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Sometime(perhaps most of the time) you go overboard buddy.....China and US are not foolish to get into a direct conflict...there is no way that is going to happen.......Please don't forget that Pakistan got her nukes only with US blessings......Anyhow right now if i was a Pakistani i would have been more worried about saving my countrymen than Yankee hunting....

the bolded part explains all.
the main reason why USA not attacking Pakistan is that,
Reasons they dont want Pakistan to go in hands of China.
If they started a war they will face the worst ever war in the century including a civil war in their country.
If india is enter into that matter then China wont Stop.
Pakistan dont want a war with USA...
BUt if US pushes Pakistan at the wall then All Jihadis are ready to takeover pakistan.
It's hilarious to see someone sitting so close to the "Yankees" sucking out all the pleasures the Yankee has ever had to offer in one of his neighbouring countries, you should be ashamed of yourself and I do hope CCIS keeps tabs on militants like you for flaming tension. The US has done nothing but help Pakistan in its entire history, and in the worst sheer neglected it with a lack of contact. Your media spews the worst about our fallen in Afghanistan while our media is silent about the level of corruption in your system. The ignore function will be coming in handy for this place I can see.

IDIOT :sick:
Ah goodness gracious me, only this post was remaining.
hey you may want to take back the thanks you gave to mikkix:cry:
stealt ifv your problem is that you have a problem understanding that someone els can have an other perspective than what you have. Live with it. as WE live with your perspective
Most Canadians?? Is there a survey to that effect. Unless you mean most Pakistani origin Canadians..

And I saw some of your posts protesting the use of the phrase "the whole world" ... Looks like you dislike generalizations only when you are on the receiving end and not when you are making them ;)

Ok, you're right. I should re-word it to most Canadians in my experience. But you can do a survey and I can bet you all my life savings that the survey will confirm what I said. Considering Canadians are usually more liberal, this is a given. It doesn't take einstein to figure that out.

In fact how about this:


only seven per cent believe Canadian soldiers should remain in Afghanistan after 2011.

So it's 7 percent who want Canada to remain in Afghanistan after 2011. Probably 100% of Indians in Canada said that, yes, Canada should remain, so that number will be even lower when adjusted.

Your friend Stealth IFV is from those 7 percent. He is the tea party version of Canada, except in Canada it's far less relevant.
It's hilarious to see someone sitting so close to the "Yankees" sucking out all the pleasures the Yankee has ever had to offer in one of his neighbouring countries, you should be ashamed of yourself and I do hope CCIS keeps tabs on militants like you for flaming tension. The US has done nothing but help Pakistan in its entire history, and in the worst sheer neglected it with a lack of contact.

help you mean : Droping bombs on Pakistani civillains
Drone attacks
Accusing Pakistnai as terrorists when its them that are sending thier chikldren for you freedom
Helping you in the cold war efforts against USSR in the 5o by buliding BAses

Your media spews the worst about our fallen in Afghanistan
If you going to make silly stories just damage a nation just because of thier religion ...well at least back it up with proper facts.
Beside when have the US EVER repoted about Pakistan Soildrs fighting for you freedom, or the terrorist attcking Pakistani civiallans no its just the your media keeps protrying tha average law abiding Msulim as terrorists.

ANd corruption lets not go there , its over flowing in the west is al I have to say.

Remeber to get things into propective before discussing things that are needed of a higher education level ok ?
US economy is in REAL trouble , it not just speculation , the US government is borrowing at a staggering rate and there is not end in site to this borrowing , the debt ceiling that was set for government borrowing till now has been 14.90 trillion dollars , the US is or is about to reach this ceiling.

This is like maxing out on your credit card in simple terms.. lol

Then to finance their debt, they sell T-bills, China and Japan re-invest their dollars in the US by holding a piece of their US government’s debt when they buy the T-bills , the treasury bill is considered to be a 'safe' investment.

Towards those who buy the T-bills, the US government is in a binding contract that they will pay back with the interest the amount the US gov has borrowed from the one who purchase the T-bills.

In other words US owes money to China [and Japan also] , suppose if the US default on payments back to China .. It’s hard to say what can really happen but it will be a huge economic disaster that will hit the entire world and can potentially lead to war also.

Default also means that the gov programs that the US is running will suffer huge setback , this can also mean US troops going without salary, it will be interesting to see if they still fight on in such a scenario.

Currently the Federal reserve is going on printing dollars but this practise cannot be kept up indefinitely, the interest rates are still very very low in the US and when you print so much dollars with such low interest rates then eventually inflation will go up and the value of dollar will dip.

I mean its quite amazing to see that even the Pakistani rupee rose against the dollar a few days back [ even if by only a few paisa ] , there is surplus dollars in the market and sooner or later this will have negative impact on the dollar.

So all it not well for the US economy and apart from doing gangster type default and telling off those whom they owe money there is not shot way out of their worries.

The US system has maxed out the road ahead will be tough for the US economy and they cannot afford large scale wars anymore. They have squandered off what ever surplus they had in 2001 over the last 10 years

History does indeed repeat itself; the Crusaders that went on a rampage in the end went back bank erupted and unable to capture the prize that was Jerusalem
but i have a qustion who knows exactly how much nukes ppakistan got and how much thermo nukes how much missiles and how much long range missiles and many icbm's?and exactly where are they located?is pakistan that much stupid its gonna keep all of the nukes and weapons in one base?or spread all around?how much troops US got?a lightening raid what they call it can cost US more then 3000-4000 US military lives let alone taking the nukes it just an excuse to start a conflict.look at the trends israeli pm in US completly rejecting to give jeruslam and all the occupied land they dont even wanna talk to unity palestian govt then obama tour of europe , pakistani pm in china, russian army chief in pakistan to meet pakistan military chief china gave pakistan 50 jets. Attack on pakistani base by so called taliban who are really india concious because they blew up long range reconessence PC3 ORION AIRCRAFT AND ATTACKED THE NAVY INSTEAD OF ATTACKING ARMY AS IF NAVY IS CARRYING OUT OPERATIONS AGAINST TTP.this is an attack by cia raw and mossad they are getting ready for ww3 as china has backed pakistan and russia has backed china
*China and U.S are not idiots to fight an open war-especially for pakistan.
*India wont join in a fight between U.S and pakistan.
Why the should we risk our economy getting ruined while pakistan is getting spanked already by U.S?
*GCC Countries would never join pakistan against U.S.
What a bs theory..

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