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Dancing in presence of PM Gillani

This from a person that comes from a country whose minds tell them to worship anything that is either erect, moving, stationary, dead or alive (no disrespect to anyone).

exactly DS.
we are all creations of god aren't we?
you did not disrespect anyone.
Wherever human intellect and endeavour is found, mistakes can arrise.

yes mistakes can arise...that is the whole point of failing and trying again.human intellect and endeavor are natural to a man.We are using this forum because of someone's endeavors.You can't tie down the intellect to a book that is handed over to you from your father.the quran might be the most perfect religious book ever written...but it is still human to question it and add on to it...you can't quench your thirst for knowledge from anything static.
guys....sorry but i thought this thread was about dancing infront of PRIME MINSITER and not about ISLAM & DANCING

and sir the hadees you claim to give are actually about GAMES...nothing to do with DANCING!!!

look its simple a pious man will not get up and do MACARANAA....in islam....now why is everyone so concerned about something ISLAM has disallowed why not concentrate on the things it allowed

SEE i am NOT BY ANY MEANS a GOOD MUSLIM...however...i think ADAM & EVE were kicked out of heaven for going to a tree and having a fruit....when everything else was allowed to them except that fruit!!

so why not discuss a billion other things religion allowed you....

for example food,wealth...imagine if a religion says you may not eat good food... or you may not be allowed to earn....now that would be a MESS...i don't see no one arguing why is it allowed to earn money or eat good food...??

don't try to twist religion into your own verses!!! life is simple follow what you are told... because your creater knows what you don't

DANCING is simply not allowed no where does it clearly say it is allowed....so best is to simply avoid it...GIVEN YOU ARE A GOOD BELIEVER....

to all those who argue in favour of dancing in ISLAM....please fix other wrongs you do before you defend DANCING..... become a good muslim and then we shall see...
"He said, you can compare a Mullah's waz with my song Allah Hu. A Mullah attracts in one standing a few hundred people and he can get a crowd of at least 10,000. "The Mullah has basically lost his gig"."

Okay I just want to comment on this point you made. It is quite silly to suggest "The Mullah has basically lost his gig." A Mullah's/Imam's at least a noble one his job is not simply to try and gather the largest crowd, it is to provide religious knowledge and guidance of the Quran, these pop singers cannot do that as many of them are ignorant to the knowledge in the Quran and ignorant to Islamic jurisprudence, all they normally do is offer their opinion (the pop singers).
That is the sales pitch of Mullah-giri. You know these Mullahs are super competitive and have inner oneupmanships as well. Not just Islam but all religious leaders of the past were authoritative political figures. They have a following. Case in point the Supreme Leaders in our neighborhood.

The thing is when more people will turn to Islam from listening to Allah Hu, rather than than the Mullah's waz, they would definitely see a little loosening in their grips of the people.

Hence make a fictitious declaration that Music is haram, when GOD didn't bother to declare it Haram. God trumps Mullah. Right?

The guitarist you talk to think the Mullah's or Imam's are condemning them because it is all "politics", really how many of the Mullah's/Imam's condemning them are running for election and political office? (rhetorical) The truth is it is about what the mainstream Pakistani people would consider is "family values" in accordance with Islam and to some extent culture.

Cultural is ever evolving. There is no one set culture. 60 yrs ago when Pakistan was made, the same Mullahs called the country Napakistan. They were made to change. Mullahs are human beings, don't make demigods out of them.

And what do you think singers, musicians, artist, painters, and people in the media are doing, it is they who are engaged in mind control, at the bequest of their corporate masters who also happen to be Jewish and Zionist corporate elites and other people.
An artist always opens a new point of view and its up to the general public to accept or reject it. The Mullah is the end gainer of this political tussle. The Artist's point of view would either start a revolution or won't. The profit of the revolution is not necessarily the artist.

Judaism and corporations have nothing to do with Artistic input. In fact bands like Junoon tore them apart with songs like Dharti ke Khuda, Ihtisaab, etc.

It is they who are brainwashing the youth in many cases to be rebellious against values, morals, traditions, religion.
Actually the really good musicians have encouraged revolution to bring change against the corrupt, the dictators...

If morals take a dive, then that just shows that what a bad job of convincing the people to come to the right path these Mullahs have done.

It is they who have popularized dressing slutty for young girls. It is they who have encouraged promiscuity and lust. Britney Spears, Madonna ( esp. Papa don't preach), and countless and countless of other "artist" have been doing brainwashing on a scale that has never been seen before, and it's done through television-movies, music, and more.

I'll give you an example of a hammer. I can use a hammer to knock a nail in a wooden board or I can use it to smash your head. Now one work makes me useful the other makes me a murderer.

If I start killing people with a hammer then thats my fault not of the hammer.

Its not music's fault people are slutting up. Its the person's fault. As I said the same tool, has produced, Allah Hu and countless other amazing tracks that have nothing to do with deteriorating moral values.

The guitarist you talk to is the last person I would seek advice from on guidance on truth and life, he should stick to plucking strings on his guitar. I hope I have made myself clear..
Then you'll just remain as closed minded and a Mullah puppet.
"Female Dancing in presence of PM Gillani"
And you care, why exactly?

Dancing is one of the most natural and human things to do. And it is fun..

"Strong" Believer or not, do you really think the creator of the universe cares if you move funny to sounds? Is he so petty?
every MUSLIM shies away from a challenge on ZAKAT,PRAYING 5 TIMES so on

however you come to alcohol,dancing,music,marrying 4 times AND EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT ISLAM!!! funny how that works....

guys chill out let's not give out our own "FATWA'S" HERE....fix your basics before discussing more indepth issues!!!


YOU CAN dance all you want the CREATOR doesn't care....but on the day when you stand infront of him with your list of goods and evils....he will CERTAINLY ask you...so you were dancing away when i CREATED YOU to WORSHIP ME......the time you spent dancing or ARGUING ABOUT DANCING could have been utilized in remembering me

guys what is wrong with US we are bickering about petty things when if all of you believe in a GOD...who you are answerable to shouldn't you be REMEMBERING HIM...THANKING HIM...rather then arguing about if this is right or wrong....DO THE BASICS before you question GOD!!

having said this i am a hypocrite and i admit it...so i guess that is the first step...admitting your mistake....
And the time you are wasting here could have been utilized in remembering GOD.It does not mean we have to pray all the time.Dance is fine JMHO as long as it is not Mujra kind of dance lol.
lol so did i say i am a good muslim PATRIOT lol....ohh yes dance is right cuz u like it...and i guess smoking is ok as well and so is drinking to a certain extent...and so on...so basically whatever you like is ok whatever you don't well THAT CAN'T BE RELIGION...because GOD must be a MAN who understands THE NEED!!! right:)
Naach gaana is very much a part of Pakistani culture. I don't know which "khalota pind" some of you have been to, but naach gana has not been the downfall of Pakistani society.
YOU CAN dance all you want the CREATOR doesn't care....but on the day when you stand infront of him with your list of goods and evils....he will CERTAINLY ask you...so you were dancing away when i CREATED YOU to WORSHIP ME......the time you spent dancing or ARGUING ABOUT DANCING could have been utilized in remembering me

Will he? Is that in the Qu'ran or what makes you so certain?

I see that you have danced my son. Why have you danced so much?
It is fun.
Fun, pah! Down to hell with you!

So he is very petty then. And he doesn't want humans to have fun, huh? And apparently he is very vain too?
"...created to worship him". Kinda like what Kim Jong Ill wants his people to do/believe. I have to say I am quit appalled by the "dictator of the universe" image of God you seem to believe in..
Why would an omnipotent being be so vain and petty? and why would he not like some of the things he himself created, like the ability to dance.. weird.
I mean nobody is hurt by dancing, but God gets mad?

guys what is wrong with US we are bickering about petty things when if all of you believe in a GOD...who you are answerable to shouldn't you be REMEMBERING HIM...THANKING HIM...rather then arguing about if this is right or wrong....

Or you could do something useful.. like studying to help your community/country or work for your family/yourself.
Instead of wasting time praising a supposedly all-powerful entity which really couldn't imaginably give a damn about one human insect of billions on one planet of hundreds of billions saying what the insect choose to be his name...

If God "wanted" us to pray and praise all the time, humans would have a natural urge to do it, don't you think?
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Naach gaana is very much a part of Pakistani culture. I don't know which "khalota pind" some of you have been to, but naach gana has not been the downfall of Pakistani society.

... well none said dance and music not allowed in Pakistan, but in Islam. well thats another blame some people put on those who are good followers and have respect for what Almighty and Prophet (PBUH) taught us, that they are paindu or mullah, coz they seems to believe that now a days its the easiest way to put others down and strangely people will accept his blames without knowing the facts, just like when they were destroying Iraq, bombed innocent Gazans with banned chemical weapons... first they use fundamentalists, then extremists, terrorists and now words like taliban or alqaida contains all the evils exist in the world

there are many among us those who simply do not want to follow certain things Almighty expect from us because they personally dont feel comfortable in it, and that how jews used to argue with HIM though they were most blessed nation ever by HIM but due to their attitude they are now most hated, and for those who think christian like them... i must say if that is the case Israel would have been created somewhere in eastern europe.

so we must not do things without having proper knowledge and dont argue against ALLAH's will. regarding this issue topic, I think music (within limits of modesty) is only allowed in weddings, i am not sure about dance but surely that also be allowed in certain occasions and of course within limits. can someone enlighten us please.

may ALLAH bless us and show us the right way
IMO god does not hold grudges against you....god is the infinite...not like you and me.
and by dancing and singing you enjoy the world he created.
cus just as it is natural to cry and moan when you feel pained...or crying when you are sad and unhappy...dancing and singing is your response to feel the joy that god bestows upon you in your life.
IMO god does not hold grudges against you....god is the infinite...not like you and me.
and by dancing and singing you enjoy the world he created.
cus just as it is natural to cry and moan when you feel pained...or crying when you are sad and unhappy...dancing and singing is your response to feel the joy that god bestows upon you in your life.

God has sent his mankind to test who do the good work and who does bad.

Something like this is the verse of the Holy Qur'an from Surah Mulk, and if God has given you power to anything, he has put some restrictions to see if you truly love him or cross the boundaries.

Now next time you can say come on, God has so many other things to do so you are argueing about eating a Pork, next time you may argue by saying god is not going to ask you if you prayed or not but help the needy peoples etc. This is the wrong way and so is the dance

If GOD has given you the power to eat then he prohibited the Pork too to test you

If the god has given the body, do not over-use it by dancing in group of male and females. This leads to evil and wickedness and we have discussed that in previous posts

Here in this world we are giving a test so lets not discuss what GOD has decided us for us and why he prohibited above mentioned stuff

Have fun
. .
And what wrong with that ???? do you have a reason or just said this - because u felt like hearing a few curse from them ?

If there is nothing wrong with such worship, why would I be cursed for pointing it out.

SEcondly, you must remember, my post was a retort to what i regard a provacative remark.

I admit I did not like making that remark myself, and it was alien to me, however I do not take to condescending attitudes.

The Qur'aan teaches us not to abuse those gods worshiped by other faiths, in case what we worship is abused in retaliation. Another way of saying live and let live.

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