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Dangers from India's interlinking of rivers project

then search for the word pathetic Bangladeshis,then u will automatically see good news about India in it

Yes this is quite true. For India to feel good about itself it needs Bangladeshis to behave pathetically but when Bangladeshis behave with dignity the Indians automatically see how unworthy they are.
Yes this is quite true. For India to feel good about itself it needs Bangladeshis to behave pathetically but when Bangladeshis behave with dignity the Indians automatically see how unworthy they are.

when you post like this..we dont need BD to act pathetically to feel good.:D

What a crappy idea, and foolish Indians are running after this idiotic project.... :tdown:

Actually its not a Idiotic project..Jordan and Israel also have plan to convey water from Red sea to Dead sea to replenish Dead sea..

In May 2009 at the World Economic Forum, Jordan announced its plans to construct the "Jordan National Red Sea Development Project" (JRSP). This is a plan to convey seawater from the Red Sea near Aqaba to the Dead Sea. Water would be desalinated along the route to provide freshwater to Jordan, with the brine discharge sent to the Dead Sea for replenishment. As of 2009, the project is in its early phases of planning, with developer and financier selection to be completed by years end. The project is anticipated to begin detailed design in early 2010 with water delivery by 2017. Israel has expressed its support and will likely benefit from some of the water delivery to its Negev region. Some hydro-power will be collected near the Dead Sea from the dramatic change in elevation on the downhill side of the project.[citation needed] In October 2009, the Jordanians announced accelerated plans to extract around 300 million cubic metres of water per annum from the Red Sea, desalinate it for use as fresh water and send the waste water to the Dead Sea by tunnel, despite concerns about inadequate time to assess the potential environmental impact.[24]

Dead Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The biggest problem Bangladesh faces is from the rising sea levels..not from India.Try to sort out that problem first otherwise you may well have thousands of refugees in your own country.

You are right when you say BD faces difficulties due to rising sea level. But, are you aware that a diminished or a lower river water level has the same effect as that of a rising sea level? When the equilibrium between the levels of sweet and sea waters is broken, sea water intrudes into the river.

So, even without a rise of sea level, BD will have the same adverse effects if water is taken away at the upstream points by India. Apart from the ecological disaster, it will also be an economical disaster for BD. Much of its farm land can no longer produce anything because of the presence of salt.
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Rest of India and Bangladesh should follow Gujarat model for water management.

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Rest of India and Bangladesh should follow Gujarat model for water management.

YouTube - India Tomorrow - The Gujarat Miracle 4/7

If India diverts water from Assam to its west, then the Gujrat way of water management will not work in BD. It is because we will suffer from intrusion of sea water to our paddy land. This sea water will also intrude underground because sea water will have a higher height (or head) than the river water.
Rising coastal salinity problem

SALINITY is dangerously gripping the coastal areas. The extent of the rising salinity was disclosed in a recent workshop organised by the Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI). According to SRDI research, salinity as a whole has spread to 10.56 lakh out of the total 16.89 lakh hectares of the coastal lands. The salinity affected area was 8.33 lakh hectares in 1973. The important thing to note is that salinity has been rising rapidly ever since the Farraka barrage was built at an upstream location in India in the early seventies. Due to water diversion the process of salinity in the coastal areas specially and heavily in the south-western region has accelerated.

Salinity intrudes coastal lands when the rivers flowing through them carry insufficient water. Tidal surges push up saline waters from the sea through the river channels deep inlands. The rivers with good flows push back salinity. But structures have been built on most of the 54 common rivers shared by India and Bangladesh. As a consequence, not only the Ganges but also other major rivers have been affected by massive water withdrawal at upstream leaving lower riparian Bangladesh with much less water flows in its section of the rivers which cannot do the flushing function.

Bangladesh is now reportedly carrying out feasibility studies to set up a Ganges barrage to offset largely the effects of salinity. But it is a big question if this barrage will ever be completed. Also, there is no certainty about its effectiveness to the degree that would be desired. Besides, the Ganges barrage will only serve a limited area whereas the protection of the entire coastal belt by keeping all rivers alive is inescapable. Bangladesh must succeed to engaging in productive dialogue to this end through integrated management of the rivers.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
{ What does any of this have to do with RLP? Some really stupid Indians here and no the RLP was never completely abandoned. }

Ok now BD's will tell who is stupid or not , Fact been a small nation you are not able to solve your problems & guiding the neighbours how to live !! Go to your own problems which you can solve been a small nation in size ...As SRL has solved their problem & is one of the most developed country in the subcontinent
{ What does any of this have to do with RLP? Some really stupid Indians here and no the RLP was never completely abandoned. }

Ok now BD's will tell who is stupid or not , Fact been a small nation you are not able to solve your problems & guiding the neighbours how to live !! Go to your own problems which you can solve been a small nation in size ...As SRL has solved their problem & is one of the most developed country in the subcontinent

Preaching peace are we? :D

Solve own problem? Which one? Farakka or Tipaimukh? Can we please unilaterally blow one to million bits of tiny pieces, please? You see, we would love to solve our own problem ourselves.

Dumb newbies. :hitwall:

Note: SRL is most developed because it is the only one in the region that does not border India. Ignore Maldives, too small.
Preaching peace are we? :D

Solve own problem? Which one? Farakka or Tipaimukh? Can we please unilaterally blow one to million bits of tiny pieces, please? You see, we would love to solve our own problem ourselves.

Dumb newbies. :hitwall:

Note: SRL is most developed because it is the only one in the region that does not border India. Ignore Maldives, too small.

Yes, Sri Lankan people should thank Allah for giving them an island country away from India. Even then, this country was imposed with a long civil war organized by India.

Indians very conveniently point towards China saying that China wants to build dams upstream of Brahmaputra. But, these are for producing electricity. After power is produced, water will run down to our country. India wants to steal away this water from an international river to its parched lands.
Yes, Sri Lankan people should thank Allah for giving them an island country away from India. Even then, this country was imposed with a long civil war organized by India.

what about BD than?? so near to India? :D

btw, it has been going for hundreds of years. it was not India, that interfered in middle east, but rather it was mugals that interfered with with India.:coffee:

just in case you forget. :cool:
what about BD than?? so near to India? :D

btw, it has been going for hundreds of years. it was not India, that interfered in middle east, but rather it was mugals that interfered with with India.:coffee:

just in case you forget. :cool:

Aryans, Huns, Gurjar, Mongols, Pathans, Mughals all came and had domiciled in the then fabulously rich Hindustan. Some adopted Hindustan's religion Hinduism. Only the latter groups did not adapt themselves with Hinduism, and remained Muslims. Nevertheless, the descendents of all these groups became Hindustani in the course of time.

So, the present-day border problems with India cannot be equated with the old days when most people living in the central asia's treeless deserts, mountain caves and parched lands (Muslim or non-Muslim) were hungry nomads, who were aggressively seeking footholds in Hindustan only to survive and leave a better future for their descendents. So, they fought and entered Hindustan, the land of plenty.

But, today's India is seeking hegemony that its neighbours will not accept. Today's world population is so large in any country that no other outside people can just fight its way into another land, seize it and domicile its people. India's ambition is not to seek land for its population, but to bring greatness to it by pursuing an aggressive policy towards all its neighbours.
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