam? Do research and post here..
You can't build a mosque for that


Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

Can a Female Lead a Purely Female Congregation?

Hanafi Madhab: If a lady leads the Salah of a purely female congregation, then Salah will be correct. It is however Makrooh Tahrimi for women to form their own congregation. (Hidayah vl.1,pg.305; Bada'i-us Sanai vl.1,pg.157)

Malaki Madhab: A lady can in no circumstance be the Imam even if the congregation be entirely female. The Salah of even a lady behind a female Imam is invalid. (Bulghatus Salik vl.1, pg.146; Ashalul Madarik, vl.1,pg.241)

Shafi Madhab: A lady can be the imam of a purely female congregation. In fact it is Mustahab for them to form their own congregation. (Al Mughni vl.12,pg.199; Bada-i vl.1,pg. 157)

Hanbali Madhab: The Salah of a lady behind a lady imam is permissible. There is however, difference of opinion regarding women forming their own congregation (behind a female imam). (Al Mughni l.12, pg.199)

The Shafi and Hambali scholars substantiate their opinion with the Hadith of Umme Waraqah (RA).

It is similarly narrated that Hazrat Umme Salmah (RA) and Hazrat Aisha (RA) used to lead the women in Salah. (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah vl.2, pg.88-89)

While it is narrated from Hazrat Ali (RA) that "a lady cannot be an imam"(Ibid) and from Nafi (RA) that: "I do not know that a lady can lead the women in Salah"(Ibid), Hanafi Scholars also explain that when a lady does lead a purely female Jamat, she has one of two options:

1. She stands in front of the first row (just as a male imam would do). This is however Makrooh because it is contrary to the spirit of Hijab.

2. She could stand in the middle of the first row (as Hazrat Aisha and Hazrat Umme Salmah did). This however is also Makrooh because it is Wajib (necessary) in a congregational Salah that the Imam stands a little in front of the first row. (Fathul Qadeer vl.1, pg.306)

Hanafi Fuqaha therefore explain the Ahadith of Umme Waraqah, Aisha and Umme Salmah (RA) as Mansukh (abrogated). Although Sheikh Kamal Ibn Humam has after critically discussing the possibility of abrogation concluded that purely female congregations are Makrooh-e-Tanzihi, the general body of Fuqaha-e-Ahnaf regard it as Makrooh-e-Tahrimi. The fatwa (preferred verdict) is also on Tahreem (prohibition)."And a purely female congregation is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi, even though in Taraweeh."(Durrul Mukhtar, vl.1, pg. 528)

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.
Women cannot lead a man in prayer and there is no dispute among any scholars. Has nothing to do with a woman's position but to do with the idea of sexuality and zero distractions within prayer.

The same way a homosexual Muslim would be distracted by a butt of a man.
Women cannot lead a man in prayer and there is no dispute among any scholars. Has nothing to do with a woman's position but to do with the idea of sexuality and zero distractions within prayer.

The same way a homosexual Muslim would be distracted by a butt of a man.

That's very twisted...lol

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